Seed predation by rodents in northwest Yunnan Province
摘要: 在滇西北2种生境类型中对54种被捕食的植物种子进行了为期2 a的比较研究,探讨不同植物种类、种子密度、生境和年份等因素对种子被捕食强度的影响。结果表明:①2005年的种子平均被捕食率为17.4%,要显著低于2006年的种子被捕食率(66.6%)(P<0.001);②种子在低干扰生境中的被捕食率为46.2%,要显著高于高干扰生境中的33.9%(P<0.001);③种子在高低2种密度情况下的被捕食率无显著差异,分别为40.3%和39.8%(P = 0.519);④种子的被捕食强度存在显著的种间差异(P<0.001),但种子长度和百粒质量与种子被捕食强度无显著相关性(P>0.05);⑤2006年,种皮硬度对捕食强度的影响显著(P = 0.007),但在2005年无显著影响(P = 0.325)。表2参34Abstract: To determine the possible effects of plant species, seed density, habitat, and time on seed predation, a survey was conducted for two years on seed predation of 54 species in two habitats of northwest Yunnan Province. Artificial seed deposition were conducted in the field to collect the seed predation data. At each habitat in both years, the sample size for each density level per species was 30, i.e. 5 replications in each of the 6 experimental days. Results demonstrated that (1) the average seed predation rate in 2005 (17.4%) was much lower than in 2006 (66.6%) (ANOVA, P<0.001). Also, (2) seeds suffered much more predation in the less disturbed habitats (46.2%) than in the heavily disturbed habitats (33.9%) (ANOVA, P<0.001), but (3) seeds suffered similar predation in both high (40.3%) and low densities (39.8%) (ANOVA, P = 0.519). (4) Seed predation rates strongly differed among species(ANOVA, P<0.001) with no relationships being found between seed length/weight and seed predation (Spearmans rank correlation, P>0.05). Finally, (5) effects of seed coat hardness on seed predation existed in 2006 (ANOVA, P = 0.007), but not in 2005 (ANOVA, P = 0.325). From our results, it seems that seed predation by rodents may be affected by varied factors which should be more considered in the future studies. [Ch, 2 tab. 34 ref.]
Key words:
- zoology /
- rodent /
- seed predation /
- seed trait /
- Yunnan Province

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