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Cloning and analysis of tissue-specific expression patterns of ThMYBPAR gene in Tetrastigma hemsleyanum
WANG Ziyue, YANG Feng, WANG Hongyan, XING Qiaoyue, BAI Yan
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240459
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  Objective  Flavonoids are essential components that determine the quality of Tetrastigma hemsleyanum. This study aims to investigate the regulatory role of the ThMYBPAR gene in flavonoid biosynthesis in both the tuberous root and leaves of T. hemsleyanum, thereby providing a theoretical foundation for understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying quality formation in this plant species.   Method  The tuberous root and leaves of three-year-old T. hemsleyanum plants were analyzed by determining their concent of proanthocyanidins, total flavonoids, and antioxidant capacity. Primers were designed for the cloning of the ThMYBPAR gene. The sequence characteristics and evolutionary relationships of the ThMYBPAR protein were assessed through bioinformatics analysis. Additionally, the expression patterns of the ThMYBPAR gene in both tuberous root and leaves were examined using real time fluorescence quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR), alongside an investigation into the correlation between ThMYBPAR gene expression levels and flavonoid content.   Result  The concent of total flavonoids and proanthocyanidins in the tuberous root were 0.55 and 1.77 g·L−1respectively, which were significantly higher than those in the leaves (P<0.05). Moreover, the ABTS free radical scavenging rate of the tuberous root extract reached 90%, indicating notable differences in the quality of herbal material between the tuberous root and leaf samples. Previous transcriptomic analyses had demonstrated that the ThMYBPAR gene, which consisted of 888 bp and encoded a protein comprising 310 amino acids, showed a significant degree of similarity to the VvMYBPAR gene found in grapevines (Vitis vinifera). The protein contained distinctive DNA-binding functional domains, R2 and R3, and was classified within the R2R3-MYB transcription factor subfamily 5, with a preferential localization in the nucleus. RT-qPCR analysis revealed that the expression of the ThMYBPAR gene was primarily detected in the tubers of T. hemsleyanum, exhibiting a positive correlation with the concent of total flavonoids and proanthocyanidins (P<0.01).  Conclusion  The ThMYBPAR gene plays a crucial role in the regulation of proanthocyanidin synthesis in T. hemsleyanum. The differential expression levels of ThMYBPAR in the tuberous root and leaves may account for the observed variations in quality between these two plant parts. [Ch, 5 fig. 2 tab. 21 ref.]
Estimation of fine dead fuel load based on Random Forest Model
LIU Shihao, HU Wen, YANG Yanggu, YANG Shengnan, XU Yun, ZHANG Jiayang
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240386
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  Objective  The objective is to study the estimation method and spatial distribution of fine dead fuel load on the ground surface.   Method  Based on remote sensing data and field survey results, a Random Forest Model was employed to estimate the land surface fine dead fuel load in 172 standard plots of arboreal forests and bamboo forests in Anhua County, Hunan Province, and the importance of each factor in the estimation process was analyzed.   Result  (1) The Random Forest Model had high accuracy in estimating the surface fine dead fuel load. The determination coefficients (R²) on the training set and validation set were 0.930 and 0.724 respectively, and the root mean square errors were 0.2623 and 0.4166 t·hm−2 respectively, both of which passed the confidence test at 0.01 level. (2)There were significant differences in the importance of each factor in the estimation process, and the importance index ranking from the largest to the smallest was vegetation type factor (39.95%), stand factor (7.23%), terrain factor (3.91%) and spectral feature index factor (3.82%). (3) The surface fine dead fuel load in Anhua County was 1.18−6.19 t·hm−2, and the areas with high fuel load were mainly concentrated in Jiangnan Town, Tianzhuang Township, Malu Town, Yanxi Town, Le’an Town, Meicheng Town, and Taoxi Town.   Conclusion  The Random Forest Model can be well applied to estimate the surface fine dead fuel load, and can provide a reliable method for regional forest management and conservation, as well as for forest fire risk mitigation. [Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 31 ref.]
Detection of the contents kinsenoside and it’s isomer, endogenous hormones in Anoectochilus roxburghii
LI Lulu, ZHU Zhibin, LI Shuikun, FANG Jieyun, BAI Yan, FANG Li, TOU Lingjuan, ZHOU Xiaojun, WANG Hongzhen
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240435
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  Objective  Kinsenoside is a characteristic active ingredient of Anoectochilus roxburghii, and it’s isomer is impurity that is extremely difficult to remove during kinsenoside preparation process.   Method  Kinsenoside and it’s isomer contents in whole plant, root, stem and leaf of ‘Jianye’, ‘Hongxia’, ‘Daye’, and ‘Xiaoye’ cultivars were detected using HPLC-ELSD, and their accumulation pattern were also analyzed. The contents of endogenous IAA, ABA, and SA were detected using HPLC-PDA, and correlation coefficient of kinsenoside and these hormones accumulation pattern were also analyzed using Pearson correlation analysis.   Result  Kinsenoside contents (2.84 to 3.81 mg·g−1) were varied in 4 cultivars of A.roxburghii, and that was the highest in ‘Daye’, moderate in ‘Xiaoye’ and ‘Jianye’, and the lowest in ‘Hongxia’. Kinsenoside accumulated predominantly in aerial parts, and it’s content was slighter higher than that in stem. Meanwhile, the content of it’s isomer were very low in all cultivars (0.14 to 0.50 mg·g−1) and it exclusively accumulated in root. Kinsenoside and it’s isomer simultaneously detected in the protocorm like bodies (PLBs) of ‘Hongxia’, and kinsenoside content was almost equal to that of the whole plant. Kinsenoside was detected in PLBs in ‘Jianye’, and it’s content was higher than that whole plant, while there is no it’s isomer was detected in PLBs of ‘Jianye’. Kinsenoside and IAA in a polar manner in the stem of all 4 cultivars were positive correlated. Meanwhile kinsenoside and SA accumulation pattern were positively correlated ‘Xiaoye’, ‘Hongxia’ and ‘Jianye’ cultivars. Kinsenoside accumulation pattern hanged with the IAA accumulation pattern after TIBA treatment. These results showed that kinsenoside biosynthesis may be regulated by endogenous IAA accumulation.   Conclusion  This study identified the distribution patterns of Kinsenoside and it’s isomer in A. roxburghii. Kinsenoside specificity was distributed in the aboveground part, while the isomer was distributed in the roots. No isomer of kinsenoside was detected in PLBs of ‘Jianye’. The aboveground part or the PLBs with ‘Jianye’ can be used as a high quality drug source to produce high quality clematiside at low cost. There is a positive correlation between kinsenoside and the endogenous IAA accumulation, which either positively regulates the synthesis of kinsenoside, or can regulate the synthesis of kinsenoside by changing the endogenous IAA synthesis. [Ch, 3 fig. 4 tab. 31 ref.]
Effect of glycosylation modification on structure and functional properties of walnut peptides
LIAO Yanchao, LIU Yan, ZHANG Juncheng, MIN Weihong
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240621
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  Objective  This study aimed to explore the effects of the Maillard reaction between walnut peptides (WP) and carbohydrates under dry heat conditions on the structural modifications before and after the reaction. It also analyzed the functional characteristics such as antioxidant activity and thermal stability before and after the Maillard reaction, providing a theoretical basis for walnut peptides application in the food industry.   Method  The Maillard reaction between walnut peptides and arabinoxylan (AX) or xylo-oligosaccharides (XOS) was conducted using dry heat. The degree of grafting and the browning index were used to reflect the extent of glycosylation. The impacts of different carbohydrates on the molecular weight, microstructure, particle size, thermal stability, and antioxidant activity of walnut peptides were measured.   Result  Arabinoxylan is a high-molecular-weight polysaccharide mainly composed of arabinose and xylulose, while walnut peptides are primarily composed of peptide fragments less than 2 000 Da. After glycosylation with arabinoxylan, the content of oligopeptides increased, whereas it decreased when reacting with xylo-oligosaccharides. The average particle size of the Maillard products of walnut peptides decreased, while the total and free thiol contents increased, leading to a more disordered and loose structure. Furthermore, both thermal stability and antioxidant activity improved.   Conclusion  Glycosylation is beneficial for improving the structure and functional properties of walnut peptides, and can enhance the feasibility of their application in the food industry. [Ch, 7 fig. 2 tab. 45 ref.]
Eco-hydrological effects of litter layer in typical plantations forests in central Yunnan
SONG Guocang, YAN Shilin, YU Fuke, MAO Chuanliang, YU Xiao, YANG Yao, HUANG Xinhui
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240399
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  Objective  Quantitatively evaluate the eco-hydrological effects of litter layer of typical plantations in central Yunnan, is aimed to provide theoretical basis for plantation water storage capacity and realizing forest ecosystem sustainable management.   Method  With 3 typical plantations (over-matured Eucalyptus benthamil, over-matured Pinus armandii, medium-aged E. benthamil) selected as the research objects, field investigation, indoor immersion experiment, water loss experiment and laboratory rainfall simulation experimental analysis was conducted of the eco-hydrological effects in plantation.   Result  (1) The total litter stocks range of typical plantations in central Yunnan is 13.07−16.84 t·hm−2, and over-matured P. armandii>medium-aged E. benthamil>over-matured E. benthamil. The total thickness of over-matured Eucalyptus benthamil in the 3 kinds of plantation forests was significantly greater than that of medium-aged E. benthamil. (2) The natural moisture content of litter in three types of plantations ranged from 42.28%−78.51%. Both indoor soaking experiments and artificial rainfall simulation tests demonstrated that the water-holding capacity of the litter, and over-matured P. armandii>medium-aged E. benthamil>over-matured E. benthamil. The impact of rainfall intensity on the litter's water-holding performance was not significant. (3) The cumulative water uptake (loss) of litter in each forest type was a logarithmic function with time, and the rate of water uptake (loss) was a power function with time. (4) The 3 typical stands water loss process of litter was a change process from rapid water loss to slow water loss and then to gradual non-water loss, which better reflected the water holding capacity of litter.   Conclusion  The results of laboratory rainfall simulation and litter indoor immersion experiments were consistent, the natural water content and water-holding (interception) performance of the over-matured E. benthamil are the minimum. Based on the water holding capacity and evaporation of litter of 3 typical plantations in central Yunnan, it is suggested that the area of over-matured Eucalyptus spp. forest should be appropriately reduced and the planting proportion of P. armandii should be increased from the aspect of water conservation. [Ch, 5 fig. 3 tab. 29 ref.]
Ecological niche and interspecific association of dominant tree species in Machilus and Phoebe forest in Jiande, Zhejiang Province
HUANG Hao, WU Wenxiao, LÜ Jiangbo, XU Yonghong, FAN Jianzhong, WU Jiasen
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240378
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  Objective  The objective is to analyze the ecological niche and interspecific relationship of Machilus and Phoebe forest in Jiande Forest Park, home to the largest existing natural Machilus and Phoebe forest in Asia, so as to provide theoretical basis for its protection, population restoration and near-nature management.   Method  Based on the survey data of 1 hm2 sample plot in July 2023, the ecological niche and interspecific association of 19 dominant tree species with important values≥1% were examined, including M. pauhoi, M. leptophylla, M. thunbergii, and P. sheareri, through species composition, niche breadth, niche overlap index, χ2 test, variance ratio method, interspecific association coefficient, and co-occurrence percentage.  Result  (1) M. pauhoi had the highest important value (23.44%), and was the constructive species of the community. The important values of M. leptophylla, M. thunbergii, and P. sheareri were 1.20%−1.80%, ranking after the 12th place. (2) In the sample plots, there was a high niche overlap between M. pauhoi and other dominant tree species, among which the ecological niche overlap value with M. leptophylla was as high as 0.87. The niche overlap values between M. leptophylla, M. thunbergii, P. sheareri, and other tree species were relatively small, ranging from 0.10 to 0.50. (3) There was a significant positive correlation (P<0.05) among the dominant trees in Machilus and Phoebe forest in Jiande. The χ2 test, interspecific association coefficient, and percentage of co-occurrence revealed that there was a strong correlation between M. pauhoi and 18 dominant tree species, while the correlation between M. leptophylla, M. thunbergii, and P. sheareri and the dominant tree species was weak. (4) Regression analysis showed that interspecific association coefficient, and percentage of co-occurrence of the main dominant tree species were significantly positively correlated with the ecological niche overlap value (P<0.01).   Conclusion  The species of Machilus and Phoebe forest in Jiande are relatively independently distributed and in the middle stage of succession, with loose interspecific relationship. Appropriate measures such as selective logging and understory replanting can be taken to achieve long-term stable growth of Machilus and Phoebe trees. [Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 33 ref.]
Screening, metabolic pathway analysis and fermentation condition optimization of a high-yielding strain of indoleacetic acid from earthworm compost
GUO Changjian, YU Kefei, ZHENG Zhanwang
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240426
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  Objective  This study aims to screen a high-yielding indoleacetic acid strain from earthworm compost, and optimize its fermentation parameters to increase indoleacetic acid yield, so as to provide reference for enriching indoleacetic acid producing resource pool and preparing high-quality bacterial fertilizers.   Method  Salkowski colorimetric method combined with high-performance liquid chromatography was used to screen high-yielding strains of indoleacetic acid, and the target strains were identified through 16S rRNA sequence analysis. The metabolites of the target strains were analyzed by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, and the synthesis pathway of indoleacetic acid was explored based on metabolomics analysis. Single factor experiments were performed to optimize the fermentation parameters of the target strains for producing indoleacetic acid. The effect of the target strains on promoting seed germination was evaluated through seed germination experiments.   Result  A new strain with high indoleacetic acid yield of 39.99 mg·L−1was isolated from earthworm compost. It was identified as Bacillus sp. by 16S rRNA sequencing analysis and named GA2022. The optimum fermentation parameters for producing indoleacetic acid from strain GA2022 were incubation time 36 h, inoculum amount 2% (v/v), NaCl concentration 20 g·L−1, initial pH 8, L-tryptophan concentration 3.0 g·L−1, and incubation temperature 40 ℃. Under these optimal conditions, the indoleacetic acid yield of strain GA2022 could reach 204.25 mg·L−1, which was 410.75% higher than that before optimization. The results of mass spectrometry showed that this strain might possess 3 indoleacetic acid synthesis pathways, namely indole-3-acetamide pathway, indole-3-pyruvate pathway, and indole-3-ethanol pathway. The strain could promote the seed germination of Brassica rapa var. chinensis.   Conclusion  A high-yielding indoleacetic acid strain GA2022 is obtained from earthworm compost. The simultaneous coexistence of 3 indoleacetic acid synthesis pathways endows it with high indoleacetic acid production capacity and saline-alkali tolerance. [Ch, 7 fig. 1 tab. 31 ref.]
Nutrient release characteristics of bagged controlled-release fertilizer in Lei bamboo forest and its effect on bamboo shoot yield
ZHOU Dixuan, GUI Renyi, LEI Ji, WU Bin, DENG Shixin
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240219
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  Objective  Bag controlled release fertilizer has the characteristics of wrapping the fertilizer and controlling the nutrient release through biodegradable materials. The study of bag controlled release fertilizer for Lei bamboo (Phyllostachys violascens) forests was carried out in order to reduce the loss of fertilizers and improve the nutrient utilization rate, which in turn increased the yield of Lei bamboo shoots.   Method  Twelve experimental plots of Lei bamboo forest were randomly selected, and four treatments were set up, namely, bag controlled release fertilizer, spreading compound fertilizer, hole-applied compound fertilizer, and no fertilizer (the control) with each treatment replicated for three times. The differences in nutrient loss, fertilizer utilization, and bamboo shoot yield among different treatments were analyzed by determining the indexes such as ammonia volatilization, the changes of N, P, and K contents of runoff and seepage liquid, and the changes in the appearance and quality of bagged controlled-release fertilizer under different treatments.   Result  Bag controlled-release fertilizer significantly reduced soil ammonia volatilization as well as nutrients lost by runoff leakage, in which the cumulative ammonia volatilization of bag controlled release fertilizer treatments was reduced by 35.5% and 40.5% compared to sprinkled compound fertilizer and hole-applied compound fertilizer, respectively. The amount of total nitrogen, total phosphorus and total potassium in the soil leachate of bagged controlled-release fertilizers was reduced by 33.9%−40.3%, 41.3%−45.1% and 36.7%−39.7%, respectively, compared with that of sprinkler-applied fertilizers and hole-applied fertilizers. Bagged controlled-release fertilizers reduced the amount of total nitrogen and phosphorus in soil runoff liquid by 22.8% to 29.2% and 36.4% to 44.3%, respectively, compared to spreading fertilizers and hole-applied compound fertilizers. And the fertilizer efficacy period of bagged controlled-release fertilizer in Lei bamboo forest was about 5.0 months, and the time of complete release of fertilizer was 6.5 months. The release rate of bagged controlled-release fertilizer was slower in the early stage of application, and the rate of release reached the maximum in the 2nd−3rd month after the application of fertilizer. The apparent utilization rate of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in the bag controlled-release fertilizer treatment was greater than that in the spreading compound fertilizer treatment, in which the apparent utilization rate of nitrogen was increased by 27.74%, which was 2.89 times higher than that in the spreading compound fertilizer treatment. The shoot yield of bag controlled-release fertilizer treatment reached 14.7 t·hm−2, which was 62.1% and 25.8% higher than that of the control and spreading compound fertilizer treatment, respectively.   Conclusion  Bag-controlled release fertilizer effectively enhance the shoot yield of Lei bamboo and the efficiency of fertilizer utilization, while concurrently mitigating nutrient loss and environmental pollution. [Ch, 6 fig. 3 tab. 34 ref.]
Research progress on classification, variation mechanism and application value of plant leaf color mutants
ZHOU Xiawen, SHI Congguang, ZHOU Fangwei, XU Liang, YANG Shaozong, HE Qiuling
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240397
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Leaf color variation in plants is a common and easily recognized phenomenon in nature, which affects the photosynthetic efficiency of plants and leads to poor growth, so it was once considered to be an undesirable variation and gradually eliminated. But in recent years, social advancements and increased demand for ornamental landscaping have brought renewed attention to leaf color mutants. Leaf color mutants are generally regulated at the molecular level, resulting in abnormal chloroplast structure, inhibited photosynthesis, and abnormal pigment synthesis and metabolic pathways. Therefore, they serve as ideal materials for studying pigment metabolism, chloroplast development and differentiation, photosynthesis, and related pathways, and can also provide important information for variety improvement. This paper reviews the research progress of leaf color mutants in recent years, and clarifies that leaf color mutants in higher plants mainly come from natural mutation and artificial mutation. Leaf color mutants can be divided into several types based on color, such as yellowing, yellow green, green yellow, green white, albino, light green, white emerald, stripe and so on. According to the way of leaf color change, leaf color mutants can be divided into monochromatic mutation, variegated mutation and stage chlorosis. Its inheritance mode is generally divided into nuclear inheritance, cytoplasmic inheritance and nucleocytoplasmic interaction inheritance. Compared with normal green leaf plants, the net photosynthetic rate, stomatal conductance, transpiration rate of most leaf color mutants decrease, so does the utilization rate of carbon dioxide. Mutations in genes related to synthesis and metabolism of chlorophyll, carotenoids, and flavonoids (particularly anthocyanins), as well as genes involved in chloroplast differentiation and development, can explain the molecular mechanism underlying leaf color mutants. Leaf color mutants can be applied in landscaping and widely used in basic research and breeding as excellent experimental materials. The findings of this review can provide theoretical reference for further research on leaf color variation. [Ch, 112 ref.]
Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric characteristics and driving factors: a review
GAO Ziying, WANG Haiyan, ZHANG Yifan
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240564
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Soil carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) stoichiometric characteristics are indicators to characterize the composition of soil organic matter and nutrient availability, which play a key role in understanding the carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycle in soil and the balance of ecosystem. However, the current research on the specific effects of each driving factor on soil stoichiometric characteristics needs to be further strengthened. By analyzing the annual publications and research hotspots in the field of soil ecological stoichiometry home and abroad in the past 15 years, we discussed the changes of soil ecological stoichiometric characteristics in 4 parts: biological factors (plant, soil microorganism and soil animal), natural environmental factors (geological hazard, topography and soil parent material), global climate change factors (climate warming, extreme weather, nitrogen deposition, acid rain) and human activity (land use pattern). The driving factors of the change of soil ecological stoichiometric ratios were discussed, and the law and internal mechanism of the change of soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometric ratios were expounded. The results showed that plant, soil microorganism, soil animal and their interactions jointly drive soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus cycle. Soil animals affect microbial community structure through feeding and thus influence soil carbon turnover. The complexity of microbial community regulates soil C-N-P coupling. Geological disasters disturb the balance of soil stoichiometry through nutrient loss and decreased microbial activity. Topography, climate warming and extreme climate indirectly affect soil stoichiometry by changing water and heat conditions, whereas the mineral composition and structure of parent material directly regulate soil C∶N∶P. Nitrogen deposition and acid rain affect plant growth and soil microbial activity through soil acidification and nutrient loss and thus change soil C-N-P stoichiometry. Land use patterns directly or indirectly affect soil stoichiometry through agricultural management and vegetation cover. Environmental factors affect soil C-N-P stoichiometry through biotic factors, directly or indirectly, but with uncertain direction and degree. Further study should pay attention to the synergistic effect of multiple factors and multi-path regulation mechanism so as to provide a reference for soil nutrient management and ecosystem stability in the context of global change. [Ch, 3 fig. 70 ref.]
Biotic and abiotic mechanisms of the impact of forest restoration on soil N2O emissions
YANG Shengqiu, WANG Shaojun, XIA Jiahui, LI Rui, LUO Shuang, LAN Mengjie, GUO Xiaofei, XIE Lingling, WANG Zhengjun, XIAO Bo, GUO Zhipeng, ZHANG Ye
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240375
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Nitrous oxide (N2O) is the third most important greenhouse gas next to carbon dioxide and methane. Forest restoration may mediate the changes in plant-soil biological-physicochemical environment, and thereby significantly affect the dynamics of soil N2O emissions. It is of great scientific significance to explore the biotic and abiotic mechanisms of the impact of forest restoration on soil N2O emissions. In this study, four microbial pathways (autotrophic nitrification, heterotrophic nitrification, biological denitrification and nitrifying bacterial denitrification) of N2O produced from forest soil were reviewed. The regulation mechanisms of biotic factors (litter, root biomass, root exudates, soil microorganisms and animal communities) and abiotic factors (climate type, temperature, moisture, pH, carbon pool, as well as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium pools) affecting soil N2O emissions during forest restoration were discussed. At present, research about the effect of forest restoration on soil N2O emissions mainly focuses on the analysis of single-factor mechanism, while there is a relative lack of research on the mechanism of multi-factor coupling in regulating the direction, intensity and dynamics of forest soil N2O emissions. Future research on the regulatory mechanism of greenhouse gas emissions from forest soil should focus on the synergistic direct or indirect effects of multiple factors of “plant-microbial-soil fauna-physicochemical environment” under the background of global climate change intensification, so as to provide key theoretical support for accurately predicting the impact of forest restoration on global climate change. [Ch, 91 ref.]
Physiological characteristics of Lagerstroemia indica flowers in opening process
CHEN Mengmeng, ZHAO Yu, BAI Mingzhu, YU Mengxin, GU Cuihua
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240347
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  Objective  The study of physiological characteristics of Lagerstroemia indica flowers during the opening process provides reference for further floral regulation.   Method  This study took the petals of L. indica in different periods of flower opening as experimental materials, and investigated the physiological and biochemical changes, including cell morphology change, cell relative water content, carbohydrate content and endogenous hormone content. The correlations between the indicators were analyzed by Pearson detection method.   Result  According to the phenological observation, the single flower opening process can be divided into 4 periods: tight bud stage (S1), flower bud expansion stage (S2), early blooming stage (S3) and full blooming stage (S4). Scanning electron microscope observation showed that the upper and lower epidermal cells of the petals gradually expanded during flower opening, and there were undulating, striped and radial patterns on the cell surface with the progress of flower opening, and the area of the lower epidermal cells was larger than the area of the upper epidermis in each stage. The relative water content of petals, sepals and the whole bract/whole flower showed an overall increasing trend, the total soluble sugar content also showed an overall increasing trend, and the starch content showed an increasing and then decreasing trend. Abscisic acid (ABA) content was relatively low and changed steadily, the content of auxin (IAA) and gibberellin (GA3) was low and the overall expression trend was different, the content of zeatin riboside (ZR) was higher and the change was larger, and the ratio of ZR/ABA was larger and the change was large. Correlation analysis showed highly significant positive correlation (P<0.01) between the 9 indicators, significant negative correlation (P<0.05) between starch content and sucrose content, and non-significant correlation between starch content and other indicators.   Conclusion  During the opening process of L. indica, accompanied by significant changes in the morphology of the upper and lower epidermal cells of the petals, increase in relative water content of floral cells, rise in carbohydrate content and dynamic adjustment of endogenous hormone content, these changes jointly promoted the normal opening of L. indica flowers. [Ch, 6 fig. 1 tab. 33 ref.]
Regional differentiation patterns of common functional traits of Salix matsudana in precipitation gradient zones
GUO Meimiao, ZHANG Bona, TANG Luyao, YE Linfeng, XIE Jiangbo, WANG Zhongyuan
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240505
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  Objective  The objective is to analyze the variation characteristics and driving factors of functional traits of Salix matsudana, a common species distributed along the precipitation gradient, and reveal the adaptation mechanism and potential of S. matsudana under climate change.  Method  From July to September 2021, taking the transect from southeast to northwest of China as its research platform, 10 sampling points were selected along the precipitation gradient in Xuancheng, Xinyang, Sanmenxia, Tongchuan, Qingyang, Wuzhong, Jinchang, Zhangye, Jiuquan, and Hami. The common species of S. matsudana was used as the target plant and 16 functional traits including leaf mass per area (ALM), Huber value (Hv), and maximum net photosynthetic rate per unit mass (Amass) were measured. One-way ANOVA and plant trait network were used to explore the variation characteristics and adaptation strategies of S. matsudana in the precipitation gradient. The main climatic factors driving trait variation were further revealed by hierarchical partitioning method.   Result  (1) There were regional differences in functional traits of S. matsudana. Amass, Hv and ALM all reached extreme values under moderate rainfall. Amass and Hv in semi-humid and semi-arid regions were significantly higher than those in humid and arid regions (P<0.05), while ALM was the opposite, significantly lower in semi-humid and semi-arid regions than in humid and arid regions (P<0.05). (2) S. matsudana exhibited higher resource utilization efficiency in semi-humid and semi-arid regions with more favorable conditions, where the average path length was shorter, and the average clustering coefficient and edge density were higher. The average path length in descending order was as follows: arid region (2.124), humid region (2.013), semi-humid region (1.838), and semi-arid region (1.681). The average clustering coefficient from high to low was semi-arid region (0.750), semi-humid region (0.700), arid region (0.576), and humid region (0.505). The semi-humid region had the highest edge density, which was 0.400, followed by the semi-arid region at 0.325. (3) The contribution rate of climatic factors to the variation of the overall functional traits of S. matsudana along precipitation gradient from high to low was as follows: mean annual precipitation (21.57%), photosynthetically active radiation during the growing season (19.73%), and mean temperature during the growing season (11.94%), totalling 53.24%.  Conclusion  Precipitation change is the main climatic factor driving the regional differentiation of functional traits of S. matsudana. [Ch, 4 fig. 3 tab. 40 ref.]
Spatial distribution pattern and correlation of main tree species in deciduous broad-leaved forest in Tianma National Nature Reserve
TAO Tao, GUANG Taijun, HUANG Qingfeng, TANG Xuehai, OU Qiangxin, LIU Hua
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240486
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  Objective  This study aims to explore the spatial distribution pattern and correlation of the major tree species in deciduous broad-leaved forests in the transition zone from northern margin of subtropical zone to warm temperate zone in China.   Method  Taking the deciduous broad-leaved forest of Tianma National Nature Reserve as research object, the adjacent grid method was used to divide the forest into nine 24 m × 24 m sample plots. The names and spatial coordinates of tree species with diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 2.5 cm in the sample plots were recorded. The major tree species were determined based on their important values. The spatial distribution pattern and correlation of major tree species were analyzed by using spatial point pattern O-ring function, complete spatial stochastic zero model, and heterogeneous Poisson zero model.   Result  There were 27 species belonging to 20 genera and 17 families in Mazongling area of Tianma National Nature Reserve, with Quercus serrata and Castanea seguinii as dominant species, and Platycarya strobilacea as subdominant species. The diameter structure of trees showed an inverted “J”-type distribution. The spatial pattern results showed that the dominant tree species were initially clustered in 0−30 m scale, and gradually tended to be irregular and random with the increase of the scale. The spatial correlation analysis revealed that there was no significant correlation among the three dominant tree species (i.e., Q. glandulifera var. brevipetiolata, C. seguinii, and P. strobilacea). However, there was some correlation among the three dominant species and their companion tree species at a certain scale.   Conclusion  The community type is typical heterogeneous forests of Quercus spp. and P. strobilacea deciduous broad-leaved forests. Q. serrata forest regeneration was better and had an increasing trend, while the regeneration of C. seguinii and P. strobilacea forests was poor and the growth trend was not obvious. With the succession of the community, the light-loving and slightly shade-tolerant species will gradually replace the light-loving species. [Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 35 ref.]
Preparation of bamboo carbon quantum dots and their application in fluorescence anti-counterfeiting
LIU Yan, LI Rongrong
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240361
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  Objective  The objective is to achieve a green method for the preparation of bamboo carbon quantum dots and to improve the utilization efficiency and added value of waste biomass materials.   Method  Fluorescent carbon quantum dots were prepared by a one-step hydrothermal method using bamboo waste materials (bamboo septa) as the initial carbon source and water as the solvent. The micro-morphology, chemical structure and optical properties of the carbon quantum dots of bamboo septa were characterized and analyzed by means of transmission electron microscopy, X-ray diffraction, infrared spectrometry, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, UV-visible photometry and fluorescence spectroscopy.   Result  The shape of the prepared carbon quantum dots had a near-circular shape, with a size distribution of 0−1.6 nm. The absolute fluorescence quantum yield was 6.85%, and they had excellent fluorescence properties, with a blue fluorescence under a 365 nm ultraviolet lamp.   Conclusion  The prepared carbon quantum dots aqueous solution is environmentally friendly and has good performance, which can be further optimized for application in the field of fluorescence anti-counterfeiting of wood materials such as furniture wood products and artificial boards. [Ch. 7 fig. 35 ref.]
Response of yield and tetrahydropalmatine content of Corydalis yanhusuo to canopy density and litter treatment of Chinese fir forest
WANG Yuqi, ZHANG Qianqian, ZHANG Wenzhuo, YU Yefei, LÜ Qiangfeng, TENG Qiumei, LI Yongchun
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240461
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  Objective  This study, with an investigation into the response of yield and active component accumulation of medicinal plants to the regulation of forest canopy density and litter treatment, is aimed to provide theoretical basis for the regulation of light intensity and nutrient content of medicinal plants in simulated cultivation.   Method  Corydalis yanhusuo, a medicinal plant under Chinese fir (Cunninghamia lanceolata) forest plantation, was first selected as the research object before two-factorial split plot design was employed to explore the impact of three canopy density treatments (high, medium and low) and two litter treatments (i.e., removal and mulching) on the yield and active accumulation component of Corydalis yanhusuo.   Result  The yield of tuber and tetrahydropalmatine content of Corydalis yanhusuo were significantly affected by canopy density, litter and their interaction with the yield decreasing when the litter was removed and the tetrahydropalmatine content increasing with the increase of canopy density. The yield and tetrahydropalmatine content of the three treatments did not show a consistent pattern with the increase of canopy density when litter was covered. According to the radar map, the best planting scheme was to remove litter at low canopy density. Plant biomass, soil organic carbon and soluble nitrogen contents were the important factors affecting tuber yield, while net photosynthetic rate, soil available phosphorus and organic carbon contents were the important factors affecting tetrahydropalmatine content.   Conclusion  The litter removal treatment with low canopy density can significantly increase the tuber yield of Corydalis yanhusuo and maintain the tetrahydropalmatine content. [Ch, 3 fig. 4 tab. 35 ref.]
Chloroplast genome characteristics and molecular marker development of 4 species of Pennisetum
JIANG Zhuanzhuan, CHEN Hong, BAO Hongyan, DAI Yutong
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240371
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  Objective  The objective is to analyze the chloroplast genome characteristics of four published plants in the genus Pennisetum, and to develop corresponding molecular markers. This will provide new insights into the evolutionary and phylogenetic relationships of Pennisetum.   Method  Bioinformatics methods were used to analyze the complete chloroplast genome sequences of four species of Pennisetum published in the NCBI database. The analysis included repeat sequences, codon preferences, polymorphisms, collinearity, and development of simple sequence repeat (SSR) molecular markers.   Result  The chloroplast genome length and GC content of the 4 species of Pennisetum are relatively similar, with a low degree of codon shift. Boundary expansion analysis indicates no significant contraction between different regions. Collinearity analysis shows strong inter-species collinearity among the 4 species of Pennisetum. Phylogenetic analysis based on chloroplast genome sequences reveals that P. flaccidum has the closest phylogenetic relationship with P. glaucum, P. purpureum, and P. alopecuroides. 5 pairs of SSR molecular markers have high practicality in plant species within the genus Pennisetum. Specifically, primer SSR2 is expressed in both P. flaccidium and P. alopecuroides; while primer SSR5 is specifically expressed in P. flaccidum. Additionally, SSR1, SSR3, and SSR4 show high conservatism among all four species in this genus.   Conclusion  This study concludes that the chloroplast genomes of these 4 species are relatively conserved; furthermore, it confirms that genetic relationship between P. flaccidium is closest to those found in P. flaccidum, P. purpureum as well as P. alopecuroides. SSR2 molecular markers are specifically expressed in both P. flaccidium and P. alopecuroides, while SSR5 molecular markers are specifically expressed in P. flaccidum. [Ch,7 fig. 2 teb. 28 ref.]
Community structure and species composition in Dachen Island
YANG Bairun, WU Jiang, GUAN Kaicheng, SHEN Weikang, HONG Xujie, WANG Jiang
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240423
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  Objective  This study, with an exploration of the structure and species composition of the plant community of Dachen Island and its relationships with soil factors, is aimed to provide a scientific basis for its maintenance and management.   Method  Based on the investigation of 15 plots (20 m × 20 m) on Dachen Island and combining with the method of Redundancy Analysis (RDA), a study was conducted of its species composition, diameter structure, community similarity and environmental factors.   Result  The Dachen Island community boasts a record of 34 species of woody plants, which belong to 26 families and 32 genera. The size-class distribution of species individuals was generally inverse J-shaped. The communities dominated by Casuarina equisetifolia had higher value of diversity indexes, while those dominated by Eurya japonica and Ficus erecta had lower value diversity indexes. The communities dominated by E. japonica and Dalbergia odorifera and those dominated by E. japonica and Clerodendrum trichotomum had the highest similarity coefficient, while the community dominated by F. erecta and those dominated by Clerodendrum trichotomum and Celtis sinensis had the lowest similarity coefficient. Furthermore, there was a negative correlation between soil total phosphorus content and community similarity coefficient whereas soil nitrate nitrogen, ammonium nitrogen, and available phosphorus showed a positive correlation with species diversity of communities.   Conclusion  The communities in Dachen Island are primarily dominated by Casuarina equisetifolia, E. japonica and F. erecta, and the soil total phosphorus had a close link with species composition. [Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 30 ref.]
Comprehensive targeted metabolomic analysis of fruit stalks in two species of Hovenia plants
YING Junhui, PAN Wenwen, ZHANG Hua, ZHOU Shengcai, LIN Yan, ZHANG Junhong, CHEN Shitong
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240429
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  Objective  This study aims to clarify the metabolite differences in the fruit stalks of Hovenia acerba and H. trichocarpavar var. robusta, and lay a foundation for the development and utilization of Hovenia plants.   Method  Through a comprehensive targeted metabolomics approach of high-performance liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (HPLC-MS/MS), the differences in metabolites and metabolic pathways in the fruit stalks of H. acerba and H. trichocarpa var. robusta were analyzed.   Result  A total of 1810 metabolites were detected in the fruit stalks of the two Hovenia species, of which 782 metabolites showed significant differences (P<0.05). Compared with the fruit stalks of H. acerba, there were 378 up-regulated differential metabolites and 404 down-regulated differential metabolites in the fruit stalks of H. trichocarpa var. robusta, and the relative contents of tannin and quinone metabolites were significantly down-regulated. The differential metabolites in the fruit stalks of the two Hovenia species were primarily enriched in the biosynthetic pathways of phenylalanine compounds, flavonoids, and isoquinoline alkaloids. Among them, the extremely significant differential metabolites included alkaloid substances such as ligustroside, N-methylligustroside and methylcoclaurine, as well as flavonoids like naringin, naringin chalcone, and 2’,3,4,4’,6’-pentahydroxy chalcone.   Conclusion  There are significant differences in the metabolic profiles of the fruit stalks of the two Hovenia species under the same ecological conditions, especially the relative content of alkaloids and flavonoids with medicinal value and high sweetness. [Ch, 7 fig. 1 tab. 41 ref.]
Effect of temperature on the activity of four enzymes in Heterolocha jinyinhuaphaga
XIANG Yuyong, ZHANG Yan, TAO Cuiling
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240471
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  Objective  The objective is to investigate the effect of temperature on enzyme activity in Heterolocha jinyinhuaphaga.   Method  The experimental insects were collected from Sanjie Town, Chuzhou City in Anhui Province and reared in a laboratory. The photoperiod was 14 h of daylight and 10 h of darkness, and the relative humidity was 70%. The activity of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH), peroxidase (POD), carboxylesterase (CarE) and acid phosphate (ACP) was measured in larvae, pupae, female and male moths of H. jinyinhuaphaga at different temperatures (16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, and 34 ℃).   Result  There were differences in the activity of four enzymes in larvae, pupae, female and male moths of H. jinyinhuaphaga at different temperatures. At 16−34 ℃, the activity of the four enzymes increased first, and then decreased with increasing temperature. LDH activity in larvae, pupae, female, and male moths was the highest at 22 ℃ (17.93×16.67, 15.25×16.67, 19.63×16.67 , and 18.81×16.67 μkat·g−1, respectively), POD activity was the highest at 25 ℃ (34.63×16.67, 31.83×16.67, 37.19×16.67, and 36.87×16.67 μkat·g−1, respectively), CarE activity was the highest at 28 ℃ (26.78×16.67, 23.36×16.67, 29.44×16.67, and 28.32×16.67 μkat·g−1, respectively), ACP activity was the highest at 25 ℃ (13.82×16.67, 11.37×16.67, 15.43×16.67, and 14.38×16.67 μkat·g−1, respectively). According to the established regression model, the optimal temperatures for the highest LDH activity in larvae, pupae, female, and male moths were found to be 21.45, 21.44, 22.32 and 21.56 ℃, respectively, the optimal temperatures for the highest POD activity were 26.16, 25.94, 25.67and 25.54 ℃, respectively, the optimal temperatures for the highest CarE activity were 29.20, 29.65, 28.93 and 28.92 ℃, respectively, the optimal temperatures for the highest ACP activity were 25.05, 26.39, 24.86 and 25.24 ℃, respectively. Two-way ANOVA showed that the interaction between temperature and insect stage had no significant effect on the activity of four enzymes.   Conclusion  Temperature can affect the activity of LDH, POD, CarE and ACP in larvae, pupae, female and male moths of H. jinyinhuaphaga. [Ch, 4 fig. 26 ref.]
Characterization and attribution of water-soil-nutrient leaching from red soil under vegetation restoration conditions
FAN Qinghua, LIU Xiaojun, LI Peng, ZHANG Yi, REN Zhengyan, ZHANG Huwei, TAO Qingrui, XU Shibin
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240473
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  Objective  This study aims to investigate the variations of soil nutrients during leaching processes under different vegetation restoration modes in degraded red soil regions and to enrich the understanding of water-soil-nutrient loss patterns and their influencing mechanism.   Method  4 different vegetation restoration modes, named Pinus massoniana pure forest (PM), P. elliottii pure forest (PE), mixed P. massoniana and Schima superba forest (RMS), and mixed P. elliottii and S. superba forest (RES), were taken as the objects of the study. The characteristics of the soil runoff, sediment production, sediment particle changes and nutrient loss during the process of leaching were investigated in four leaching intensities, namely, 60, 90, 120, and 150 mm·h−1 in the red soil vegetation restoration area of Taihe County, Jiangxi Province.   Result  (1) With the increase of leaching intensity, the flow rate and sediment yield of red soil also increased, and the composition and stability characteristics of sediment particles changed significantly. Mean weight diameter (DMW) and >0.250 mm sediment particles (R0.25) increased significantly (P<0.05). PM with low understory vegetation cover had low agglomerate stability under leaching erosion, and soil aggregates in RMS with high vegetation cover had high stability. (2) At a leaching intensity of 150 mm·h−1, the nutrient loss in red soil was significantly higher than that in 60 mm·h−1, but there was no significant difference in nutrient loss in 90 and 120 mm·h−1. Sediment was the main medium for nutrient migration and loss in this study. (3) Nutrient loss in red soil was positively correlated with leaching intensity, runoff yield rate, sediment yield, and R0.25, while negatively correlated with sediment ≤0.053 mm particles. (4) Random forest analysis showed that leaching intensity and runoff rate were the main factors affecting nutrient loss, with contribution rates of 16.33% and 20.91%, respectively.   Conclusion  With the increase of leaching intensity, the runoff and sediment yield significantly increase, and the composition and stability of sediment particles change. Moreover, leaching intensity and runoff rate are the main factors affecting nutrient loss. In the ecological construction of the subtropical degraded red soil zone in China, emphasis should be placed on enhancing the richness of understory vegetation in the vegetation restoration area in order to improve the structure of the forest stand and consolidate the results of management. [Ch, 7 fig. 2 tab. 44 ref.]
Preparation and properties optimization of veneer-PE laminated decorative panels
LIU Qiongyao, QU Xi, LIU Xiaoqian, FANG Lu, CHANG Liang
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240345
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  Objective  This study aims to prepare wooden decorative laminates-sheets made from polyethylene film (WDL) based on the laminated composite structure of high-pressure decorative laminates made from thermosetting resins impregnated sheets (HPL), which provides a theoretical basis for the preparation of aldehyde-free composite decorative panels with excellent performance.   Method  Polyethylene film and reconstituted decorative veneer were used as raw materials, and the five-layer structural WDL were prepared by hot pressing in the way of smooth-grain grouping. Box-Behnken Response Surface Analysis was used to study the impact of hot-pressing factors on the impregnation peeling performance and tensile strength of the smooth grain and to optimize the process parameters for the preparation of decorative panels.   Result  The impregnation peeling performance of WDL was affected greatly by hot-pressing temperature and hot-pressing time, while hot-pressing pressure had no significant effect on the impregnation peeling performance. The peeling length gradually decreased with the increase of hot-pressing temperature and hot-pressing time. Hot-pressing temperature and time, hot-pressing time and pressure also had significant interaction effects on the impregnation peeling performance of WDL. The tensile strength along the grain of WDL was mainly determined by the strength and thickness of the reconstituted decorative veneer, and the hot-pressing temperature also affected the tensile strength of WDL. Low temperature could result in inadequate cementation of the reconstituted decorative veneer and PE, and high temperature could lead to degradation of the hemicellulose in the veneer, all of which adversely affect the tensile strength along the grain of WDL. When the hot-pressing temperature was 160 ℃, the hot-pressing time was 109 s, and the hot-pressing pressure was 1 MPa, the impregnation peeling length of the decorative boards under these conditions reached 0 mm, and the tensile strength of the smooth grain reached 38.2 MPa, which was close to the prediction results of the optimization model.   Conclusion  A new type of veneer-PE laminated decorative panels is prepared, which has no formaldehyde release, and its water resistance meets the requirements of the Type Ⅱ immersion peel test according to GB/T 17657−2022. It can meet the needs of general interior decoration field, and there is no need to add adhesive again in the post-finishing process, which is an upgraded product of HPL. [Ch, 8 fig. 3 tab. 27 ref.]
Comprehensive evaluation of Solanum melongena cultivars
YING Xuebing, CHEN Pingmei, LI Luyao, WANG Hong, WU Haotian, ZHANG Yijun, ZHANG Xuerong, ZANG Yunxiang
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240394
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  Objective  In order to establish a suitable evaluation methods for eggplant resources, the agronomic characters and quality indexes of different eggplant cultivars are analyzed, which will provide a theoretical reference for rapid screening of germplasm resources and eggplant breeding.   Method  10 eggplant varieties ‘Zilong No.5’ ‘Zilong No.7’ ‘Liangzi No.7’ ‘Zheqie No.10’ ‘Hangqie No.716’ ‘Hangqie No.718’ ‘Z1’ ‘Z2’ ‘Z3’ ‘Hangqie No.2020’ were used to determine 16 indicators relevant with plant growth and fruit characteristics. The principal component analysis method was used for comprehensive evaluation.   Result  There were differences among different eggplant cultivars. Plant of ‘Z2’ was the highest. The highest plant breadth and stem diameter was found in ‘Zilong No. 7’ and ‘Hangqie No. 716’, respectively. For fruit length, ‘Z1’ was the longest, while ‘Zilong No. 7’ was the shortest. The highest and lowest chroma value was found in fruit of ‘Z1’ and ‘Z3’, respectively. The hardness of fruit peel and pulp for ‘Hangqie No. 716’ was significantly higher than those of the other 9 cultivars (P<0.05). The pericarp toughness of ‘Liangzi No. 7’ was significantly higher than others (P<0.05). Soluble sugar and protein contents of ‘Z2’ were the highest. Fruits of ‘Liangzi No. 7’ and ‘Zilong No. 5’ showed the highest levels of amino acid. Principal component analysis extracted a total of 5 principal components with a cumulative contribution rate of 87.126%.   Conclusion  A comprehensive evaluation model of eggplant was constructed by taking the eigenvalues corresponding to the five principal components and the ratio of single principal component to the extracted principal components. The best comprehensive score was found from ‘Liangzi No. 7’, while the worst was found from ‘Zilong No. 7’. [Ch, 1 fig. 6 tab. 29 ref.]
Spatio-temporal evolution of habitat quality in Haikou from 2000 to 2020 based on InVEST model
ZHANG Juan, ZHAO Runjiang, LEI Jinrui, LIN Chuanxiang, WANG Zeyu, HUANG Jiajian
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240358
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  Objective  This study is to analyze the habitat quality and its influencing factors in Haikou, so as to provide data support and scientific reference for ecological environment protection and urban construction.   Method  Based on the land use data of 2000, 2010 and 2020, InVEST model and the methods of land use transfer, habitat quality change rate and spatial statistical analysis were used to analyze the spatial-temporal dynamic changes in habitat degradation and habitat quality in Haikou, and summarize the influencing factors.   Result  ① From 2000 to 2020, forestland was the main type of land use in Haikou, accounting for 47.22%, 55.03%, and 48.75% of the total area in each period, followed by cropland. During the research period, the increase of built land area was the largest, with an increase of 230.37 km2, mainly transformed from forestland, cropland, and grassland. ②The change rate of habitat degradation degree was −1.77% from 2000 to 2010, and 12.20% from 2010 to 2020. The level of habitat degradation showed a spatial distribution pattern centered around the urban area and decreasing in circles. ③The overall habitat quality in Haikou was good. The proportion of areas with excellent habitat quality grades was around 50.00% in all stages, while the proportion of areas with poor grades increased from 5.33% in 2000 to 16.83% in 2020. The habitat quality level changed significantly and frequently in areas such as the urban-rural fringe in the central urban area of Haikou. During the research period, the habitat quality index of Haikou firstly increased and then decreased, and showed an overall decrease from 0.6880 to 0.6588.   Conclusion  From 2000 to 2020, the overall habitat quality in Haikou firstly increased and then decreased, which is closely related to the intensity of urban construction. Haikou should maintain the ecological priority and pay attention to ecological restoration of the main urban area, ecological infrastructure construction, and strengthen the protection and comprehensive management of the ecological system of the peripheral natural environment of the main urban area. [Ch, 5 fig. 7 tab. 25 ref.]
Niche and interspecific association of dominant species of woody plants in evergreen broad-leaved forest in Bailushan scenic area, Zhejiang Province
PAN Chenhao, TANG Weiping, HUANG Han, HU Hanwen, YE Jin, CHEN Shenglong, WU Jiasen
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240458
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  Objective  The study is to explore the niche and interspecific association of dominant species of woody plants in the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Bailushan scenic area, Zhejiang Province and understand their relationship and succession characteristics, so as to provide reference for ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forests.  Method  Taking the dominant species of woody plants in the evergreen broad-leaved forest in the study area as the research object, a long-term fixed plot with an area of 1 hm² was established. Ecological niche analysis, variance ratio method (RV), χ2 test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient were used to analyze the niche and interspecific relationship of dominant woody plant species with importance values greater than 1.00%.   Result  (1) Schima superba, Lithocarpus glaber, Quercu sphillyreoides, and Pinus massoniana were the constructive species of the community. Among them, S. superba had the highest importance value (VI=27.37%), Levins niche width (BL=20.95), and Shannon niche width (BS=3.11), while the other three species had importance values greater than 10%. The average BL and BS were 16.63 and 2.87, respectively. (2) The mean niche overlap index of dominant species was 0.39. Most species were relatively independent in resource utilization and interspecific competition was weak. S. superba, L. glaber, Q. sphillyreoides, and P. massoniana had high niche overlap (mean Oik=0.73), indicating a high degree of similarity in resource utilization. The niche overlap index of Castanopsis sclerophylla with these four species was relatively low (mean Oik=0.17), indicating the weakest competition. (3) The overall association of dominant species in the community showed a significant positive correlation (P<0.05). According to χ2 test, among the 153 pairs out of 18 dominant woody plant species, only 12 pairs showed significant associations (P<0.05), while 91.00% pairs were not significantly correlated. Similar results were observed in Pearson correlation and Spearman rank correlation tests, and 71.25% and 71.90% of species pairs were not significantly correlated. The positive and negative association ratio was greater than 1, indicating that species tended to distribute independently.   Conclusion  The community is in the middle to late stage of succession and has a relatively stable ecological state. In the management of evergreen broad-leaved forests in the early or middle stage of succession in central Zhejiang, it is recommended to moderately retain P. massoniana when regulating high-density stands and appropriately plant Q. sphillyreoides in forest gaps and edges to promote positive succession and enhance the stability of forest ecosystems. [Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 36 ref.]
Characteristics and influencing factors of carbon density structure in Pinus massoniana forests with different afforestation years
WANG Bingyi, ZHANG Yong, WU Cuirong, WANG Zeng, FU Weijun
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240401
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  Objective  The objective of this study is to interpret the carbon accumulation characteristics during the growth process of typical Pinus massoniana forests, and investigate the mechanism and potential of carbon sequestration in P. massoniana forests.   Method  Four different afforestation years (8, 12, 22, 38 years) of P. massoniana plantations with similar slopes and altitudes were selected in Laoshan Forest Farm, Qiandaohu Town, Chun’an County, Zhejiang Province. Multiple statistical methods combined with redundancy analysis and structural equation modeling were employed to analyze the carbon density characteristics of P. massoniana forests with different afforestation years and the main factors affecting their carbon density.   Result  The total biomass reached its maximum value at 38 years (mature forest), which was significantly higher than that of young and middle-aged forests (P<0.05). The biomass of the herb layer and litter layer reached their maximum values at 22 years of afforestation, with values of 13.74 and 5.24 t·hm−2, respectively. Carbon density of the tree layer increased with the increase of afforestation years, reaching a maximum value of 176.36 t·hm−2 at 38 years (mature forest). There were significant differences in soil carbon density among different ages of P. massoniana forests (P<0.05). The carbon density in the soil layers of 0−10 and 10−30 cm reached their maximum values at 38 years (mature forest), which were 38.60 and 57.13 t·hm−2, respectively. Redundancy analysis revealed that total potassium, available potassium, and slope direction were the main contributing factors to carbon density of P. massoniana forests, accounting for approximately 28.70%, 27.00%, and 9.90% of the carbon density of each component, respectively, and were crucial to overall carbon sequestration of soil and vegetation. The structural equation model demonstrated that bulk density, vegetation density, and total potassium content had significant effects on carbon density in P. massoniana forests.   Conclusion  The carbon density of P. massoniana forests is closely related to the years of afforestation, with mature P. massoniana forests exhibiting the highest capacity for carbon sequestration. Environmental factors and soil nutrient status are crucial for enhancing the carbon sequestration potential of P. massoniana forests. [Ch, 4 fig. 5 tab. 44 ref.]
Effects of different microbial strains on element release during weathering of basalt
YANG Pan, LUO Yubo, YANG Jiao, YUAN Si, LI Jianwu
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240381
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  Objective  Analyze the effects of different microorganisms on the weathering and elemental release of basalt, to explore the role of microorganisms in the weathering process of basalt, and to provide a theoretical basis for microorganisms promoting basalt weathering.   Method  Different microbial strains (Bacillus mucilaginosus and Trichoderma asperellum) were selected to carry out simulation experiments on biological weathering of basalt. By means of elemental geochemical methods (elemental dissolution amount and rate) and mineral analytical methods (material composition), the effects of microorganisms on the release amount, release rate, and release capacity of Si, Ca, Al, Fe, and Mg elements from basalt were investigated, and preliminarily explored the release mechanisms.   Result  Microorganisms contributed to the weathering of basalt and the dissolution of elements, compared to the control group, the pH of the fungal and bacterial system solutions decreased by 1.46 and 0.88 units, respectively. Compared to the control group, the release amounts of Si, Ca, Al, Fe and Mg elements in basalt was significantly increased by 10.2, 2.6, 8.2, 92.9 and 9.9 times under the action of fungi, and it was significantly increased by 2.7, 1.2, 1.7, 19.7 and 3.2 times under bacterial action. The order of element release from basalt under the action of fungi and bacteria was same: Ca>Mg>Fe>Si>Al. Microorganisms create an acidic environment mainly by secreting organic acids or by complexing to promote the weathering of basalt and increase the rate of elemental dissolution.   Conclusion  Microorganisms can effectively increase the release and rate of elements during the weathering process of basalt, there are also differences among different strains. The release and rate of elements during the weathering process of basalt under the treatment of T. asperellum are higher than those under the treatment of B. mucilaginosus, indicating that fungi have a more significant role in accelerating the weathering process of basalt. [Ch, 6 fig. 41 ref.]
Effects of foliar microstructure characteristics of 13 evergreen shrubs on atmospheric particulate retention capacity in Zhengzhou City
HE Dan, YUAN Jiangqin, GAO Zhenfei, LI Chaomei, LEI Yakai, LIU Yiping, DONG Nalin
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240415
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  Objective  The objective is to investigate the effects of leaf microstructure of garden plants on particle retention capacity, and provide theoretical basis for the selection of urbangarden tree species.   Method  13 evergreen shrubs, including Pyracantha fortuneana, Fatsia japonica and Nerium oleander were studied in Zhengzhou City, Henan Province. The retention of particles of different sizes [total suspended particulate matter (TSP), large particulate matter (PM>10), inhalable particulate matter (PM10) and fine particulate matter (PM2.5)] per unit leaf area was measured by graded membrane filtration method. The microstructure of leaf surface was observed by scanning electron microscopy and ultra depth microscope, and the relationship between particle retention capacity and leaf surface microstructure features was analyzed.   Result  (1) There were significant differences in the retention capacity of 13 evergreen shrubs with different particle sizes (P<0.05), and the strongest comprehensive dust-retention ability was found in P. fortuneana, F. japonica, and N. oleander, with a dust retention capacity per unit area of 2.59, 2.23 and 1.97 g·m−2, respectively, 3.58−4.70 times that of Mahonia fortunei and Nandina domestica, which had a weak dust retention capacity. (2) Particles tended to be distributed near the midrib and leaf tip. Observation of leaf surface microstructure revealed that there were various structures such as grooves, fuzz, and protrusions on the upper surface. Most of the stomata were located on the lower surface of the leaf. These structures synergistically affected the retention of particles in plants, and concurrently enhanced the roughness of leaf surfaces. The surface roughness in N. oleander leaves was the highest (4.53 μm), with regular semi-circular protrusions on the upper surface and large concave stomata on the lower surface, surrounded by hairy tissue to attach dust particles. (3) Correlation analysis indicated that leaf area, roughness, stomatal length were significantly positively correlated with the content of TSP, PM10 and PM2.5 retention per unit leaf area (P<0.05, P<0.01), and stomatal width and stomatal area were significantly positively correlated with PM10 and PM2.5 retention (P<0.05).   Conclusion  P. fortuneana, F. japonica, and N. oleander are recommended as excellent garden dust-retaining species in controlling air pollution in Zhengzhou City. [Ch, 5 fig. 3 tab. 35 ref.]
Response of JrGA3ox gene expression to growth and drought stress in Juglans regia
ZHENG Lin, WANG Fengmin, FAN Tingting, WANG Ketao, HU Hengkang, HUANG Jianqin, ZHANG Qixiang
doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240327
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  Objective  The objective is to study the gibberellin oxidase JrGA3ox gene, which is of great significance for improvement, growth and development, and drought resistance of Juglans regia varieties.   Method  J. regia wild-type (WT), JrGA3ox overexpression (OE) and interference (RNAi) plants were used as experimental materials. Drought treatment with 5% PEG 8000 volume fraction was simulated to investigate the plant phenotype, physiological and biochemical indexes and expression level of drought resistance gene under drought stress, and clarify the drought resistance mechanism of JrGA3ox gene.   Result  (1) Real-time fluorescent quantitative PCR verification showed that the expression level of JrGA3ox gene in OE plants and RNAi plants were 120 and 0.3 times that of WT plants, respectively. (2) Plant growth phenotype analysis showed that plant height and internode length of OE plants were significantly higher than those of WT plants, while those of RNAi plants were significantly lower than those of WT plants (P<0.05). (3) Compared with WT plants, under drought stress for 0−28 days, RNAi plants showed better growth, while OE plants showed weaker growth. (4) Stomatal opening and chlorophyll mass fraction decreased gradually with the extension of drought stress time. Stomatal opening of RNAi plants were significantly lower than that of WT plants (P<0.05), while stomatal opening of OE plants were significantly higher than that of WT plants. The chlorophyll mass fraction of RNAi plants were always significantly higher than that of OE plants and WT plants (P<0.05). (5) After drought stress, the mass molar concentration of reactive oxygen species and malondialdehyde in OE plants were significantly higher than that in WT plants, while that in RNAi plants were significantly lower than that in WT plants (P<0.05). (6) The activity of antioxidant enzymes and expression level of related resistance genes firstly increased and then decreased during the stress process, reaching their maximum value at 14 days of drought stress, and those in RNAi plants were significantly higher than those in WT plants, while those in OE plants were significantly lower than those in WT plants (P<0.05).   Conclusion  JrGA3ox gene in J. regia can positively regulate plant height and internode length, and negatively regulate stomatal opening, photosynthesis, antioxidant enzyme activity of plants, thus improving plant drought resistance. [Ch.10 fig. 1 tab. 28 ref.]
2025, 42(1).  
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2025, 42(1).  
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Community structure and dominant population dynamics of Rhododendron fortunei in Mount Dapanshan, Zhejiang Province
LI Qige, YU Yefei, CHEN Weijie, HE Anguo, CHEN Zilin, JIN Xiaofeng
2025, 42(1): 1-11.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240476
[Abstract](179) [HTML](29) [PDF](36)
  Objective  The objective is to study the community structure and dominant population dynamics of Rhododendron fortunei in the high-altitude coniferous and broad-leaved mixed forest in Dapanshan National Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Province, and predict its future successional trends.   Method  A 1 hm2 fixed monitoring plot was established in July 2018, and woody plants with a diameter at breast height (DBH) ≥ 1.0 cm were tagged, identified, and measured for DBH, and re-examined every 5 years. Based on species importance and dominance, the composition of community species and DBH structure of dominant species were analyzed. The population dynamics of R. fortunei were analyzed using age structure diagrams and population life tables.   Result  In 2018, a total of 4 773 woody plants were recorded, belonging to 90 species in 55 genera of 35 families. In 2023, three species disappeared from the plot, with an individual mortality rate of 1.38% and a recruitment rate of 2.38%. The forest layer structure of the plot was clear, with the sub-canopy dominated by R. fortunei species. The overall diameter class structure of all tree species in 2018 and 2023 exhibited a reversed “J” pattern, and the number of individuals with 5.0 cm ≤ DBH ≤ 20.0 cm in tree species significantly increased in 2023. The population structure of R. fortunei was pyramid-shaped, mainly concentrated in age classes Ⅱ, Ⅲ, and Ⅳ, with very few individuals in age classes Ⅰ, Ⅵ, and Ⅶ. The survival curve showed that most individuals within the population could survive to their physiological lifespan, exhibiting a dynamic characteristic of stable growth.   Conclusion  The R. fortunei community has a richness of species, with a relatively stable species composition and structure in the past 5 years, characterized by a high proportion of young individuals and good regeneration. The population of R. fortunei is growing, but there is insufficient reserve of individuals in age class Ⅰ. [Ch, 6 fig. 2 tab. 38 ref.]
Differences in community characteristics of evergreen broad-leaved forests between Baishanzu National Park and adjacent areas
LONG Dan, WU Yiqing, ZHOU Weilong, ZHU Zi’an, ZHOU Wenjie, ZHONG Lei, SHEN Guochun, LIU Jinliang, YU Mingjian
2025, 42(1): 12-22.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240456
[Abstract](182) [HTML](49) [PDF](29)
  Objective  Baishanzu National Park has a typical and complete subtropical forest ecosystem with a comprehensive vertical spectrum and extensive primary evergreen broad-leaved forest. By comparing the community structure and species diversity of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Baishanzu National Park with those in other national nature reserves and non-protected areas in Zhejiang Province, this study aims to understand the community characteristics of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Baishanzu National Park and provide a theoretical basis for the protection of subtropical native evergreen broad-leaved forest and the restoration strategy of degraded vegetation.   Method  This study selected evergreen broad-leaved forests in Baishanzu National Park (including Fengyangshan and Wulingkeng), Jiulongshan, Wuyanling, and Gutianshan National Nature Reserve, as well as a non-nature reserve area as the research sites. A total of 50 plots of 30 m×30 m were set up. By calculating the species diversity index and biomass of all woody plants, mature trees and saplings with DBH ≥1 cm in these plots, through methods including Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCoA) based on the Bray-Curtis dissimilarity index, and Permutational Multivariate Analysis of Variance (PERMANOVA), we compared and analyzed the species α diversity, species composition and biomass differences of all woody plants, mature trees and saplings in evergreen broad-leaved forest in different sites.   Result  (1) A total of 304 species belonging to 128 genera in 57 families were found in 50 plots, among which 241 species belonging to 108 genera in 52 families were found in Baishanzu National Park. Schima superba and Castanopsis eyrei were the dominant species. (2) The species α diversity of all woody plants and saplings was highest in Wulingkeng of Baishanzu National Park. Additionally, the species α diversity of all woody plants, mature trees, and saplings in national parks and nature reserves were higher than that in the non-nature reserves area. (3) Significant difference in species composition of all woody plants, mature trees and saplings were observed between Wulingkeng and Fengyangshan of Baishanzu National Park, as well as between other sites. (4) No significant difference in biomass of woody plants, mature trees, and saplings was found among Fengyangshan, Wulingkeng, Wuyanling and the non-nature reserves area. However, sapling biomass in Wulingkeng and Fengyangshan was significantly lower than that in Gutianshan.   Conclusion  The species diversity, species composition, and ecosystem function of the evergreen broad-leaved forest in Baishanzu National Park differ not only among different areas in the same national park but also with the other subtropical regions. This suggests that the original evergreen broad-leaved forests in Baishanzu National Park exhibit a distinct uniqueness. [Ch, 5 fig. 2 tab. 43 ref.]
Species composition and community structure of deciduous broad-leaved forest in Wucheng Nanshan Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province
TANG Ruiqi, WU Qi, ZHENG Rong, BIAN Yuxuan, WEN Qingqing, ZHUANG Qianjin, FU Jiaqin, XIE Jiajie, WANG Yunquan, CHEN Jianhua
2025, 42(1): 23-33.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240442
[Abstract](246) [HTML](65) [PDF](26)
  Objective  The Wucheng Nanshan Nature Reserve in Zhejiang Province belongs to the mid-subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest zone in the vegetation zone, while the typical deciduous broad-leaved forest community is distributed in medium and high altitude area, which is the forest ecosystem under the protection of the Reserve. By analyzing the species composition and community structure characteristics of the 1 hm2 forest plot in Nanshan Nature Reserve, this study provides scientific basis for the protection and dynamic research of biodiversity and characteristic vegetation resources in the nature reserve, and also contributes foundational data for the study of deciduous broad-leaved forest communities in the subtropical areas of China.   Method  Based on the survey data from 1 hm2 forest plot in the Nanshan Nature Reserve, species composition, flora characteristics, the species diversity index, diameter class structure and vertical structure of the community were analyzed.   Result  (1) There were 97 woody species belong to 39 families, 65 genera (3 gymnosperms species belong to 3 families and 3 genera, 94 angiosperms species belong to 36 families and 62 genera), among which Rosaceae, Ericaceae and Lauraceae accounted for the largest number of species. (2) From a perspective of the flora, the temperate component was approximately 1.63 times as much as the tropical component at the generic level, and the temperate component was dominant. (3) A total of 11 019 woody individuals were found in the plot. Quercus serrata, Rhododendron simsii and Sorbus folgneri were the top three dominant species in the community. The important values of the deciduous species, evergreen species and coniferous species were 0.709, 0.180 and 0.111, respectively, indicating that the community was a typical deciduous broad-leaved forest. (4) The DBH size-class distribution followed a reverse “J” shape with an average diameter of only 3.66 cm, and the individuals at the minor diameter class accounted for 95.16% of the total population. (5) The proportion of plants in shrub layer, sub-canopy layer and canopy layer was 73.79%, 23.44% and 2.77%, respectively, indicating that shrub plants occupied a higher proportion in the vertical structure and the forest canopy layer was not obvious.   Conclusion  Nanshan forest plot in Zhejiang Province is a typical deciduous broad-leaved forest with rich species diversity and high plant density, but the plant diameter class in the community is generally small and the vertical structure is not obvious. This community is representative in the middle and high altitudes of the mid-subtropical regions. [Ch, 4 fig. 3 tab. 47 ref.]
Analysis of the structure and species composition of the forest communities in Yandang and Kuocang Mountains in Taizhou, Zhejiang Province, China
SHEN Weikang, WU Jiang, GUAN Kaicheng, YANG Bairun, HONG Xujie, WANG Jiang
2025, 42(1): 34-44.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240416
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  Objective  Taking the forest communities of Yandang and Kuocang Mountains in Taizhou as the research objects, this study focuses on the differences of forest community structure and species composition of 2 mountain systems and their causes, which provides technical support for understanding the changes of evergreen broad-leaved forests in Taizhou.  Method  Based on the survey of 11 plots in Yandang Mountain and 15 plots in Kuocang Mountain (20 m×20 m), species composition, diameter structure and their relationships with the environmental factors were analyzed using methods such as Redundancy Analysis (RDA).   Result  Forest communities of Yandang Mountain recorded 67 species of trees, belonging to 31 families and 46 genera while those of Kuocang Mountain recorded 89 species of trees, belonging to 38 families and 62 genera. Species having important values ≥1% in the forest communities of Yandang and Kuocang Mountains were Schima superba, Liquidambar formosana, Cinnamomum camphora, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Loropetalum chinense, Eurya rubiginosa, Cyclobalanopsis glauca, Castanopsis sclerophylla, Adina pilulifera, Eurya muricata, Styrax faberi. The important value of Schima superba in the forest communities of Kuocang Mountain was 27.37%, which was 16.80% higher than that in Yandang Mountain. Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou evenness index of the forest communities of Yandang Mountain were significantly higher than those of Kuocang Mountain (P<0.05). The total individual diameter distribution of species in 2 forest communities showed inverted “J” shapes. Total nitrogen, rock exposure rate, pH, soil total carbon and electrical conductivity were the main factors affecting the diversity indexes of forest communities of 2 mountains.   Conclusion  Shannon-Wiener index and Pielou evenness index of Yandang Mountain forest community were significantly higher than those of Kuocang Mountain forest communities. The main difference between 2 mountain forest communities is that the important value of Schima superba in Kuocang Mountain forest community is significantly higher than that in Yandang Mountain. [Ch, 3 fig. 3 tab. 42 ref.]
Niche and interspecific connectivity of dominant species of woody plants in evergreen broad-leaved forest of Jinzifeng National Forest Park
LI Kun, HU Zhaogui, ZHANG Maofu, GAN Yanling, LI Suchun, LIU Fang, LIN Haiping
2025, 42(1): 45-54.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240307
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  Objective  This study explore the ecological niche and interspecific association of the dominant species of woody plants in evergreen broad-leaved forest in Jinzifeng National Forest Park, Zhejiang Province, in order to provide a reference for ecological restoration and biodiversity conservation of subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest.   Method  Niche composition, niche width, niche overlap index, niche similarity coefficient, variance ratio method, \begin{document}$ {\chi}^{2} $\end{document} test, Pearson correlation coefficient, and Spearman rank correlation coefficient were used to study the niche and interspecific association of 21 dominant species of woody plants with important values ≥1%.   Result  (1) There were 113 species of woody plants belonging to 31 families and 62 genera in the evergreen broad-leaved forest community in Jinzifeng National Forest Park, including Fagaceae, Rosaceae, Lauraceae, and Ericaceae. (2) The importance values and niche widths of Schima superba, Castanopsis eyrei and Pinus taiwanensis were larger. They were established species in this community, and had higher niche overlap values and niche similarity coefficients with other dominant species of woody plants. The niche overlap values and niche similarity coefficients of 21 dominant species of woody plants were mainly concentrated in the range of 0.10−0.50. (3) The dominant species of evergreen broad-leaved forest woody plants in Jinzifeng National Forest Park showed a significant positive association (P<0.05). Among 210 species pairs, 112 species pairs showed no significant positive association, 49 species pairs showed no significant negative association, only 2 species pairs showed extremely significant positive association (P<0.01) , 8 species pairs showed significant positive association (P<0.05) , 39 species pairs showed no association. Spearman rank correlation test and Pearson correlation test showed no significant association. Species pairs accounted for 81.4% and 80.0%, respectively. The interspecific association was weak, with positive and negative association ratios greater than 1. (4) The regression analysis of Pearson correlation coefficient and niche overlap values of dominant tree species showed a extremely significant positive correlation (P<0.01).   Conclusion  The evergreen broad-leaved forest community in Jinzifeng National Forest Park is in the middle stage of succession, and the competition among species is gradually balanced. [Ch, 3 fig. 5 fig. 34 ref.]
Characterization and phylogenetic location analysis of chloroplast of the endangered plant Neotrichocolea bissetii
ZHU Mengfei, HU Yingfeng, SHI Xueqin
2025, 42(1): 55-63.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240356
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  Objective  Neotrichocolea bissetii, a vulnerable liverwort by International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), is endemic to East Asia. This study aims to clarify the structure traits of chloroplast genome and phylogenetic status of N. bissetii, the results can provide theoretical reference for the species identification, resource conservation and systematic evolution of N. bissetii.   Method  DNA was extracted, sequenced and assembled from N. bissetii samples collected in the field. The chloroplast genome structure, repeat sequences and codon bias were analyzed. The phylogenetic relationship was constructed based on the chloroplast genome sequences of 19 bryophytes.   Result  The whole genome sequence of the chloroplast of N. bissetii was 118 423 bp, including a pair of reverse repeat regions (IR, 9 031 bp), a large single copy region (LSC, 80 837 bp) and a small single copy region (SSC, 19 524 bp). It contained 79 protein-coding genes, 8 rRNA and 36 tRNA. In addition, a total of 56 simple sequence repeats (SSR) were detected in the whole chloroplast genome, most of which were AT/AT dinucleotide sequences. Codon preference analysis showed that the codon preferred to ends in A/U. With the exception of a few variable regions, the IR boundary regions of the chloroplast genome of the N. bissetii were very conserved. Phylogenetic tree showed that this species was most closely related to Trichocoleopsis sacculata.   Conclusion  The chloroplast genome of N. bissetii is a typical tetrad structure and relatively conserved. Phylogenetic tree analysis indicates that N. bissetii and T. sacculata into a branch structure. [Ch, 5 fig. 3 tab. 36 ref.]
Genome-wide identification and tissue expression analysis of IGT gene family in soybean
CHEN Mengyao, HU Yiran, ZHENG Zhifu, PAN Tian
2025, 42(1): 64-73.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240354
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  Objective  This study aims to employ bioinformatics methods to perform a comprehensive genome-wide identification of the soybean IGT gene family and explore the potential functions of IGT gene family in soybean.   Method  Soybean cultivar Glycine max ‘Tianlong 1’ was selected and GmIGTs were identified by BLASTP search of IGT protein domain. The evolutionary relationships, gene structure, conserved motifs, cis-acting elements, and collinearity relationships were analyzed by bioinformatics methods. The expression patterns of GmIGTs in different tissue parts were analyzed.  Result  A total of 17 GmIGT genes were identified and classified into 4 branches based on their phylogenetic relationships: TAC, IGT-like, DRO, and LAZY. Protein conserved motif analysis revealed that all IGT proteins contained Motif2. Chromosomal localization and collinearity analysis showed that GmIGT genes were unevenly distributed on 11 chromosomes, and segmental duplication might have played a significant role in the expansion of GmIGT gene. Cis-acting element analysis indicated that GmIGT expression might be associated with light response, physiological response, plant hormone response and stress. RT-qPCR analysis demonstrated that GmIGT gene had obvious tissue-specific expression characteristics. Among them, GmIGT5 exhibited relatively high expression levels in all tissues, while GmIGT4 and GmIGT10 were highly expressed in stems and petioles.   Conclusion  GmIGT gene may play a potential role in shaping soybean plant architecture, and GmIGT4 and GmIGT10 may be the core genes involved in this process. [Ch, 9 fig. 2 tab. 23 ref.]
Functional analysis and validation of early flowering gene GhPRR9 in Gossypium hirsutum
ZHANG Ya’nan, XU Tingting, XU Haobiao, YU Shuxun
2025, 42(1): 74-85.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240267
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  Objective  The objective is to study the function of early flowering gene GhPRR9 in the growth and development of Gossypium hirsutum (cotton), so as to provide theoretical basis for cultivating early maturing cotton cultivars.   Method  Members of GhPRR subfamily were identified by genome-wide screening and the structure and expression characteristics were studied. Real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) was used to analyze the expression of GhPRR9 among different varieties, tissues and within a single day. Subcellular localization was performed in Nicotiana tabacum (tobacco) leaves by transient transformation method. The promoter of the gene was cloned and β-D-glucosidase (GUS) plants were constructed for staining experiment. The overexpression lines of Arabidopsis thaliana were constructed to analyze the flowering phenotype data and related gene expression. Virus induced silencing (VIGS) experiment was performed to observe the difference in flowering time.   Result  Bioinformatics analysis showed that most of the 14 members of the GhPRR subfamily were located in the nucleus, with a relatively conserved structure and mainly expressed in stems and leaves before flowering. RT-qPCR analysis indicated that the expression level of GhPRR9 was positively correlated with early maturity of cultivars, higher in flower organs, and exhibited a periodic change within one day. Transient transformation of tobacco revealed that GhPRR9 was distributed in the nucleus. GUS staining suggested that there might be key regulatory elements in the promoter within 500−2 000 bp upstream. Early flowering was observed in A. thaliana overexpressed strains. VIGS experiment revealed that gene silencing led to delayed flowering.   Conclusion  Gene GhPRR9 has a positive regulatory effect on the early flowering of upland cotton and can promote its growth and development. [Ch, 5 fig. 2 tab. 55 ref.]
Screening and identification of ERF transcription factors of B2 subgroup involved in regulating lycopene β-cyclase gene LCYB in Osmanthus fragrans
LI Li, PANG Tianhong, FU Jianxin, ZHANG Chao
2025, 42(1): 86-93.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240316
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  Objective  This study aims to screen and identify ERF transcription factors of B2 subgroup involved in regulating lycopene β-cyclase OfLCYB gene of Osmanthus fragrans.   Method  ‘Yanhong Gui’, a cultivar of O. fragrans, was used as the material to screen OfERF genes of B2 subgroup from the O. fragrans transcriptome database. Bioinformatic analysis, real-time quantitative PCR (RT-qPCR) and yeast one-hybridization were used to analyze the sequence and expression characteristics of the OfERF gene and its binding to the OfLCYB gene promoter.   Result  The promoter of the OfLCYB gene contained two ATCTA cis-acting elements. Four OfERF genes of B2 subgroup were screened based on the O. fragrans transcriptome database, all of which contained an AP2 conserved structural domain. The RT-qPCR results showed that the expression levels of OfERF72a and OfERF72b genes gradually decreased with the flowering process, and were significantly negatively correlated with the expression of OfLCYB gene, with P values of 0.0338 and 0.0296, respectively. The results of yeast one-hybridization proved that there was a physical binding between OfERF72b and the OfLCYB promoter.   Conclusion  OfERF72b may participate in the metabolism of carotenoid in O. fragrans by regulating the transcription of OfLCYB. [Ch, 7 fig. 3 tab. 25 ref.]
Genetic variation of seed traits and SSR markers in female Torreya grandis
LI Keyu, CHEN Rong, LIU Lian, CAI Xiaojun, JIANG Zhengchu, XIE Qiandan, YU Chenliang, YU Weiwu
2025, 42(1): 94-102.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240254
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  Objective  This study is to investigate the seed traits of female Torreya grandis, analyze the genetic variation of the population based on SSR primers, and compare the differences in seed phenotype, quality, and genetic diversity between and within populations of T. grandis.   Method  Female T. grandis from Fuyang, Shengzhou, Lin’an, Jiande in Zhejiang Province and Mount Huangshan in Anhui Province were used as materials to compare the phenotypic traits of T. grandis leaves and seeds through variance analysis and principal component analysis. The genetic diversity of T. grandis was compared by SSR molecular markers using female T. grandis from Fuyang, Shengzhou, Lin’an, Chun’an and Mount Huangshan as raw materials.   Result  Analysis of seed traits revealed that there were significant individual differences (P<0.01) in 8 indicators: leaf quality, leaf shape index, seed mass, seed shape index, seed weight, kernel shape index, seed coat thickness, and shell thickness between and within populations. The relative fat content and soluble sugar content also showed extremely significant differences among populations (P<0.01), with fat content ranging from 29.36% to 42.35%, indicating rich variation in T. grandis seed appearance and kernel quality. SSR primer analysis showed that the mean Nei’s genetic diversity index (H) was 0.400, the mean Shannon’s information index (I) was 0.650, and the mean polymorphic information content (PIC) was 0.400. Chun’an population exhibited the highest genetic diversity (H=0.410, I=0.658), while Shengzhou population showed the lowest (H=0.369, I=0.565). 92% of the total genetic variation existed within the population.   Conclusion  There are genetic variations in the phenotype and quality of T. grandis between and within populations. The genetic diversity of Chun’an population is the highest, and the genetic variation within the population is greater than that between populations. [Ch, 2 fig. 11 tab. 26 ref.]
Suspension culture dynamics of embryogenic callus from Torreya grandis ‘Merrillii’ and its response to gibberellin
YANG Zhengyu, ZHOU Jiajun, HU Hengkang, ZHANG Qixiang
2025, 42(1): 103-111.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240291
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  Objective  This study, with embryogenic callus from Torreya grandis ‘Merrillii’ employed as the experimental material, is aimed to investigate the growth and suspension culture dynamics of its suspension cells, explore the response of T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ embryogenic callus to gibberellin treatment.   Method  Using the embryogenic callus of T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ cultivated in laboratory as the experimental material, the suspension culture dynamics were studied by measuring cell viability and fresh cell weight, and the culture conditions were optimized before a transcriptome analysis was performed on the callus treated with exogenous GA3.   Result  (1) Within the culture cycle, the fresh weight growth curve of the suspension cells exhibited an “S” shaped pattern, with cell viability reaching its peak at 3 days and then gradually decreasing steadily. (2) The optimal subculture period for T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ suspension cells was determined to be 9 to 12 days, with an optimal inoculation rate of 30 g·L−1, an initial pH of 5.7 for the culture medium, and an optimal shaking speed of 110 r·min−1. (3) transcriptome analysis of T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ embryogenic callus treated with exogenous GA3 revealed 428 differentially expressed genes, including 236 upregulated and 192 downregulated genes whereas GO enrichment analysis of these differentially expressed genes showed that the upregulated genes after GA3 treatment were mainly involved in catalytic activity, oxidation-reduction processes, and oxidoreductase activity, and in the KEGG metabolic pathways, the differentially expressed genes were primarily enriched in phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and suberin biosynthesis.   Conclusion  The kinetic analysis of T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ embryogenic callus culture can identify the optimal inoculation period and optimizing the culture conditions can enhance cell growth rate and stress resistance. In embryogenic callus of T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ under exogenous GA3 treatment, metabolic pathways such as phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and suberin biosynthesis are the main participating parts of differentially expressed genes. Moreover, changes in the expression levels of some key genes may play an important role in the growth and development, environmental adaptation, and stress response of T. grandis ‘Merrillii’ callus. [Ch, 5 fig. 1 tab. 31 ref.]
Effect of low temperature treatment of different parts on dormancy release of Phyllostachys violascens shoots
WANG Wenhui, HE Wuyuheng, XU Ziqian, HE Jinqi, GUI Renyi, DENG Shixin
2025, 42(1): 112-123.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240343
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  Objective  This study, with an investigation into the effect of low temperature treatment of different parts on dormancy of Phyllostachys violascens shoots, is aimed to reveal the biological mechanism of shoot dormancy relief and the main parts of low temperature induction.   Method  With 2-year-old Ph. violascens potted plants used as the research subject, 4 treatments were set, namely, T1 (18 ℃ in above-ground parts and underground parts), T2 (18 ℃ in above-ground parts, natural low temperature in underground parts), T3 (natural low temperature in above-ground parts, 18 ℃ in underground parts) and T4 (natural low temperature in above-ground parts and underground parts) lasting from October 2021 to March 2022 and October 2022 to March 2023. Then the content of soluble sugar, starch, ablative acid, gibberellin and antioxidant enzyme activity of bamboo shoots were determined by observing the vascular bundle connection between bamboo shoots and mother bamboo, the distribution of starch and protein, and the proliferation of bamboo shoots.   Result  Compared with T1 treatment, T2, T3 and T4 treatments could significantly increase the content of soluble sugar (P<0.05) and significantly decrease the content of starch (P<0.05) in bamboo shoots during dormancy release. According to starch slice observation and content fitting, the dormancy release date of shoots treated with T4 was the earliest, followed by T2 and T3 treatments, which were 37 and 29 days earlier than T1 treatment, respectively. The decrease of abscisic acid (ABA) content in shoots treated with T2, T3 and T4 at day 120 was 1.68, 2.18 and 3.40 times of that of T1 in the same period, respectively. The content of GA3 in shoots treated with T2, T3 and T4 at day 80 was 17.55%, 3.27% and 10.91% higher than that treated with T1, respectively, and the increment of GA3/ABA in shoots treated with T2, T3 and T4 at day 120 was 1.11, 3.46 and 2.67 times that of T1, respectively and the signals of water transport recovery and cell proliferation were observed in T3 treated shoot ducts and stem tip meristem in January, while T1, T2 and T4 treated were observed in March, February and March, respectively.   Conclusion  Low temperature treatment, especially low temperature in the underground part, can promote the hydrolysis of starch to soluble sugar in the dormant shoots of bamboo shoots, and affect the release of dormancy of bamboo shoots by reducing ABA content, increasing GA3 content, enhancing the activities of CAT and POD antioxidant enzymes, promoting the connectivity of vascular bundle and the rapid division and proliferation of meristem cells. Also, with a comprehensive analysis, it was confirmed that the underground part of bamboo was mainly the part that senses low temperature during dormancy. [Ch, 7 fig. 41 ref.]
Floral substances and daytime release rhythms of 3 Chimonanthus species
HU Guiting, YANG Liyuan, REN Guangbing, ZHAO Hongbo
2025, 42(1): 124-132.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240266
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  Objective  Flower fragrance is an important characteristic of ornamental plants, which is very crucial for plants reproduction. This study aims to reveal the biosynthesis and release mechanism of floral substances in Chimonanthus, and to provide a solid theoretical basis for the utilization and development of Chimonanthus resources.   Method  Headspace solid phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) were used to identify and analyze floral substances of 3 Chimonanthus species, including C. praecox, C. salicifolius and C. nitens.   Result  A total of 44 floral substances were identified in 3 Chimonanthus species, among which 19, 23 and 18 substances were identified in C. praecox, C. salicifolius and C. nitens respectively. The floral substances of alcohols and esters were the highest in C. praecox, while the content of alkenes was the highest in the floral substances of C. salicifolius and C. nitens. The daytime release rhythms of floral substances in 3 Chimonanthus species were different. The floral substances of C. salicifolius and C. nitens in the morning, noon and afternoon were different, but the floral substances of C. praecox changed little. Phylogenetic analysis showed that C. salicifolius and C. nitens were more closely related than C. praecox.   Conclusion  The floral substances of C. salicifolius and C. nitens are similar, which caters to the phylogenetic relationship between them. In view of the special low-temperature flowering environment of C. praecox, the interaction between pollination insects and floral fragrance may be the reason for the uniqueness of floral substances. [Ch, 3 fig. 3 tab. 35 ref.]
Effects of Pb stress on physiology and main rhizosphere characteristics of Hydrangea macrophylla
SONG Yunjing, JIN Jing, ZHAO Bing
2025, 42(1): 133-142.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240301
[Abstract](157) [HTML](32) [PDF](6)
  Objective  The objective is to explore the effects of different concentrations of lead (Pb) stress on the root growth physiology, root exudates and rhizosphere soil nutrient environment of Hydrangea macrophylla, and analyze its adaptation mechanism, provide a scientific basis to repair lead-contaminated soil.   Method  The effects of Pb [0 (the control), 500, 1 500, 2 500 mg·kg−1] stress on the growth and uptake of Pb, root oxidative damage, root antioxidant system, root osmotic regulatory substances and root exudates, soil physical and chemical properties, soil enzymes and rhizosphere Pb chemical morphology were studied by a pot experiment.   Result  Pb stress inhibited the growth of H. macrophylla, especially under 2 500 mg·kg−1 Pb treatment, the biomass decreased significantly by 23.7% compared with the control, but H. macrophylla had a certain tolerance to high concentrations of Pb. The oxidative damage caused by Pb stress on H. macrophylla was alleviated by increasing SOD and POD activities in the root, increasing GSH content and enhancing the antioxidant capacity. H. macrophylla also increased the content of osmotic regulatory substances. The soluble sugar content reached the maximum under 2 500 mg·kg−1 Pb treatment, while the proline content was opposite. The root could secrete fatty acids and amines to maintain cell structure, eliminate reactive oxygen species, and the increase of glycolic acid secretion promoted Pb absorption. Soil microecological environment was improved under Pb stress. The activities of sucrase and catalase in rhizosphere soil reached the maximum under the treatment of 2500 mg·kg−1 Pb, which effectively improved soil nutrients. With the increase of Pb concentration, rhizosphere pH value decreased and EC value increased, and the exchangeable ionic state and carbonate binding state of soil Pb accounted for 2.03% and 8.09% respectively, which increased the available state composition of Pb and was conducive to the absorption of Pb by H. macrophylla.   Conclusion  H. macrophylla has good adaptability to Pb, and can grow normally in soil with high concentration of Pb and improve the physical and chemical properties of soil. [Ch, 2 fig. 4 tab. 40 ref.]
Ant diversity along gradient in the middle-western section of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang
NONG Zhengguo, XIONG Zhongping, XU Zhenghui, WANG Xubo, LIU Xia
2025, 42(1): 143-152.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240244
[Abstract](173) [HTML](57) [PDF](8)
  Objective  In order to reveal the diversity of ant species in different vertical zones in Tianshan Mountains, the ant community structure, relationship between species diversity and altitude and vegetation in the middle-western section of Tianshan Mountains were studied.   Method  Ant communities in four vertical zones were surveyed by plot sampling and searching methods. The sampling adequacy was tested by Estimate S 9.1.0, and the diversity indexes in different zones were calculated. The correlations between diversity indexes and altitude and vegetation characteristics were analyzed by SPSS 24.0, if the correlation between species diversity and elevation was significant, both linear and binomial models were used for fitting, the fitting was evaluated based on R2 value while the significance was tested.   Result  A total of 136 247 ants were collected, and 29 species belonging to 12 genera and 2 subfamilies were recognized. Tetramorium caespitum, Lasius niger and Formica fusca were the dominant species of the middle-western section of Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang. Sampling adequacy analysis showed that the most of ant species were collected. The richness of ant species of the four vertical zones as follows: Dushanzi vertical zone (18 species) > Narathi vertical zone (14 species)> Kuqa vertical zone (13 species) > Ulastai vertical zone (10 species). Diversity analysis showed that the ant species diversity of the middle-western section of Tianshan Mountains generally decreased with the altitude increasing. The species number and diversity index of the four vertical zones were significantly negatively correlated with the altitude change. On the four vertical zones, the correlation significance between evenness index and altitude was not the same, the change trends of binomial and linear models also lacked regularity. There was no significant correlation between dominance index and elevation change, but the binomial model analysis of each vertical zone showed a trend of increasing firstly and then decreasing with the elevation increasing. Community similarity analysis found that the similarity coefficient of ant community was between 0.166 7 to 0.600 0 (average 0.289 0), which was at the medium dissimilarity level, and indicating significant differentiation among ant communities. Correlation analysis showed that the species number was significantly positively correlated with tree canopy density, while the correlation between other diversity indexes and vegetation characteristics was not significant.   Conclusion  Altitude significantly affected ant species diversity in this region, while slope, humidity and vegetation also play an important role. In the Tianshan area of Xinjiang, under the influence of multiple factors such as vegetation types mainly being grassland and shrubland, hot and dry climate, high altitude and large temperature difference, and the ecosystem in this region is relatively fragile, so the protection of biodiversity in this region should be strengthened. [Ch, 5 fig. 5 tab. 37 ref.]
Impact of stand structure and soil nutrients on herbaceous diversity in natural secondary Betula platyphylla forests in eastern Qinghai Province
LI Rui, ZOU Xingchen, CHENG Chang, SHI Zhengyang, PENG Xiaojing, LIU Jingwen, LIU Qianqian, HE Kangning
2025, 42(1): 153-162.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240383
[Abstract](183) [HTML](25) [PDF](10)
  Objective  This study is to explore the dominant factors in stand structure and soil nutrients that affect the understory herbaceous diversity of natural secondary Betula platyphylla forest, so as to provide theoretical basis for optimizing the stand structure and improving herbaceous diversity of natural secondary B. platyphylla forest in Qinghai Province.   Method  Taking the natural secondary B. platyphylla forest in Baoku Forest Farm of Datong County, Qinghai Province as the research object, 20 standard plots (24 m×24 m) were selected by typical sampling method. The effects of multiple factors (stand spatial structure, stand non-spatial structure, and soil nutrient) on herbaceous diversity were investigated by correlation analysis and redundancy analysis.   Result  (1) A total of 47 species of herbaceous plants belonging to 41 genera and 24 families were found under the B. platyphylla forest, among which Lolium perenne, Fragaria vesca, Polygonum viviparum, Galium bungei and Geranium wilfordii were the dominant species, with mean important values of 19.52%, 18.91%, 10.53%, 6.95% and 5.27%, respectively. (2) Redundancy analysis showed that openness, mean DBH, and size ratio could explain 44.1%, 16.8% and 8.2% of the variation patterns in herbaceous diversity, respectively, and were the main stand factors affecting herbaceous diversity. Alkali-hydrolyzed nitrogen and available potassium could explain 7.9% and 7.6% of herbaceous diversity pattern, respectively, and were the main soil nutrient factors.   Conclusion  Both stand structure and soil nutrients significantly affect understory herbaceous diversity. The overall level of understory herbaceous diversity can be improved by adjusting stand spatial structure, optimizing stand competition and improving soil fertility. [Ch, 2 fig. 4 tab. 37 ref.]
Response of sap flow rate in Salix psammophila plantation to soil water supply and its influencing factors
SUN Kai, LIU Wenjuan, PEI Zhiyong, ZHANG Shiji, ZHU Xinyu, CHEN Hongwei, YANG Jianjun
2025, 42(1): 163-174.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240359
[Abstract](182) [HTML](38) [PDF](7)
  Objective  The objective is to analyze the dynamic variations in sap flow rate of Salix psammophila branches across various diameter classes and explore the water use control strategies of S. psammophila in response to soil water potential (Psw) and meteorological factors under the influence of rainfall during the growing season, so as to provide theoretical reference for understanding the water consumption characteristics of desert shrubs under seasonal drought.   Method  12 branches from 3 sample trees (including 4 diameter levels: 6−8 mm, 8−10 mm, 10−12 mm, and greater than 12 mm) were selected from the national germplasm resource bank of S. psammophila in Hobq Desert. From May to October 2023, sap flow system for small stems or branches was used to continuously monitor changes of sap flow, Psw and meteorological factors such as precipitation, air temperature and relative humidity. Principal components analysis and stepwise linear regression were used to analyze the response of sap flow to major meteorological factors and Psw at different depths before and after rainfall.   Result  (1) During the growing season, the daily variation of sap flow rate at different diameter levels of S. psammophila showed a “single peak” or “double peak” curve from May to August, while a “U” shaped curve was easy to appear in September to October, and the onset time of sap flow rate was gradually delayed. (2) The sap flow rate of S. psammophila with smaller diameter was significantly positively correlated with Psw in 20 and 40 cm soil layers (P<0.05), and was more directly influenced by Psw in 40 cm soil layer. There was a significant positive correlation between the flow rate of S. psammophila with larger diameter and Psw in 60 and 80 cm soil layer (P<0.05), and was more directly affected by Psw in 80 cm soil layer. (3) When the precipitation exceeded 10 mm, the sap flow rate of S. psammophila at different diameter levels showed a “multi peak” curve, and the daily cumulative flow decreased. The cumulative contribution rate of soil temperature, saturated vapor pressure deficit, relative air humidity, and air temperature to changes in sap flow rate before rainfall was 71%, and the cumulative contribution rate of Psw in 10 and 20 cm soil layers to changes in sap flow rate after rainfall was 63%.   Conclusion  The instantaneous variation and overall level of S. psammophila sap flow rate are affected by meteorological factors and soil water supply, respectively, indicating that the short-term and long-term flow characteristics of S. psammophila under seasonal drought have different responses to environmental factors. [Ch, 7 fig. 5 tab. 30 ref.]
Effects of slow release nitrogen fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer on crop growth and soil nutrient content in rice-wheat rotation system
YAO Quan, TANG Xu, XIAO Mouliang, JIANG Zhenhui, WU Chunyan, LI Yan, YIN Chang, LI Yongfu
2025, 42(1): 175-184.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240149
[Abstract](278) [HTML](45) [PDF](15)
  Objective  Excessive application of inorganic nitrogen fertilizer could result in severe environmental problems whereas appropriate reduction of nitrogen fertilizer combined with organic fertilizer can avoid the decrease of yield, hence an important way to support the sustainable cultivation of rice-wheat rotation system.   Method  This study, using conventional nitrogen application rate as the standard (180 kg·hm−2 for wheat and 210 kg·hm−2 for rice) and with the controlled-release urea as the nitrogen fertilizer, is aimed to clarify the effects of nitrogen reduction combined with organic fertilizer on crop yield, plant nitrogen and soil nutrient content in a rice-wheat rotation system. This field experiment consisted of four treatments: no nitrogen application (ck), conventional nitrogen application (N100), 15% reduction of nitrogen combined with organic fertilizer (MN85), and 30% reduction of nitrogen combined with organic fertilizer (MN70).   Result  Contribution of nitrogen fertilizer to yield increase was 46.0% (wheat 66.2%, rice 25.8%) and nitrogen fertilization significantly increased crop yield (P<0.05), especially in the treatment of 15% nitrogen reduction combined with organic fertilizer. Compared with N100, MN85 treatment significantly increased the effective panicle number of rice by 16.8% while compared with MN70, the nitrogen content in wheat grains in N100 and MN85 treatments increased by 8.7% and 9.0% (P<0.05), and the nitrogen content in straw increased by 16.6% and 16.0%, respectively (P<0.05). Compared with N100 and MN70, the MN85 treatment exhibited a 23.5% and 19.8% increase in nitrogen content of rice grains, and a 25.5% and 26.6% increase in nitrogen content of straw, respectively (P<0.05). Nitrogen fertilizer application resulted in the accumulation of nitrogen in soil, especially in the treatments of reducing nitrogen combined with organic fertilizer, which had more nitrogen surplus. Compared with N100, the N apparent utilization rate (RE), N agronomic efficiency (AE), and N partial production rate (PFP) of wheat decreased by 37.0%, 36.4%, and 41.5% under MN85 treatment, respectively, and decreased by 60.2%, 55.1%, and 47.5% under MN70 treatment, respectively. During the rice planting season, the nitrogen reduction combined with organic fertilizer treatments showed a 30.5% to 33.4% increase (P<0.05) in N physiological efficiency (PE), while the AE of the MN85 treatment increased by 33.3% comparing to the N100 treatment. Compared with N100, the nitrogen reduction combined with organic fertilizer increased soil organic matter and total nitrogen content by 12.2%−13.9% and 10.4%−13.0%, respectively (P<0.05) whereas microbial biomass nitrogen and nitrate nitrogen increased by 37.9%−42.7% and 72.5%−107.9%, respectively (P<0.05). The soil available potassium and available phosphorus in MN85 treatment also increased by 45.9% and 152.0% (P<0.05), while water-soluble nitrogen increased by 68.8% (P<0.05).   Conclusion  A 15% reduction of controlled-release urea combined with organic fertilizer can increase soil nutrient content, promote crop nitrogen absorption, thereby improving crop yield and nitrogen fertilizer utilization efficiency. This approach can serve as an effective measure to reduce nitrogen fertilizer usage while increasing its efficiency. [Ch, 1 fig. 6 tab. 40 ref.]
Analytical method of azoxystrobin by HPLC and leaching performance of treated wood
ZHANG Jingpeng, JIANG Mingliang, ZHANG Bin
2025, 42(1): 185-192.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240339
[Abstract](96) [HTML](31) [PDF](5)
  Objective  This study, with an exploration of the high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) analysis method and leaching resistance of the azoxystrobin formulation, is aimed to provide a research basis for its outdoor utilization.   Method  On the one hand, UV detector and C18 reversed-phase chromatographic column were used for detection before an investigation was conducted of the chromatographic conditions, such as detection wavelength, flow phase composition and ratio, column temperature and flow phase flow rate with further discussion so as to optimize the chromatographic conditions suitable for the analysis of azoxystrobin. On the other hand, the mass concentration of azoxystrobin was detected by external standard method, and the standard curve correlation coefficients, precision and accuracy were evaluated after which the leaching procedure was adopted according to the Chinese standard GB/T 29905−2013 Laboratory Method of Determining the Leachability of Wood Preservatives, and leaching rate of azoxystrobin in treated wood were tested by the established analytical method.   Result  The optimized chromatographic conditions for analysis of azoxystrobin were as follows: flow phase methanol-water ratio of 80∶20, flow rate of 0.8 mL·min−1, and UV detection wavelength of 220 nm. There was a good linear relationship between azoxystrobin concentration and chromatographic peak area in the range of 1−80 mg·L−1 for azoxystrobin standard solution, with a determination coefficient of 0.999 6. The coefficient variation of samples were 0.45% and 0.59%, and the recovery rates of the samples were 98.2%−100.4%. The leaching rate of azoxystrobin from Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata and Populus×euramericana were 8.4%−18.8%, 8.2%−21.0% and 8.8%−19.0%, respectively, with little difference in leaching rates between the three treated woods. The leaching rate of azoxystrobin in the treated Pinus massoniana, C. lanceolata and Populus×euramericana were all below 21% and the leaching resistance were excellent. All of the three tree species exhibit a pattern where the leaching rate of low concentration treated woods is greater than that of high concentration treated woods whereas the leaching rate of the treated wood with ethanol-dissolved azoxystrobin was slightly higher than that of the water-based formulations.   Conclusion  The HPLC method for determining azoxystrobin mass concentration showed good linear correlation of the standard curve, high precision, and recovery rate, which can be used for analysis of azoxystrobin mass concentration. The leaching resistance of the two water-based formulations of azoxystrobin was good and can be used for outdoor treatment of wood and its products. [Ch, 6 fig. 2 tab. 26 ref.]
Preparation and properties of fluorescent and superhydrophobic bifunctional transparent bamboo material
ZHENG Miao, PENG Haozhe, LIN Bo, LI Yanjun, WANG Kaili
2025, 42(1): 193-201.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240296
[Abstract](199) [HTML](31) [PDF](7)
  Objective  Transparent bamboo with fluorescent and superhydrophobic functions were prepared, and their properties were studied and evaluated, in order to provide a reference for the functionalized application of bamboo-based materials.   Method  Transparent bamboo with fluorescence and superhydrophobic properties were prepared by delignification, vacuum impregnation of doped fluorescent microcapsule epoxy resin, superhydrophobic treatment and other steps, and its properties were measured.   Result  The prepared transparent bamboo has excellent properties including high transparency, high haze, light scattering properties, thermal insulation properties, fluorescence properties, and superhydrophobic properties. The light transmittance of superhydrophobic fluorescent transparent bamboo in the wavelength range of 400 to 800 nm is 80%, and the haze is basically maintained above 80%. Compared with transparent bamboo, the light transmittance of superhydrophobic fluorescent transparent bamboo decreases slightly, but the haze has been improved to a certain extent, and it has good light scattering. Its longitudinal tensile strength is about 123.3 MPa, and the transverse tensile strength has been significantly improved compared with the sliced bamboo veneer, reaching 3.2 MPa. It can emit blue fluorescence under 365 nm ultraviolet light. Compared with glass and fluorescent transparent bamboo, superhydrophobic fluorescent transparent bamboo has a lower thermal conductivity of 0.3023 W·m−1·K−1. The contact angle of water on its surface is 151.2° and the rolling angle is 3.5°.   Conclusion  The prepared superhydrophobic fluorescent transparent bamboo integrates excellent properties: high light transmittance, high haze, light scattering, good mechanical strength, excellent thermal insulation performance, fluorescence characteristics and superhydrophobicity. [Ch, 11 fig. 27 ref.]
Research progress on plant calcium signaling indicators
LU Wenyan, LIU Jinzhi, SHEN Yuqi, QI Guoning, LIU Shenkui, REN Huimin
2025, 42(1): 202-209.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240360
[Abstract](251) [HTML](40) [PDF](24)
Calcium ion (Ca2+) is the important second messenger that plays a crucial role in plant growth and development and stress response. In recent years, with the continuous progress of biochemistry and molecular biology technology, the application of calcium signaling indicators in plant research has made remarkable progress. This paper reviewed the recent developments on calcium signal indicators in plant applications, including the classification of calcium indicators, the principles of calcium signal detection and their development in plant applications. The application of calcium signal indicators provide an effective means to visualize and observe the dynamic changes of calcium ion in plant cells, converting calcium concentrations in plant cells into fluorescent signals. With the development of indicators, gradual transition changing from the earliest chemical fluorescent indicators to genetically encoded calcium indicators, calcium signals can be observed more accurate, real-time and biologically friendly in plant cells, and have a more in-depth understanding of the means of stress at the molecular level when the plant responds to external stimuli, and became an important physiological indicator at the molecular level of the study of plant stress. Meanwhile, the challenges and future development directions of calcium signaling indicators in plant research were discussed, pointing out the specificity of plant calcium signaling research with the challenges of incubating calcium indicators in plant cells, with a view to providing references and insights to further promote research in this field. [Ch, 1 tab. 73 ref.]
Literature analysis of Triticum aestivum bio-breeding based on bibliometrics and machine learning
2025, 42(1): 210-217.   doi: 10.11833/j.issn.2095-0756.20240485
[Abstract](180) [HTML](52) [PDF](15)
  Objective  This study aims to analyze the research progress of global wheat (Triticum aestivum) bio-breeding, and reveal its research themes, core knowledge elements and cutting-edge hotspots, so as to provide reference for theoretical research and discipline development in wheat breeding.   Method  Literature published in the field of global wheat breeding research from the Web of Science Core Collection Database from 2013 to 2024 was retrieved. Bibliometric analysis was applied to analyze the number of publications, academic influence, and main contributors in this field. VOSviewer was used to generate national collaboration networks and keyword co-occurrence networks. The Latent Dirichlet Allocation (LDA) machine learning algorithm was applied to analyze abstracts, establish language models, and identify research topics.   Result  Global research output in wheat biological breeding significantly increased since 2013, with a total of 16 151 publications. China was the country with the most publications, followed by the United States. Keyword co-occurrence analysis showed that yield, quantitative trait locus (QTL), genome-wide association studies (GWAS), drought stress, gene expression, and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) were hot topics in research, while in recent years research fields such as clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR), genome editing, high-throughput phenotyping, drones, and machine learning emerged. LDA analysis revealed that wheat biological breeding could be roughly divided into five research areas, including genetic mapping, genome and breeding, biotic stress, abiotic stress, and yield formation. Among them, wheat rust, QTL mapping, flour quality, drought, and genome were highly concerned.   Conclusion  In the future, wheat biological breeding needs to fully employ modern biotechnology and information technology, including omics, automated phenotyping, artificial intelligence, gene editing, and genome breeding, to identify and utilize key genes and facilitate intelligent breeding. [Ch, 4 fig. 2 tab. 25 ref.]

Bimonthly, Start in 1984

Supervisor:Department of Education of Zhejiang Province

Sponsor:Zhejiang A&F University

Editor-in-Chief:SHEN Xi

Editor:Editorial Department of Journal of Zhejiang A&F University


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