Obstacles in the implementation of agricultural insurance and its elimination
摘要: 为解决农业保险实施中存在的障碍,主要运用法学理论辅之以多学科综合分析的方法,指出2013年3月1日实施的《农业保险条例》(以下简称《条例》)存在诸多问题:地方政府经济干预权不明确,干预不适当;互助合作保险和农业保险中介组织没有具体法律规范;缺乏农业巨灾风险分散机制。建议对《条例》中没有规定的,如经济干预权的规范、合理划分中央和地方职责、互助合作保险及保险中介组织、巨灾风险分散机制等在今后制定的《农业保险实施细则》中进行规定。具体指出:进一步规范政府经济干预权,引入政府干预经济契约化手段;以培育社会中间层主体为中心构建农业保险服务体系;以建立财政、税收优惠制度为农业巨灾风险分散机制建设的第一步。Abstract: To solve the obstacles in the implementation of agricultural insurance,we use the legal principle and assist with method of comprehensive analysis in multi subject and think there are a lot of defects in Agricultural Insurance Regulations:Economic intervention of the local government is not clear, intervention is not appropriate; Mutual cooperation insurance and agricultural insurance intermediary organizations have no specific legal norms; Lack of agricultural catastrophe risk disperse mechanism. Finally pointed out detailed rules should be right to further standardize the government intervention in the economy. Introduce Contract method to government intervention. Centered on the fostering social intermediary to build agricultural insurance service system. To establish a fiscal and tax preferential system is the first step of constructing agricultural catastophe risk diversification mechanism.
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