近年来,在上海市进行园林病虫害调查时,发现了一种危害樟树Cinnamomum camphora的钻蛀性害虫(图 1a,图 1b),经鉴定,确认为香樟齿喙象Pagiophloeus tsushimanus Morimoto, 1982,为中国新记录种。该虫隶属于象虫科Curculionidae魔喙象亚科Molytinae树皮象族Hylobiini齿喙象属Pagiophloeus Faust,1892。正模与副模的产地均为日本对马岛,其中2头采集自樟树[1]。目前,该种还发现在福建福州有分布(图 1c)。为了便于识别此害虫,笔者给出了齿喙象属的鉴别特征,及香樟齿喙象的外部形态特征、雌雄外生殖器结构、分布信息及为害情况。
Diagnosis and damage of weevil pest Pagiophloeus tsushimanus on camphor tree
摘要: 上海市樟树Cinnamomum camphora林受钻蛀性害虫——香樟齿喙象Pagiophloeus tsushimanus严重为害。该害虫为中国新记录种(上海和福建), 隶属于象虫科Curculionidae魔喙象亚科Molytinae树皮象族Hylobiini齿喙象属Pagiophloeus。鉴别特征为鞘翅行间的大型颗粒状隆起, 其行间3与行间5各具2个大型颗粒; 雌雄虫区别在于腹板1~2节, 雌虫隆起, 雄虫略凹。提供了该害虫的为害状、鉴别特征、外部形态照片以及雌雄尾器的绘图。Abstract: The ancient native and evergreen landscaping tree, Cinnamomum camphora is found seriously damaged by a newly occurred boring weevil pest in gardens of Shanghai. The pest, which identified to be Pagiophloeus tsushimanus Morimoto, 1982, belongs to the tribe Hylobiini in the subfamily Molytinae of Curculionidae. It is a new record to China and currently discovered in Shanghai and Fujian. The species is characterized by its four rough granules on elytra, with two on intervals Ⅲ and the other two on intervals Ⅴ. Difference between male and female could be found on the ventrites Ⅰ-Ⅱ, which are convex in female and concave in male. The study provided the damage, diagnosis, habitus photos, and detailed terminalia illustrations of the pest.
Key words:
- forest protection /
- Pagiophloeus tsushimanus /
- Cinnamomum camphora /
- new record /
- damage
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