Biological characteristics of the Myrica rubra flower
摘要: 为了系统了解杨梅Myrica rubra开花生物学特性,以杨梅品种东魁Myrica rubra Dongkui 雌株和雄株为材料,体视显微镜下观察其雌雄花的外部形态,采用石蜡切片、荧光及曙红染色等技术,研究其花粉活力及内部发育结构。结果表明:杨梅为风媒花,柔荑花序。雄花中每朵小花具有8~20枚花药,每枚花药具有4个花粉囊,花粉母细胞减数分裂过程中,细胞质分裂为同时型,四分体主要以四面体型为主,少量为连续型。成熟花粉粒为二细胞型,具3个萌发孔,刚散粉的花粉活力达到90%以上。杨梅雌花序中的小花主要由柱头、花柱和子房等3部分组成,单心皮,1室,子房上位,直生胚珠,单珠被,厚珠心。图4参30Abstract: The purpose of this study was to determine the biological characteristics of the Myrica rubra flower. The external structure of the anemophilous M. rubra flower was observed with a dissecting microscope; then pollen viability and development of the internal structure were determined by the fluorochrome reaction and eosin staining. Results showed that the male flower had 8 to 20 anthers and every anther had four pollen sacs. Most microspore tetrads had a tetrahedral type configuration with only a few having a successive configuration. Most mature pollen grains had two nuclei and three germinal apertures; pollen vitality was more than 90%. The female inflorescence consisted mainly of the stigma, style, and ovary. The superior ovary had a single carpel and one room. Also, the orthotropous ovule had a single integument and a thick nucellus. [ch, 4 fig. 30 ref.]
Key words:
- cash forestry /
- Myrica rubra /
- anther /
- ovary /
- biological characteristics
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