1993 Vol. 10, No. 2

Hardwood Cuttage of Ginkgo and Its Organ Initiation
Qian Lianfang, Li Zhangju, Chi Fanghe, Ni Lifen, Wang Wenchao
1993, 10(2): 125-132.
[Abstract](1018) [PDF](54)
Hardwood cuttage of ginkgo was done in the 20 days of March, with one- or two-year-old shoots as cuttings which from 10- or 30-year-old ginkgo trees and fine sandy soil as cuttage medium. Shading sheds Plus ground-bedded plastic film was used. Mean rooting rate was over 45 percent. The rooting rate of cuttings from 10-year-old trees was higher than that of cuttings from 30-year-old trees. Ginkgo was referred to callus rooting type and the time for rooting was relatively long.
Juvenile-Mature Correlation and Early Selection for Growth Traits of Taiwan Pine
Tong Zaikang, Fan Yirong, Wang Xueping, Yang Jiaqiang
1993, 10(2): 133-138.
[Abstract](1285) [PDF](60)
Thls paper analysed the provenance heritability and correlati correlation coefficients of Taiwan pine in annual tree height according to the data from provenance test plantations at the age of 8, with provenance heritability varing from 0.62 to 0.76 and genetic correlation coefficients all being more than 0.82. Ther results howed that tree height increment had a genetic stability with time. The age, 8 to 10, was an optimum stage for the early selection of Taiwan pine stand with a significantly higher genetic gain than that gained in crop time according to the data of stem analysed sample from plantations (aged 28) and natural stands (aged over 45) of Taiwan pine, which was juvenile-mature phenotypic correlation coefficients and the rate of annual genetic gains on early selection.
Result Analysis on Progeny Tests of Horsetail Beefwood Superlor Trees
He Fuji, Wang Dongmi, Lu Shijun, Xu Jiquan, Gao Qiliang
1993, 10(2): 139-144.
[Abstract](1129) [PDF](56)
Analysed and evaluated the hereditary predisposition of horsetail beefwood (Casuarina equisetifolia L.) superior trees. The results indicated that phenotypical selection was available in selceting superior trees. The hereditary variations of main growth traits among and within the families were very obvious, and the heritability of diameter breast-high (0.689) was larger than volume (0.565) than tree heigt (0.550). The genetic gains of superior families selected by progeny test on early tree height, diameter breast-high and volume growth were 8.24%, 14.33 and 24.16% respectively. The studies also showed that the preliminary selection of superior families according to the growth traits of each family of 6-7 years old was practicable. The preliminary elimination of bad clones according to the early diameter breast-high growth of the clones in the seed orhcard was feasible.
Primary Sutdies on Variations of Peroxidase-isoenzymes of Chinese Mahogany
Sun Hongyou, Yuan Wenhai, Ren Xiaorong, Xu Weinan
1993, 10(2): 145-151.
[Abstract](1016) [PDF](53)
Leaflets of Chinese mahogany were analysed, which sampled from 9 years old provenance forest from late April to middle May. The results showed that the enzyme spectra of peroxidase enzyme of Chinese mahogany consisted of about 30 enzyme bands Which could be divided into A, B, C and D regions. The occurrence frequencies of enzyme bands C21, C31, C32, B31 and B32 were the highest with up to 0.9~1.0 in the experimented population. The frequencies of enzyme bands B11, B22, B45 and C36 were the lowest with below 0.1. In general, the correlation between frequency variations of enzyme bands and provenance geographical positions was small. However, enzyme bands C23, C12, D1 and D3 and provenance latitude reached or approached significant level. The correlation between frequency variations of enzyme bands and tree height, DBH and volume was very small. Only B45 band came up to or closed significant level.
Studies on Pattern Recognition of Favourable Ecological Regions of Chinese Torreys
Liu Quan, Liu Hai
1993, 10(2): 152-156.
[Abstract](1106) [PDF](53)
Chinese torreya has only been cultivated in the regions such as Mt. Kuaiji, Mt. Tianmu and Yellow Mountain. The two places, Chenchai village of Zhuji City and Zhuxi village of Sheng County, were taken as main recognizing sites according to weighting factors such as 17 meteorological elements during 22 years and 8 soil factors, and Forestry Research Institute of Zhuji City as waiting recognizing site. The results showed that TDR (Chencai)=68.270 and TDR (Zhuqi)=36.567, which indicating that it's not suitable for introducing Chinese torreya into the locality of Forestry Research Institute of Zhuji City, there the yield of Chinese torreya introduced in 1959 was no more than 1/3 of that in the main recognizing site just with the causes of elevation, soil texture, PH, organic matters and fertility.
On the Biomass of Secondary Schima superba Forest in Hangzhou
Yu Yiwu, Shi Defa, Jiang Qiuyi, He Liming, Cheng Guorui
1993, 10(2): 157-161.
[Abstract](1114) [PDF](56)
The results of the investigation about the biomass, the increment and the quantity of the litter of secondary Schima superba forest on the south slop of Beigao mountain in Hangzhou were as follows: ① The tatal biomass of the stand was 126.649 tons per hectare in which the tree stratum, regeneration layer, shrub layer, field layer and the litter layer accounted for 80.16, 5.67, 3.84, 4.76 and 5.57 percent respectively.② In the tree stratum, the biomass of boles, branches and leaves were 53.591, 16.996 and 4.835 tons per hectare and made up 70.95, 22.50 and 6.40 percent of the biomass above the ground. The biomass of roots was 18.474 tons per hectare which accounted for 29.76 percent of the biomass below the ground. ③ This forest had the annual increment of 28.474 tons per hectare in which the increment of tree stratum and regeneration layer made up 68.19 percent and 10.54 percent. ④ Annual quantity of litter weithted averagely 5.848 tons per hectare in which the leaves were 79.49 percent. There were two top periods of the litter: one was from February to April and another was from Augsut to September.
On the Biomass of Magnolia officinalis Forrest Plantataon
Si Jinping, Tao Rongming, Cheng Debiao, Wu Changhai
1993, 10(2): 162-168.
[Abstract](1131) [PDF](65)
This paper studies the biomass of Magnolia officinalis plantation at 19-old-year in Jingning County. The results showed as follows: The stand had the biomass of 71.16 tons per hectare in which tree stratum and bark made up 62.78 and 6.64 tons per hectare respectively, and had average net production capacity of 4.02 tons per hectare in which the respective value of tree stratum and bark were 3.30 and 0.35 tons per hectare.
Effect of Atmospheric Pollution on Growth of Chinese Fir
Chen Dongji, Zheng Meizhu
1993, 10(2): 169-178.
An inventory to the sample plots of atmospheric polluted area and the area without atmospheric pollution, a stem analysis and a pollution analysis of timber showed that atmospheric pollution could check the growth of edge trees greatly; the effect of forest edge and the pollution effect were not distinct between the edge trees and the trees within stand of young Chinese fir, but, for canopied Chinese fir, there were a obvious effect of forest edge in the area without atmospheric pollution and a obvious pollution effect in atomspheric polluted area, which could indicate the loss rate of forest growth; the edge trees, after being polluted seriously, would form false growth ring, and there was a negative index correlation between the annual pollution content of Chinese fir and the width of annual ring, which could infer pollution record of Chinese fir.
On Improvement Cutting of Aerial Sowing Masson's Pineta
Chen Guofu, Wu Chiping, Xu Shanjia, Li Mingfu, Ye Sihua
1993, 10(2): 179-183.
[Abstract](1121) [PDF](54)
The measurements of 4years after improvement cutting proved that masson's pineta increments of DBH and tree height both bceame larger than before. The increment percentages of DBH for stand densities 3300, 4050, 4800 and 5550 trees per hectare were 3.43%, 2.85%, 2.64%and 2.56% respectively, with contrasts of 240.00%, 207.00%, 191.00% and 186.00% respectively. The increment percentages of tree height were 2.24%, 1.90%, 1.75% and 1.75% respectively, with contrasts of 149.00%, 127.00%, 117.00% and 117.00% respectively. The amount of middle growing made up 65.00% and over in the improvement cutting stands, but only 30.00% or so in the contrast stands. Stand densities of 3000 to 3750 trees per hectare were appropriate in the plots of good quality class.
A Computerized Simulation Test on the Effectiveness of Several Models of Chinese Fir and Masson Pine
Lin Sizu, Huang Qingzheng, Wu Wangming
1993, 10(2): 184-188.
This paper deals with the effectiveness of H-Hd models, D-H models and maximum density-D models of Chinese fir and Masson pine, making use of computerized simulation tests. The results showed that the simulation test precisions of the models reached up 99.0%, and P{RR*} 85.0%. The population correlation coefficients and the forecasting effectiveness of the models were satisfactory.
Six New Species and Two New Records of Mecoptera from China
Zhou Wenbao, Hu Yongxu, Wu Xiaoping, Wu Hong
1993, 10(2): 189-196.
[Abstract](1475) [PDF](51)
The present paper deals with 11 species of Mecoptera, collected from Zhejiang, Yunnan and Hainan. Among them 6 species are described as new to science and 2 are recorded for the first time from China. Type specimens are kept in the Zhejiang Museum of Natutal History.
On Timber Markets of the Southern Collective Forest Zone
Tang Zhaoyuan
1993, 10(2): 197-202.
[Abstract](1030) [PDF](50)
This paper analyses all kinds of present problems produced by monopoly prise relying mainly on administrative means. The timber marketsof production zone should be opened, and the timber markets of selling zone should be united with the timber markets of production zone, sp as to set up the socialist's timber market system.
Recent Developments in Forest Soil Researches of North America
Luo Ruying
1993, 10(2): 203-208.
[Abstract](1229) [PDF](51)
This paper deals with a review on the developments of the main research fields, the new problems and trends, and the technology of forest soils in North America. It also gives a short comparison to the related researches in China.
Necessity and Feasibility to Study and Establish the Microcomputer Management System of Forest Reserves for County Standard in Zhejiang
Fang Luming
1993, 10(2): 209-215.
[Abstract](1358) [PDF](45)
This paper proceeds from the objective requirement of forest reserves and forestry mordernization management, analyzes the necessity and feasibility to study and establish the microcomputer management system for county standard in Zhejiang ang provides the methods to put into effect.
Status and Prospects of Masson Pine Caserpillar Control with Beauveria bassiana in Zhejiang
Zhang Liqin, Dong Lingen
1993, 10(2): 216-220.
Summarized the history and present situation of masson pine caterpillar (Dendrolimus punctatus) control with Beauveria bassiana, analysed the chief causes of depression making use of Beauveria bassiana to control massion pine caterpillar in Zhejiang, and found the way out of the situaion.
Approach on writting Animal Resources of Forestry Zoning
Zhu Xi
1993, 10(2): 221-227.
[Abstract](1068) [PDF](37)
This paper discusses six aspects about writting animal resources of forestry zoning in Zhejiang Province. They are wildlife name, kinds, distribution, species, subspecies and classification. As each part being discussed, the reasons of causing these problems are analysed. At the end of this paper, the suggestion of holding a normal and short-term training classes is made.
Scientific notes
Spatial Distribution Patterns of the Larvae of Golden Larch Olethreutid Moth
Fang Zhigang, Mao Chaoming
1993, 10(2): 228-233.
[Abstract](1029) [PDF](48)
This paper analyzes the data from Mount Mogan by means of 7 kinds of methods. All indices show that the larvae are of aggregation patterns. This paper discusses briefly the application of the results in data transformation, determination of the best sampling numbers and sequential analysis, too.
Microcomputer Application in File Management of Dendrolimus punctatus
Wang Weili, Huang Deren, Zhang Xuanyi, Xia Mingjun, Su Wankai
1993, 10(2): 237-239.
[Abstract](1045) [PDF](50)
This paper discusses the problems how to manage the files about Dendrolimus punctatus by means of microcomputer and gives some examples.
A Method to Control Callosciurus erythraeus styani by Concentrating Poisonous Food
Zhu Yongtan, Zhang Weiyang, Zhang Rongde
1993, 10(2): 240-243.
[Abstract](1009) [PDF](46)
Fifty one spieces of trees were damaged by Callosciurus erythraeus styani in Pujiang County, Zhejiang Province and the damaged area makes up 45 percent of the total forest area in the county. Concentration poisonous food is a better method to wipe out such animal and is easy to handle, with low cost and good effect.
Container Nursery of Masson's Pine
Fu Qiuhua, Lu Yuanyuan
1993, 10(2): 244-246.
[Abstract](1118) [PDF](50)
Using nutritive soil with calcium superphosphate could accelerate mycorhiza inoculation and seedling growing of the container seedlings of masson's pine. Both planting into container methods are practical. Those are bud seedling lifting method and seed lifting method after thorough steeping and sand forced germination. The lifting time is on early April.
Status and Tendency of Forest Product Industry Research Judged by CAB Abstract
Xu Erna, Yan Wulin
1993, 10(2): 247-251.
[Abstract](1090) [PDF](44)
The literature materials of forest product industry research come from CAB Abstracts (1981-1990). By statisticas and analysis, this paper studies the country distribution, subject distribution and time distribution of forest product industry research, and finds out the key study subjects and some laws as time changes in the countries that have great literature of forest product industry.
Xia Chunsheng, Zhou Xinheng
1993, 10(2): 234-236.
