1995 Vol. 12, No. 4

Pecan: Variation of Introduced Progeny from Seed
Wang Baipo, Qian Yincai, Dai Wensheng, Wang Yuxi.
1995, 12(4): 337-342.
[Abstract](1239) [PDF](75)
Many years studies showed that the main factors not being scale pecan production in the southern areas of the Changjiang River were later bearing age, low and unstable fruit yield. In 13 variatives of seedling progenies, about 0.3% of trees had high and stable production. The nut weight of progenies from seed or clone was light: and big fruit variaties exceeded parent trees were few. Seedling tree shoots top-working to big tree made juvenile stage short, with bearng fruit after 5 to 6 years. The kernel components of all variaties from seed had big difference, with 40.10% difference of oil content among trees. Dichogamy progenies were of 90.70%, and protandry was indominant position. The yield related to female flower, pollenizing conditions and climate at flowering season, not dichogamy.
Chemical Composition of Wood of Some Poplars
Liu Hong′e, Liu Li, Shi Hongguang, Feng Han, Han Yifan
1995, 12(4): 343-346.
[Abstract](1982) [PDF](107)
An analysis of wood chemical composition was carried out for eight poplars, of which four (Populus adenopoda, P.eura cv. `I-214, P.deltoides cv.`Lux and P.deltoides cv. `Havard) sampled from south of China and four (P.deltoides ev. `Zs-5, p. popu-eura cv. `28-77, P.deltoides cv. `Zj- 2 and P.popularis cv. `Zj-10)from north of China. The results showed that the averaged contents of water, ash and benzene-alcohol extractives were low, 9.69%, 0.68% and 1.74% respectively. The contents of cellulose and holocellulose were high, 48.76% and 77.19% respectively; and lignin and pentosans were 21.54% and 21.72% respectively. With respect to the criteria required for pulpwood, these poplars were all of superior pulping material. The four northern species, however, were better than the sourthern four.
Studies on Soil Microoganisms and Biochemlcal Properties in Mixed Forests of Chinese Fir.
Du Guojian, Huang Tianping, Zhang Qingrong, Zhang Pushan, Cheng Rongliang.
1995, 12(4): 347-352.
[Abstract](1057) [PDF](69)
This paper analyses the number of soil microoganisms and biochemical properties in mixed forests of Chinese fir with Liriodendron chinense, Alniphyllum forluner, Schima Superba, Sassafras tsumu and Cinnamomum camphora. The soil microoganisms in mixed forests were higher by 7.19%~41.32%, and the soil in mixed forest contained a higher level of the emzyme activity, N, P, K fertilities and organic matters than that in pure forest of Chinese fir.
Non-Destructive Sampling for Yield Estimation.
Li Jian, Ford-Robertson, J B Wattres, M P
1995, 12(4): 353-359.
A general model was sought to estimate the shoot biomass of short rotation coppice crops in the UK. Different aged shoots of willow and poplar clones were sampled from different sites to produce 19 data sets. Models were created for each clone, separately for 1-, 2- and 4-year old willow, and general models for 1 to 4 year willows, and 3 year old poplars. The models were compared with regard to accuracy and correlation coeffieient. The diameter at breast height was chosen as the best independent variable to estimate the shoot weight. A general multiplicative model without intercept was created for all the willows and poplars sampled. The model was evaluated and was found to have average accuracy of 92% when tested with new data from 1- and 3-year old willow clones. The model requires further validation.
Influences of Thinning Methods on Structure, Growth and Competition of Chinese Fir Plantations.
Qin Jianhua, Ruan yichu, Jiang Zhilin, Ye Jingzhong.
1995, 12(4): 360-366.
[Abstract](1181) [PDF](43)
This paper deals with the principles of the influences of thinning methods on the growth and ylelds of thinned stands. The stands are divided into three growth layers by relative diameter. The structure, the growth rates of basal area and the competition of thinned and unthinned stands are analysed, based on growth layers. The results show that the changes of the stand structure caused by thinning methods lead to the differences of growth and competition among thinned and unthinned stands. The stand thinned in mechanical way has the best structure, the highest growth rate and increment of basal area and the least competition.
Gorwth Characteristics of Southern Type Poplars in Coastal Plain of Ningbo.
Xu Weikun, Yang Xiongying, Hu Qinfen, Shi Yingyin, Huang Shenli.
1995, 12(4): 367-373.
[Abstract](1319) [PDF](73)
Three years continuous study indicated that anuual growth process of southern type poplars in coastal plain, Ningbo, Zhejiang, could be divided into four stages: early growing stage, fast growing stage Ⅰ, fastgrowing stageⅡand late growing stage, and could be fit by Rechards function. The fast growing periods of height, DBH and volume appeared at 2~6, 3~7 and 4~9 years old respectively. The growth of the tree was restrained by the saIt content of soil, but it still growed faster than other species in the same site. The coastal plain in Ningbo is a favourable area for its intruduction.
Propagation on Four Species of Sageretia.
Qian Lianfang, Li Zhangju, Qian Yongtao, Gao Hong.
1995, 12(4): 374-379.
[Abstract](1634) [PDF](85)
Four species of Sageretia got from Zhejiang were propagated by seeds, one-or two-year old shoots and three-or five-year old shoots in Linan of Zhejiang. The results showed that for S. thea, the germination percentage of seeds was 95%, and the rooting percentage of cuttings and layerings were 92% and 100% respectively. The rooting percentage of cuttings were 42%, 45% and 48% for S. Melliana, S. henryitdan and S. hamosa respectively.
Superior Regions of Ecoclimate of Phyllostachys pubescens.
Jiang Xiaoquan, Zhou Leizhi, Chen Xingzhi.
1995, 12(4): 380-387.
[Abstract](1091) [PDF](65)
Climatic puzzle about the superior growth of bamboo in mountain areas was revealed by analysing the best growth period (daily average temperature 15 to 25℃), the vertical distribution of light, heat and water and the limiting factors of growth at the southern and northern slopes of Wuyishan. A method to determine the superior cultivation regions of bamboo in ecoclimate vvas made.
Sand Vegetations of the Islands in Zhejiang (Ⅰ) Basic Charaeteristics of Vegetations.
Chen Zhenghai, Tang Zhengliang, Ying Songkang, Sun Haiping
1995, 12(4): 388-398.
[Abstract](1119) [PDF](87)
The sand vegetation found on the sandy coast of some islands in Zhejiang, having a simple floristic composition, is composed of 271 species of wild vascular plants, either psamomphytes or plants with sandy tolerance, which belong to 191 genera of 67 families. The vegetation, with obvious aspect changes and simple construction, is complex in geographycal elements, regular and low in physiognomy, and is closely related to the tropical flora. It is uneyenly distributed in different regions, islands, sandy beaches and site conditions, and has handed characteristies. Although an intrazonal vegetation, it has the obvious brand of the zonal vegetation. In addition, its succession, caused by changes in the size of sand grains, moisture content, salinity and organic content of soil, is in the category of exodynamic succession.
Mid- and Long-team Resin Tapping of Pinus elliottii by Chemical Method.
Wen Changyu, Cao Jianshi, Sun Zhulin, Dai Jianfu, Yuan Xianghai
1995, 12(4): 399-403.
[Abstract](1209) [PDF](48)
Three kinds of chemical methods, chlorinated lime, phenoxyacetic acid+ammonium bicarbonate, and ethrel+pine needle juice, were used in resin tapping of Pinus elliottii at 40% face load and below 25cm cut, resulting that annual single-plant oleoresin yield increased by 13.65%, 22.27% and 31.00% compared with the traditional resin tapping method respectively. Applying those chemical methods, the bad influence of pine resin and production in quality and tree growth not be found.
Analysis on Internal Foreces in Oblique Beam of Single-beam and Simple Strut Oblique Bridge.
Yang Yunfang
1995, 12(4): 404-411.
[Abstract](1428) [PDF](77)
The single-beam and simple strut oblique bridge was used to analyse the character of bearing force, and the formula for internal force in oblique beam was conducted. According to analysis and research, moment of turn on oblique beam of oblique bridge was less than that on ridge purlin of ridge bridge in thesame span. With reducing of angle , the value of moment of turn on oblique beam span reduced. According to the characters of moment of turn on oblique beam coupling reaction, the box section that had more resistant ability on moment of force was better.
An Application of Amargosite Waste Residue as Batch in Producing Cement.
Dong Youfei, Zheng Ronggui
1995, 12(4): 412-417.
[Abstract](1092) [PDF](58)
Based on the chemical compositions, physical properties and activity of amargosite waste residue, it was applied to production of ordinary portlands cements in a suitable prescription. Compared test indicated that the residue was a new batch of cement with low cost and low energy comsumption. Finally, the applying potential of the technique was prospected.
On Reconstructing Property System of Village Forest Farms.
Chen Yongfu, Lin Xiazhen
1995, 12(4): 418-422.
[Abstract](1347) [PDF](86)
In recent years, village forest farms in Zhejiang Province have been developing rapidly, but there has been serious stagnation and deficiency in property system construction. The authors think that reconstruction of property system is the objective demand for adapting the development of the socialist market economy and instituting modern forestry business system, and it is also an essential prerequisite for deepening forestry reform in southern collective forest and pursuing forestry share cooperative system, and is a need for the development of scale economy. Based on the investigation on various village forest farms, some measures about hamonious relations of property, clearing main part of property, reformation of current progerty construction and the effective protection of profits for property main parts are presented in this paper to promote healthy development of village forest farms.
Thoughts on the Development of Village and Town Forest Farms.
Zhu Yongfa, Wang Zhiyong, Tang Zhaoyuan, Zhen Shoukun.
1995, 12(4): 423-428.
[Abstract](1286) [PDF](44)
The village and town forest farm is an important strength to develop forestry. On the base of a good deal of investigations, this paper thoroughly analyses the present problems and their reasons of village and town forest farms of Kaihua County. Futhermore, some counter measures are described in terms of 7 different angles.
Methods about strengthening College Student’s Ethics Education.
Yu Jianyao
1995, 12(4): 429-433.
[Abstract](1192) [PDF](63)
In analysing the basic characteristic and state of mind of college students, it is suggested that education of ethics should be emphasized in all aspects of college life. We should prepare the students to fit into socialist construction.
Repressive Causes of Degradation on Phenols from the soil in Pure Chinese Fir Succession.
He Guangxun
1995, 12(4): 434-439.
[Abstract](1082) [PDF](69)
When the concentration of phenols accumulated in the soil under Chinese fir forest from time to time, it can decrease the growth of trees, even to death. The degradation of phenols in the soil mainly relies on the growth and development of many microbes. For this, the stimulation of organic matters, nitrogen and phosphate in the soil under Chinese fir is very important; otherwise microbes (such as bacterium) may change theirs metabolism to submetabolism, and accumulate submetabolites. The microbes in the soilunder Chinese fir aren't able to degrade the martters. The small stimulation of Chinese fir litter is a key not degrading these phenols, so in order to degrade these phenols, it should be added other organic matters.
Chemical Control of Olethreutes sp.
Fang Zhigang, Wang Jing, Lou Weimin
1995, 12(4): 440-443.
[Abstract](1297) [PDF](42)
Two methods and four insecticides of various concentrations were used in the test. The results showed that spraying insecticides could produce better results than injecting them, with solution of 2.5EC deltamethrin as the best. It is testified that solutions with 2000, 4000, and 8000 fold could control over 95 percent of Olethreutes sp. As for injecting method, 8 and 10 ml of methamidophos 50EC could have 85 percent of insect-control effect.
Techniques on Street Green Space Designing.
Zhao Yuanzhong
1995, 12(4): 444-445.
[Abstract](2791) [PDF](53)
Four techniques on street green designing are made in the right of practical experience, with some discussions in terms of theory.
An Indirect Experimental Proof for Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Xia Jingguo, Xia Yiqian
1995, 12(4): 446-448.
[Abstract](1333) [PDF](48)
At first, the related expression (EI) between water boiling point and pressure is derived by using the Clapayrons equation (E2). And then E2 is proved from experimental data based on E1 for indirectly proving the correctness of second law of thermodynamics.
Doctors’ Task and Function in College Education of Health.
Cui Xiaohua
1995, 12(4): 449-451.
[Abstract](1094) [PDF](41)
The medical staffs of colleges and universities should fit themselves for the rapid development of science and society. They should guide young student's view of health from traditional and biomedical pattern to biological, psychical and sociomedical pattern so as to prompte the social surrounding and to improve the quality of life.