摘要: 研究了吡虫啉、甲维盐、吡虫啉 + 阿维菌素和敌畏氧乐等4种注干液剂注干施药后对悬铃木方翅网蝽Corythucha ciliata的林间防治效果。结果表明:各药剂均表现出较好的控制作用,防治效果与药剂种类、施药剂量及药后时间长短有关。其中40.0 gL-1吡虫啉 + 1.5 gL-1阿维菌素和300.0 gL-1敌畏氧乐防治效果较好,根据悬铃木Platanus胸径大小,在0.10 Lm-1胸径处理剂量下,药后5 d,防治效果分别达95.33%和97.31%;药后20 d,分别达96.00%和94.70%。这2种药剂可用于悬铃木方翅网蝽的防治。表1参4Abstract: To scientific control forest alien invasive species,the control of Corythucha ciliata in the forest with five different pesticides:1)imidacloprid,2)emamectin benzoate,3)imidacloprid + abamectin,4)dichlorvos-omethoate were studied using trunk injection. Results showed that both 1)40.0 gL-1 imidacloprid + 1.5 gL-1 abamectin,which 5 d after a trunk injection with 0.10 Lm-1 controlled 95.33% and at 20 d 96.00%,and 2)300.0 gL-1(dichlorvos-omethoate),which at 5 d controlled at 97.31% and at 20 d 94.70%,had better control than the other supplied insecticides. This indicated that 40.0 gL-1 imidacloprid + 1.5 gL-1 abamectin and 300.0 gL-1(dichlorvos-omethoate) could be used to control C. ciliata.[Ch,1 tab. 4 ref.]

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