摘要: 综述了因松材线虫Bursaphelenchus xylophilus入侵对松林内植物群落演替、节肢动物群落、鸟类群落及微生态环境方面的影响,展望了松材线虫病在生态系统水平上的研究方向。在探究松材线虫病的防控技术及措施上,一方面要深入探讨松材线虫的入侵机制,揭示它们对特定松林生态系统结构和功能的影响;同时还应从增强系统自身抵抗性和系统应对生物灾害的自我补偿和生态修复能力入手,以期从生态尺度上探求松材线虫病的防控策略。参36Abstract: This paper summarized research in an arthropod community,an avian community,and a micro-ecological-environment after vegetative succession in response to an attack of pine wilt disease from Bursaphelenchus xylophilus. Two aspects should be considered for prevention and control of this disease:1) pest infestation methods and 2) disease influence on structure and use of wood resources. Also,at the ecosystem level,increasing tree resistance to B. xylophilus invasion as well as strategies and methods of prevention and control of the disease,should be studied. In addition,future research on pine wilt disease is discussed.[Ch,36 ref.]
Key words:
- forest protection /
- invasion /
- Bursaphelenchus xylophilus /
- community /
- ecosystem /
- review

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