Research progress on the causes of spatial heterogeneity of soil salinity and its effects on plants’ growth
摘要: 盐胁迫是农业生产的重要限制因子之一,土壤中的盐分在时间和空间上呈现普遍的异质性,植物对这种盐分差异性十分敏感。深入了解植物对异质盐胁迫的响应模式,对于改善植物在非一致性盐胁迫下的抗性具有十分重要的意义。实际农业生产中,植物对土壤异质盐胁迫的响应存在较大差异。本研究综述了土壤盐分异质性分布成因及近年来盐分空间异质性对植物生长影响的研究进展,主要内容包括:①土壤盐分空间异质性成因及分布;②土壤盐分空间异质性对植物地上部生长的影响;③植物根系对土壤盐分空间异质性的响应;④土壤盐分空间异质性对植物生长和根区盐分含量的关系。展望了土壤盐分空间异质性对植物生长影响的可行性研究。参65Abstract: Since salinity is one of the major restraints for agricultural production, and plants are sensitive to the general heterogeneous variability in salt over time and space, it is of great importance to investigate the response patterns of plants to heterogeneous salt stresses which can shed some light on the improvement of plant resistance under nonuniform salt stress. However, studies conducted on plant salt stress so far have mainly focused on homogeneous salt stress, which is very different from the heterogeneous salt stress phenomenon in soils in actual agricultural production. In view of this, this paper is aimed at a review of the causes of soil salinity heterogeneity distribution and recent research progress on plants under salinity spatial heterogeneity, including: (1) the causes and distribution of soil salinity spatial heterogeneity; (2) effects of soil salinity spatial heterogeneity on plant above-ground growth; (3) plant root system response to soil salinity spatial heterogeneity and (4) the relationship between plant growth and root zone salt concentration under soil salinity spatial heterogeneity. This paper provides an insight into the feasibility study of the effects of spatial heterogeneity of soil salinity on plant growth for the subsequent research on heterogeneous salt stress. [Ch, 65 ref.]
Key words:
- soil /
- heterogeneous salt stress /
- plant growth /
- response mechanism /
- research progress
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