1995 Vol. 12, No. 1

Comparison of Biochemical Properties of Rhizosphere soil between Chinese Fir anb Chinese Sassafras。
Jiang Peikun, Jiang Qiuyi, Dong Lingen, Qian Xinbiao, Jin Ronggen.
1995, 12(1): 1-5.
[Abstract](1119) [PDF](83)
This paper analyses the biochemical intensity, enzymatic activity and the number of microbials in rhizosPhere soil of Chinese fir and Chinese sassfras.There are much more microbials, such as bacteria, actinomyces and fungi in the rhizosphere soil of Chinese sassafras than that of Chinese fir. Compared with that of Chinese fir, the rhizosphere soil of Chinese sassafras has higher intensities of respiration, ammoniation, nitrification and celluluse digradation, and higher contents of enzymatic activity, urease, sucrase and phosphatas, but lower content of polyphenol oxidase. R/S values of biochemical properties are all above one except polyphenol oxidase. Chinese sassafras has a higher R/S value than Chinese fir.
Site Quality Evaluation for Middle and Juvenile Stands of Chinese Fir by Using Internode Length.
Zheng Yongping, Lao Qin, Yu Guoxin, Song Zhiqiang, He Hanliang.
1995, 12(1): 6-12.
[Abstract](1203) [PDF](58)
Regression analysis showed that the length of five internodes from the second branch above DBH is a practical and effective index for evaluating site quality of middle and juvenile stands of Cunninghamia lanceolata. In order to be used conveniently, the tables to evaluate directly or indirectly site quality by using internodes and the quantitative internode regressive model were established.
Selection of Soybean Varieties Suitable for Interplant in the Young Growth of Chinese Fir.
Wu Zuying, Sun Hongyou, Jiang Liuqi, Tang Mingrong, Ni Rongxin.
1995, 12(1): 13-23.
[Abstract](1049) [PDF](71)
Contrast studies of Interplanting were carried out by use of 80 soybean varieties collected from Zhejiang, Jiangxi, Jiangsu, and other places in the young growth of 2 to 3 years old Chinese fir in Lin'an, Chun'an and Qingyuan of Zhejiang. In the selection of good soybean varieties suitable for interplanting, we considered not only the stable high-yield capacities of varietles but also the hundred-grain weight of seeds. After 3-year experiments in Lin'an 6 soybean varieties were selected, which yield increased by an average of 38.4% to 76.4% than control variety Yezhuchuo and genetic gain reached by an averageof 30.8% to 50.9%. Three to five fine soybean varieties suiatble for interplanting were preliminarily selected in Chunan and Qingyaun.
Comparative Studies on Wood Properties for Different Superior Trees of Chinese Fir.
He Fuji, Ma Lingfei, Xu Yuanke.
1995, 12(1): 24-30.
[Abstract](1176) [PDF](59)
Based on the examination of wood properties and combined evaluation for the progenies of 30 Chinese fir superior trees from Linan County and Longquan City, Zhejiang Province (15 trees from each site), the authors considered that the numbers Lin75, Lin5, Long17, Long25 and Long26 as the superior trees for engineering technique timber Production, and the numbers Long23, Long25, Long28 and Lin78 as the superior trees for pulpwood production, all are good. Among these the Long25 is the best, and the Lin78 and Long26 are the better trees for both uses.
Regression Analysis of the Relationship between Sound Absorption Coefficients and Audio Frequencies of wood.
Chen Ruiying, Wang Yihuai, Feng Dewang.
1995, 12(1): 31-35.
[Abstract](1454) [PDF](93)
This study was carred out by use of the determination results of normal sound coefficients of wood(p) for 10 major tree species from Fujian. The regerssion analysis ofp and audio frequencies(f)showed that the formulap=b0+b1f+b2f2+b3f3 is fit for actaul conditions, which ont only has not any relation to the tangent plane of wood but also can be regarded it as a general law.
The Research of Using Sodium Phenoxide Recelmed from Coking Waste Water as the Raw Material of Phenol Aldehydye Resins
Jiang Zhihong, Ye Liangming, Ye jianhua, Fu Shenyaun, Ma Lingfei.
1995, 12(1): 36-39.
[Abstract](1363) [PDF](73)
The experiment results in a laboratory showed that using reclaimed soidum phenoxide as the raw material of phenol aldehyde resins is leasible, that Phenol aldehyde resin made from reclaimed sodium phenoxide can completely replace 2122 phenol aldehyde resin, and that the speed of reactoon has a positive correlation on the quantity of catalyst A used in the reaction.
Conversion of Protein In the Protein of High Protein Feeds from Barley Gain Residue.
Liu Li, Liu Chaogang, Yu Shiyuan.
1995, 12(1): 40-45.
[Abstract](1096) [PDF](85)
In the Process of feedstuff Production, barley grain residue was ground, prehydrolysed and enzymatically hydrolysed. Some 37% of barley Protein could be dissolved in sugar solution used for yeast fermentation which could turn more than 40% of the dissolved protein into yeast protein. Cellulosic residue for cellulase production contained 20% of barley protein. of which 30% was dissolved and utilized by fungous mycella to produce cellulase. About 63% of barley protein was remaiend in the residues of filtration, prehydrolysis, cellulase production and enzymatic hydrolysis, and mixed with yeast to make protein feedstuff after dry. No lose of barley protein was observed in the whole process.
The Woody Plant Flora in Quxian County of Zhejiang Province.
Hu Shaoqing
1995, 12(1): 46-51.
[Abstract](1229) [PDF](108)
There are 93 families, 269 genera and 763 species of woody plants in Quxian County of Zhejiang Province. The species are very rich, geographical elements of the flora are very complex, and there are more ancient familles and genera in the flora. This flora has wide connection with world flora and a typical subtropical charaeter. The flora shows the cross transition of midle-subtropies from south to north and east to west. It takes East China elements as maojrity and has close relations to the floristic elements of Central China, South China, North China and Southwest China.
Relationship Between Yield, Quality of Kyoho Grape and Its Load Index.
Liu Quan, Mao Aining, Liu Hua.
1995, 12(1): 52-57.
[Abstract](1005) [PDF](70)
The experiment was condueted for three years(1986~1988), in order to determine the load index of Kyoho grape with five years of age. The experiments showed that the best number of remaining bearing branches on the straning areas per square meter after winter pruning should be branches. With this number of grape garden, the yield per plant could be obtained with 3.54~3.65 kg, cluster weight with 193.30g, berry weight with 6.67g, rate of soluble solids with 12.76%~13.49%, color index with 70.6%~63.7% and acidity with 15.13%.
Initial Report on Introduction of Rubus idaeus.
Hu Chaozong, Jin Aiwu, Tian Jingxiang, Weng Yiming.
1995, 12(1): 58-62.
[Abstract](1140) [PDF](89)
Rubus idaeus was introduced to Zhejiang from 1990. This paper reports the growth of annual young shoots, and development of biennial canes, leaves and stalks. It also shows rules of blossom and bearing, and the rules of root growth. The author believes that the most favorable pIace for cultivation is the plot with deep, loose, fertile soil and with sunny exposure. The management of water and fertilizer is vital during the growing stage. The avoidance of hot,dry, water-accumulated environment is creial to the successful cultivation.
Studies on the Insect Fauna of Mount Gutian, Zhejiang.
Wu Hong, Fang Zhigang.
1995, 12(1): 63-72.
[Abstract](1345) [PDF](83)
Thepresent paper reports the results of the expedition carried by the Insect Scientific Expedition to the Mount Gutian(29.3N, 118.2E), Zhejiang Provicne, in1 992-1994. The basic characteristies of the inscet fauna of the Mount Gutian are that this are seems to be situated in the north part of Oriental Region, and it riches in Endemic species. According to the author's point of view, the main factors which effect the origin and evolution of the fauna in the area are (1) changes in landforms and climates throughout geoIogic time and (2) alternation of glacial and interglacial eras during Quaternary period.
Population Dynamics of Anastatus albitarsis in Masson Pine Forest
Fang Huilan, Lian Yueyan, Zhu Jinru, Zhang Aixian.
1995, 12(1): 73-78.
[Abstract](1144) [PDF](79)
Anastatus albirarsisnaturally incubates in the middle and late April in Zhejiang Province. Its mature larvae overwiter in eggs of the third generationDendrolimus puntatuse in early October, in eggs of Dendrolimus latipenuis in November. Under natural temperature, there are 6~7 generations each year. There are two peaks of population which occur from May to June and from September to October respectively. The peak time coincides with the egg season of main forest inscets such asDendrolimus puntatuse, Dendrolimus latipenuis, Actias seleneningpoana, Meganoton analis and Lebeda nobilis, and its controling rate to above insects are 16.55%~22.9%, 23.45%, 2.63%~5.40%, 19.50% and 3.00%~7.00% respcetively. The wasp can spread more than 32 meters of level distance in the forest.
Relationship between the Nesting Habits and Seasonal Activity of Hirundo daurica japonica and the Ecological Factors
Zhu Xi, Li Qiuwen, Chen Hongming, Ding Yifei
1995, 12(1): 79-86.
[Abstract](1384) [PDF](73)
A study was made of nesting habits of the golden-rumped swallow and effects of ecological factors on its activity at Lin'an, Zhejiang, from March to October in 1992~1993. The structure, distribution, base, entrance direction of 109 nests were observed and nest size and reproduction activity were measured. The investigation shows the seasonal activity of the golden-rumped swallow is closely related with ecological factors, particularly with air temperature and illuminance. Generally, it awakens at 45.60lx of illuminance and leaves its nest at 74.271lx. The awakening time is correlated with the illuminance. The correlation is very obvious. There doesn`t exist any correlation between the leaving time and the illuminance. The swallow awakens and Ieavs Iater on a overcast day than on a sunny day, and accordingly the awakening and leaving illuminance is lower. The violent typhoon and raisntorm hidner its leaving activity to a Iarger extent.
Shift of Mushroom Cultivators and Transformation in Poor-developed Mountain Areas
Li Minghua
1995, 12(1): 87-92.
[Abstract](1154) [PDF](71)
This paper analyses the social economic reasons for the shift of mushroom cultivators in Qingyuan, its form-transformation mechanism, and the organizing patterns of economy as well. Using the methodology from sociology, the paper also studies the impact of the shifting population on the impoverished mountain areas with respect to social structure and indiVidual role. In the end, it tries to explain the social transformation mechanism casued by the shift of mushroom cultivators.
An Elementary Analysis of Sports Injuries about College Students.
Zhang Xiafei
1995, 12(1): 93-97.
[Abstract](1100) [PDF](80)
The results by inveotigating 605 college students showed that the sports injuries rate reached 31.0%, and the rate peak usually occurred in the first term.The main reasons were due to not enough preparation before sports, as well as students poor phyical quality and sports skill. In order to protect students sports injuries, this we should adopt the following basic measures: to improve the sports safe education, offer sports health care course, strengthen the guidance of training, enhence students resistance to sports Ioad, set the amateur referee organization and supervise the safety of playgraund facilities.
Scientific notes
Rational Seed Collecting of Chinese Chestnut.
Guo Weihua, Tong Pinzhang, Wang Zhengmiao, Li Jinchang, Yang Gongming.
1995, 12(1): 98-102.
[Abstract](1191) [PDF](76)
A control experiment to determinerational time of seed collceting and method of seed collecting was condcuted on two Chinese chestnut forests in Zhuji City from 1991 to 1993. The result showed that the rational time of seed collecting was when 50% envelope was split on the trees. A good method of seed collecting was to pick up the seeds on the ground previosuly and to strike the other seeds lightly when 50% envelope was split on the trees.
Accelerating Fruit Falling of Carya cathayensis with Ethrel.
Wang Xianji, Lu Xiujiao, Fang Weiguo, Wang Anguo
1995, 12(1): 103-105.
[Abstract](1309) [PDF](75)
This study was carried out in 1980~1991, in Linan County, Zhejiang Province. The results showed that up to 90 per cent fruit ofCarya cathayensis could be accelerately falled by use of ethephon applied in a 300000 mg/kg solution as a trunk injection in the first ten days of September, was 6~9 times from control (10~15 per cent). This method has not only safety in operation and less intensity of labour, but also lower cost of plucking.
On the Economic Maturation Age of Chinese fir Planted Forest.
Zhang Qinxiang, Chen Huihua.
1995, 12(1): 106-109.
[Abstract](1177) [PDF](80)
Based on the data from sample areas and the concept of value increment of standing trees, the different economic maturation ages of Chinese fir planted forest were obtained by means of the different calculating methods.
A Preliminary Study on Phyllostachys atrovaginata Producing Highclass Bamboo Sprout and Bamboo Wood.
Lu Zhimin, Wang Xianjia, He Chenguang.
1995, 12(1): 110-113.
[Abstract](1413) [PDF](81)
Phyllostachys atrovaginatahaving a stronger reprodcutivity and a good adaptiveness to site can be afforested on mountainous area, champaign, flooded Iand, and all around of the house. In the bamboo groves having a mother bamboo of 9690 plants and a mean diameter of 3.5 cm, the yield of bamboo sprout can aomunt to 15744 kilograms per hectare, which makes a net profit of 31960.32 Yuan RMB per year. Bamboo sprout for market can be digged in the new bamboo groves 3-to 4- year after planting.
Improvement of Low Production Moso Bamboo Forest and Its Effect.
Li Qiliang, Xu Daming, Wu Junshou, Wu Chunxia, Zhang Zhuowen.
1995, 12(1): 114-118.
[Abstract](1389) [PDF](86)
Four-year experiments with low Production forest of moso bamboo in Qingyuan County, Zhejiang Province suggests that digging and fertilizing can obviously promote the growth of DBH, thichen the wall and increase the height of stem under branch. So the grade of banboo trunk for market is increased. The density increase from the beginning 1218 to 3000 per hectare, and the distribution of numbers of bamboo to ages tends to balance and reasonable. The value of investment to income is 1.00:1.28 during adjustment, if not take the wage of work and the rent money into account, it is 1.00:5.52. After adjustment it is 1.00:4.93, if not take the wage of work and the rent money, it is1.00:24.05.
1995, 12(1): 119-120.