1998 Vol. 15, No. 2

Preliminary study on composition of Lei bamboo in pro-tected plot.
Zhou Guomo, Jin Aiwu, Zheng Bingsong, Fang Weihao, Yu Weiduo
1998, 15(2): 111-115.
[Abstract](1192) [PDF](142)
Data collected from 44 Lei bamboo plots produced an average density of 1 7000 stalks per hectare and a variance coefficient of 31.1%.There is a large variation in density between each plot thus the high variance coefficient.A plantation is mulched in order to increase the soil temperature.An increase in the mulching frequency produces a higher flowering potential which is detrimental to a plantations productivity.Plantations that are mulched for three consecutive years or longer have a more than 11% flowering rate.It is suggested to mulch for two consecutive years then allow the plantation to lay dormant for one year.Thereafter the mulching cycle is repeated.This mulching technique is performed in order to maintain a healthy composition of rhizomes,a variety of age classes.The goal of a productive bamboo plantation is to have a density of approximately 16 500 stalks per hectare.
Silvicultural techniques of slash pine pulp plantation under short rotation
Xu Youming, Gao Fang bing, JiangBiao, Cai Shanyin, Hong Xinpu.
1998, 15(2): 116-121.
[Abstract](1252) [PDF](99)
The study was done insite selection, land preparation, seedling grades, fertilization methods, afforestation density and rotation of forest and crop, etc. The result s showed that the annual volume increments of two stands, which were at 9~ 10 years old and with a afforestation density of 2 500 stalks perhectare ( 2. 0 m 2. 0 m) and 3 334 stalks per hectare( 2. 0 m 1. 5 m) respectively, could reached 11. 19~ 12. 31 m 3 hm- 2 . The values are greaterthan the criterion ( 10. 5 m3 hm- 2 a- 1 ) of planting pulp plantation with short rotation in southern collective forest area stipulated in National Key Technologies during the eighth five-year plan.
Study on chemical properties of rhizosphere soil under Pinus massoniana forest
Xu Qiufang
1998, 15(2): 122-126.
[Abstract](992) [PDF](101)
The study was wade in the suburb o f Lin' an City , Zhejiang Province. The result showed that the soil acidity of rhizosphere under Pinus massoniana forest was much more than that of bulk. There were more organic carbon and nitrogen compound in rhizosphere soil. The lower percentage of humic acid, however, was appeared in rhizosphere soil, resulting in humic matter of low quality.
Effects of air pollution by sulfur dioxide on masson pine growth
Huang Yi jiang, Chen Duman, Liu Yuming, Liu Shurong
1998, 15(2): 127-130.
[Abstract](1082) [PDF](85)
Physio logical reaction on sulfur dioxide pollution to masson pine was determined.The results showed that masson pine was seriously hurt in the first sprout on April ,and new leaves appeared brown. The content of the chlorophyll and aoluble sugar were debased,the same with the growth of height , the activity of pero xidase increased. These indicated that the grow th of masson pine was hurt when content of SO 2-3 and HSO-3 in leaf-cells was beyond a definitive point.
Chinese fir: related expressions between diameter breast-high and crown width and their application.
Xu Anfang, Wu Longgao, Hu Zhongcheng, Wu Weigang Qiu Runsheng, Guo Youyi.
1998, 15(2): 131-137.
[Abstract](1319) [PDF](153)
There are 19 provenances in the Chinese fir forests of proenance test made by Forestry Research Institute of Long' quan City , Zhejiang Province. The measurement and analysis of 14 years old stands show that relationship between DBH ( x ) and crown width ( y ) is closely and can express it with y= axb . According to the statistical tests, 19 provenances can divide into 3 groups of the south subtropics, the middle subtropics and the north subtropics.The density targets of management and crown overlappable coefficient sobtained respectively can make reference use of thinning for Chinese fir forests all the country.
Combining ability analysis on growth traits of half-diallel cross progeny of Chinese fir
Zhang Jianzhang You Chang shun Lǜ Jinsong
1998, 15(2): 138-144.
[Abstract](1088) [PDF](106)
The growth difference, combining ability effect , genetic variation, heritability and heterosis were studied and analyzed by use of 10. 5 years old Chinese fir progeny crossed 99 half-diallel. The results proved further that GCA played a leading role and SCA a secendary role in genetic effect of growth traits of Chinese fir. During the different stages of Chinese fir genetic improvement , the various parents with different GCA and SCA should be selected asgenetic materials of breedingorchard and productive seed orchard.
Community constitution and improvement technique of Chinese aspen.
Wu Xiaoxian, Xiong Zhong hua, Zhu Zhong rong
1998, 15(2): 145-150.
[Abstract](1002) [PDF](77)
In secondary forest s of Chinese aspes with the age of more than 15 years, the dominant tree comparative method and absolute growth method can be used in the selection of select trees. The vegetative propagation methods, including germination by embedding root s,rejuvenation by grafting and tissue cultures, etc. , can raise the rootability up to 80 percent.
Technique and strategy of genome mapping in forest trees.
He Zhenxiang, Shi Jisen, Qiu Jinqing, Xiao Shihai
1998, 15(2): 151-157.
[Abstract](970) [PDF](159)
The concepts, experimental techniques, strategies and computer software were expounded on genome mapping of forest trees. The research improvements on genome mapping in forest trees were summarized. The application value of genome map and main problems in the constructing of genome map were pointed out. Some suggestions on the genome mapping were also put forward.
Study on physico-mechanical properties of culm-wood of Phyllostachys iridenscens
Yang Yunfang, Yu Youming, Fang Wei, Chen Jianyin, Zhang Ailiang, Han Chun
1998, 15(2): 158-163.
[Abstract](1130) [PDF](112)
The physico-mechanical properties of culm-wood of Phyllostachys iridenscens go hand in hand with ages and parts of the culm. The air shrinkage properties of the culm decreaseg radually with the age while the basic density, compression strength parallel-to-the grain, tension strength parallel-to the grain and bending strength increase with the age of the culm and reach their maximum values at the age of 5~ 6 years. From the culm s bottom up,the water containage and air shrinkage properties reduce while the bundle density , basic density and strength increase. And different splittings of the culm have a remarkable effect on the compression strength.
Observation of development of female gametophyte and trend of starch grain in Liriodendron chinense.
Huang Jianqin
1998, 15(2): 164-169.
[Abstract](1010) [PDF](107)
The development of ovule and female gametophyte in Liriodendron chinense was observed by means of conventional methods. The ovule is anatropous, consisting of bitegmy ,crassinucellus, nucellar beak and hypostase. The type of embryo sacbelongs to the polygonum one. Mature embryo sac is narrow with inflate ends. The egg cell is roundish with an unobvious polaritical nucleus. The two polar nuclei don t fuse until one sperm get attached.And the antipodal cells degrade. During the development , the starch grains accumulate centripetally. This paper of fers the relationship between the development of ovule and female gametophyte and the length of the flower bud, and discusses the relationship between the development and seeding rate.
Three new species of Mycomya from Longwangshan Nature Reserve of Zhejiang ( Diptera: Mycetophilidae) .
Wu Hong
1998, 15(2): 170-175.
[Abstract](1123) [PDF](127)
In the present paper, three species of the genus Mycomya , collected by the author from Longwangshan Nature Reserve ( 30. 4N, 119. 4E) , Zhejiang Province, are described as new to science. They are M. copicusa , M. edentata and M. rivalisa. The type specimens are deposited in the Insect Collections of Zhejiang Forestry College.
Survey on Monochamus alternatus injury and distribution regularity in Qiandao Lake area.
Tang Lufa
1998, 15(2): 176-180.
[Abstract](1019) [PDF](84)
Monochamus alternatus is widely distributed over Qiandao Lake area, causing serious injury to pine trees. The rate of pest-insect infection is 8. 4% , with a death rate o f 6. 0% . The average density is 99. 1~ 155. 8 pests perplant, and the highest density reaches 544 pestsper plant. The pests a remostly dist ributed in the crowns of the pines, with gradual deduction of pest number from above to below. The south /north ratio of distribution is 60. 8: 39. 2. The number of pest s inside timber takes up 81. 9% of the number o f the invaded holes, which indicates a natural death rate of 18. 1% .
Distribution and protection of rare plants in Zhoushan Islands.
Wang Guoming, Xu Shuhua, Ye Zhi jun, Miao Shijun
1998, 15(2): 181-186.
[Abstract](1483) [PDF](217)
Certain ancient trees and 21 species of rare plants with characteristics of littoral flora are found on Zhoushan Islands, where paleophyte and endemic species have very limited number. Usually arbors are companion or regeneration species of secondary broad-leaved forests. Very few of them belong to dominant species. The 21 species decrease in quantity from Putuo , Ding hai , Daishan to Shengsi. Most of them center in Taohua, Zhujia jian, and Putuoshan. In the light of the distribution features and protection status of rare plant resources in the area, some suggestions about further protection are advanced.
A beverage prepared from fruit juice of Rubus hirsutus.
Zhong Shanmin, Lin Haiping, Wang Qiusen, Zhou Zhiyong, Lou Xinliang
1998, 15(2): 187-191.
[Abstract](1139) [PDF](103)
In the preparation of a drink, fresh fruits of a wild plant Rubus hirsutus were used with no pigments, essences and preservatives added. The resultant product was a new ideal beverage which was natural , nutritions and healthful, particularly in color, scent and taste.The preparation showed that best results could be obtained if juice was made from intact fruits, which was then diluted with water in the ratio of 1 to 2 with some sugar and acid added so that the final sugar content and acidity would be 8% and 0. 20% respectively or10% and 0. 25% respectively.
Study on commercial production of Phalaenopsis.
Ma Zijun, Wang Lutong, Lu Yuguang, Sun Ping, Liu Meiqiu
1998, 15(2): 192-196.
[Abstract](989) [PDF](129)
Experiments on commercial production of Phalaenopsis are made. The micropropagation technology of Phalaenopsis PLB, synchronization technology of meristem clone, soilless culture, and Phalaenopsis growth are summarized. The results show that multiplication and differentiation of Phalaenopsis PLB can be adjusted by 6-BA. Artificial synchronization technology can be used for production of meristem clone. Phalaenopsis has two growth peaks in a yearly period, corresponding with new leaf emergence occurred. Moss is the best medium of soilless culture. The technological process of commercial production to Phalaenopsis is also outlined.
On feeding installation of double rotary valve of defibrator.
Qian Jun
1998, 15(2): 197-200.
[Abstract](1153) [PDF](105)
Based on the analysis of rotary valve-feeding apparatus of defibrator, a design method about double rotary valve-feeding device was obtained. This paper presents that the radial feeding is improved longitudial feeding and the multilevel equilibarium structure is adopted. thus, the previous ratary valve-feeding apparatus'problems of simple load, high technological demanding assemblage and high vapour consumptionare resolved.
Application of the linear autoregression model with input variables to forecast tree phenology.
Lu Xiaozhen, Ye Jingzhong, Sun Duo
1998, 15(2): 201-206.
[Abstract](1062) [PDF](130)
The linear autoregression model with input variables is a comprehensive forecasting model which is superior to the conventional model for phenological forecast. It belongs to the dynamic random difference equation in structure and combines the merits of both the linear autoregression model and linear multivariant regression model. As the new model has its lag ,the prediction value is not only related to current input ( long-term weather forecast results but also is affected by historical input and hysteresis. This means that the long-term weather forecast results do not exert much influence on the prediction value, hence increase the prediction precision. The revision of model paramaters is made by means of recursion least squares and the parematers are constantly revised along with the increase in the number of predictions, approximating the prediction value to the actual value. Results from error contrast on Prunus yedoensis,P . serrulata and Robinia pseudoacacia show that the error is kept within one or two days if the new forecast method is used, while the error could vary from one to eleven days in other methods applied. This means that the new method could better comform to dynamic variation in forecasting tree phenology.