2004 Vol. 21, No. 1

A study of the hydration characteristics of Phyllostachys praecox wood-cement-water mixtures
YU You-ming, , YU Xue-jun, YU Qiong-hua, FU Shen-yuan, JIANG Zhi-hong
2004, 21(1): 1-5.
[Abstract](1559) [PDF](175)
The compatibility of Phyllostachys praecox and cement is studied with the method of measuring hydration in the P .praecox wood-cement-water system .The inhibitory index I and the compatibility factor CA are applied to evaluation of its compatibility .The results show that P .praecox wood has serious inhibition on the hydration of cements.The inhibitory index I and the compatibility factor CA to two cements are and less than 68 % respectively .Additives can improve compatibility of P .praecox wood and cements .Additives effects are as follows :CaCl2 BaCl2 NaClNa2SiO3 .Pretreatments can also improve its compatibility with cements .Adding CaCl2 after pretreatment with cold water , hot water and 10 gkg-1NaOH, the inhibitory indexes I to grade 425 cement are 13.0 %, 10.0 %, 9.5 % respectively ;to grade 525 cement are 11.0 %, 9.0 %, 7.3 %;the compatibility factors CA to two kinds of cement are both greater than 68 %.Different cements have different effects on the hydration characteristics of P .praecox wood-cement-water mixture .The compatibility between P .praecox and grade 525 cement is better than that between P .praecox and grade 425 cement .[ Ch , 2 fig.4 tab .18 ref.]
Influencing factors of dyeing depth on Castanopsis sclerophylla
WEN Gui-feng, SUN Fang-li, YU Hong-wei
2004, 21(1): 6-9.
[Abstract](1662) [PDF](181)
The influencing factors and optimal technology of dyeing depth of Castanopsis scterophylla are studied by a series of multi-factor orthogonal experiments .Results show that the importance degrees of the tested factors are as follows :the dyestuff concentration hot-cold interval NaCl concentration the post-treating temperature dyeing time .And the optimal dyeing technology is as follows :no pretreating with NaCl solution ;the dyestuff concentration is 15.0 gL-1 ;dip the wood in the cold solution and hot solution alternatively (30 min interval), the total dyeing time is 90 minutes .[ Ch , 5 fig .2 tab .6 ref.]
Changes in nitrate content of bamboo shoots responsive to nitrogen fertilizer rate
JIANG Pei-kun, XU Qiu-fang
2004, 21(1): 10-14.
[Abstract](1285) [PDF](265)
Phyllostachys praecox which can produce delicious bamboo shoots have been planted in large scope .The practice of surplus fertilizing and winter mulching has been carried out in the near decade to get earlier bamboo shoots and then a high economic profit .A field investigation was undertaken to nuderstand the nitrate pollution situation of bamboo shoots in Ph .praecox cropping area , a fertilizer trial with 6 treatments [ 3 nitrogen levels : 598 , 897 , 1 196 kghm-2 (N)and different allocation of 4 kinds of fertilizer :urea , compound fertilizer , pig manure , oil-cake] was conducted to examine the effects of large amount of nitrogen fertilizing on nitrate pollution in bamboo shoots .It was found that nitrate concentration in bamboo shoots of investigated plots was on average of 745.24 358.11 mg kg-1 with a variation coefficient 48.05 % (n =70), among the 70 samples , nitrate concentration of 48 samples exceed the WHO/FAO standard .There are still 11.43 % bamboo shoots contain more nitrate than standard after the bamboo shoots being cooked .The results from the trial informed us that nitrate concentration in bamboo shoots boosted with rate of fertilizer .The mixture of chemical and organic fertilizer could significantly reduced nitrate concentration compared on the base of the same level of nitrogen .Considering the factors of both bamboo yield and nitrate pollution , the treatment with urea 487.5 kg hm-2 a-1 , compound fertilizer 750.0 kghm-2a-1 and pig manure 56.25 thm-2a-1 was an ideal rate of fertilizer .The practice of winter mulching enhanced nitrate concentration by 33.48 % compared to non-mulching plots according to the mean value of 6 treatments .[ Ch , 6 tab .14 ref .]
Mechanism and effect of desulphurization byproduct on Eucalyptus
XU Sheng-guang, , LI Shu-yi, LAN Pei-ling, LIAO Xin-rong, CHEN Chang-he, XU Xu-chang
2004, 21(1): 15-21.
[Abstract](1297) [PDF](203)
Based on pot experiments and field experiments , the mechanism and effect of desnlphurization byproduct on Eucalyptus nutrition are studied .The results are as follows :(1)When applying 4.15 gkg-1 desulphurization byproduct to eucalyptuses in basaltic latosol , nutrients of N , P , K , Ca , Mg , S and B absorbed by eucalyptuses are 61 %, 44 %, 39 %, 90 %, 81 %, 21 %, 146 % higher than those of controlled eucalyptuses .And the nutrients absorbed by eucalyptuses in neritic sedimentary latosol also increase greatly .It indicates that the applied byproduct can significantly improve the nutrition absorption of eucalyptuses .But when the quantity applied is over 8.03 gkg-1 or below 2.76 gkg-1 , the eflect of eucalyptus nutrition absorption will be restrained .(2)Both pot and field experiments show that applying of suitable quantity of desulphurization byproduct can promote eucalyptus growth and increase its biomass .When applying 4.15 gkg-1 desulphurization byproduct to eucalyptuses in basaltic latosol , the weights of root , stem and leaf are 118.75 %, 116.24 %and 63.92 %higher than those of eucalyptuses under control .And the weights of root , stem and leaf of eucalyptuses in neritic sedimentary latosol also increase greatly .But when the quantity applied is over 8.03 gkg-1 or below 2.76 gkg-1 , the effects will decline .(3) Proper use of desulphurization byproduct can prevent and cure tip-droop disease caused by the lack of trace elements .[ Ch , 2 fig .6 tab .11 ref.]
Comparison of productivity between first and second rotation stands of Pinus massoniana planted in different densities
WEN Zuo-wu
2004, 21(1): 22-27.
[Abstract](1068) [PDF](155)
The experimental planting density plantations in two rotations of Pinus massoniana are studied at the same site of the Longli Forest Farm of Cuizhou Province .According to the data of 11-year and 17-year Pinus massoniana collected from the experimental plantations , productivity of the plantation and soil nutrient in first and second rotations are compared .The results show that in the plantation with the site index of 16 m and medium site quality , the mean height and dominant height of second rotation plantations approaches or exceeds all those of first rotation stands .Most analyzed soil nutrient factors of second rotation plantations are higher than those of first rotation plantations , and general decline in productivity and soil degradation of second rotation stands are not found .So the second rotation plantation can be established at the sites where site index is around 16 m after the first rotation plantation of Pinus massoniana are felled .[ Ch , 3 tab .15 ref.]
A study of rooting of water cultured hardwood cuttings of Photinia frasery
ZHU Yu-qiu, TONG Zai-kang, HUANG Hua-hong, JIANG Quan-rong
2004, 21(1): 28-32.
[Abstract](2515) [PDF](242)
Photinia frasery , a new and superior variety with colored leaves , has been successfully introduced from other countries in recent years .The long duration of rooting after cuttage and low rooting rate make its propagation on a large scale difficult .In the multi-factor experiment designed in the paper , effects of different culture solutions and different concentrations of three growth regulating substances (self-prepared rooting agent , NAA and ABT)on the rooting of water cultured hardwood cuttings of Photinia frasery .are studied to find out the best rooting conditions .The results show that the roots are of callus type and rooting rate is significantly influenced by different culture solutions and different concentrations of hormones .Among all the combined conditions , pure water +0 mgL-1 self-made rooting agent 1 , pure water + 5 mgL-1 ABT , and nutritive solution + 10 mgL-1 self-made rooting agent have good effect on rooting , rooting rates in these conditions being 100 %, 93.3 % and 91.7 %, respectively .Suggestions have been made on how to adjust culture solutions , how to increase the concentration of growth hormones and selection of growth hormones at different stages of culture .[ Ch , 4 tab.8 ref.]
Characters of leaf epidermis of Magnoliaceae and its taxonomic significance
LIN Xin-chun, YU Zhi-xiong
2004, 21(1): 33-39.
[Abstract](1701) [PDF](244)
The characters of leaf epidermis of 7 genera 16 species in the Magnoliaceae are studied under the optical microscope .The results indicate that the shapes of the epidermal cells are irregular , and the anticlinal walls are wave-shaped curves to different degrees .The stomatal apparatuses in the lower surface of the leaves are irregularly oriented in their long axes .Except that Liriodendron chinense has both anomocytic and paracytic types , all other species are of paracytic types .The size , the waved extent of anticlinal walls , and the density of stomatal apparatus of epidermal cells are different in 7 genera 16 species , so they could serve as a criterion of distinguishing genera and species in the Magnoliaceae .[ Ch , 3 fig .1 tab .10 ref .]
Genetic relationship of myrobalan plum, plum and apricot cultivars by RAPD analysis
CHENG Xiao-jian, YANG Ping, LIN Bo-nian, ZHENG Bing-song
2004, 21(1): 40-43.
[Abstract](1434) [PDF](195)
To provide evidence for conservation and identification of genetic relationship among myrobalan plum, plum and apricot cultivars and testify the traditional morphology-based taxonomy , genomic DNA's of 8 accessions are amplified by RAPD (random amplified polymorphic DNA)with 20 primers selected from 132 random primers .The result shows that they are all of polymorphism.264 fragments had been amplified , with 13.2 RAPD fragments amplified from each primer on the average .Clustering analysis shows that myrobalan plum , plum and apricot cultivars can be distinguished by RAPD ;there is some genetic relationship among them ;and the distance between varieties of each genus is different .The genetic distance reflects genetic relationship among tested materials .It has been proved that RAPD technique can be used for the classification and identification of genera .We can identify each cultivar of tested materials by DNA fingerprints and the specific bands .It shows that RAPD can be used for the identification of species or cultivars .[ Ch , 2 fig .2 tab .12 ref .]
Community structure and regeneration pattern of Cryptomeria fortunei in Mount Tianmu of Zhejiang , China
XIA Ai-mei, DA Liang-jun, ZHU Hong-xia, ZHAO Ming-shui
2004, 21(1): 44-50.
[Abstract](1354) [PDF](253)
In the present paper , the floristic characteristics , community structure , population structure , spatial distribution and regeneration pattern of Cryptomeria fortunei were analyzed and discussed at 1 100 m on Mt .Tianmu (1 506 m)of Zhejiang , China .According to the data of the analyses , revealed the population of Cryptomeria fortunei exhibited clump distribution pattern , single-dominant community type , sporadic type population structure and is able to natural regenerate .Moreover , the basic properties of the community of Cryptomeria fortunei is also discussed .All the above show us the regeneration type of Cryptomeria fortunei is dominant species of seral stage or climax community and regeneration in large gap .[ Ch , 3 fig .2 tab .25 ref .]
Ventilago paucinervis :a new species of genus Ventilago from Yunnan
DENG Li-lan, FAN Guo-sheng
2004, 21(1): 51-53.
[Abstract](1179) [PDF](183)
A new species of genus Ventilago from Yunnan Province of China , V .paucinervis C .Y .Wu ex L. L .Deng et G .S .Fan , is described and illustrated .The new species is similar to Ventilago oblongifolia Bl ., but leaves ovate-lanceolate , elliptic-lanceolate or long elliptic , smaller , 2.5 ~ 5.0 cm long , 1.0 ~ 1.8 cm wide , lateral veins less, 2 ~ 3 pairs , slightly convex upside , obvious convex lower side , flowes 1 ~ 3 , axillary , fruit no elliptic are different from those of Ventilago oblongifolia .[ Ch , 1 fig .1 ref .]
Tropical native groundcover plants resources of southern Yunnan and their sustainable use in landscape
DOU Jian, ZHOU Shuang-yun, XU Zai-fu
2004, 21(1): 54-60.
[Abstract](1295) [PDF](231)
As the gene bank of tropical wildlife resources , Xishuangbanna of southern Yunnan Province has abundant native groundcover plant resources .By documentsreference and field investigations , 205 species of native groundcover plants belonging to 134 genera and 56 families are recorded in this paper .Evaluation is made on their distribution and habitats , ornamental types .Three species of them, e .g .Alysicarpus vaginalis , Indigofera spicata and Ficus tikoua , are recommended for landscape use .Moreover , some suggestions are given for sustainable development of nativegroundcover plants as well .[ Ch , 2 tab , 17 ref .]
A study of landscape lawn development and landscape design
MA Jun-shan, QI Xian-jun
2004, 21(1): 61-64.
[Abstract](1285) [PDF](244)
The application of lawn to gardens has a long history over two thousands years .In the recent one hundred years, the research and production of lawn and landscape engineering technique have made great progress .When designing lawn sights , both scientific and artistic features should be taken into consideration .Local grass species are preferred .Pay attention to the combined use of arbor , bush and grass or lawns with dense trees and lawns with scattered trees and pure lawns .Choose different grass species and planting ways according to different functions and surroundings .[ Ch , 10 ref .]
On the design of plum blossom and water
2004, 21(1): 65-69.
[Abstract](1583) [PDF](261)
The combined sight of plum blossom and water is very beautiful .It can fully mirror the elegancy of plum blossom.Elegant Prunus mume var .pendula and P .mume var .tortuosa with unique trunk are suitable for the waterside sight .Other species of plum blossoms can also be planted near the water if only they are properly planted or they have good shapes .Plum blossoms can be planted by the brooks and ponds or on the small islands .Gardens of plum blossoms are usually located by lakes .But plum blossoms are apt to suffer from waterlogging , they should be planted on the waterside slopes , usually above the highest water level .[ Ch , 7 ref .]
Clustering analysis of rodent communities in Yan'an forest region
LIANG Jian, SUN Ting
2004, 21(1): 70-74.
[Abstract](1498) [PDF](183)
Based on the importance value of rodents , the rodent communities in Yanan forest region are classified by group average clustering analysis .The rodents can be divided into 3 communities :Ochotona daurica + Myospalax fontanieri cansus community (Community A)in planted forest region ;Cricetulus triton +Myospalax fontanieri cansus + Apodemus peninsulae community (Community B)in natural secondary forest region ;Myospalax fontanieri cansus +Mus musculus + Cricetulus longicaudatus community (Community C)in cropland region near forest.The results represent the composition and niches of the communities .Species diversity indexes of different commununities are different :the highest index is in community A (1.866 5), the next in community B (1.651 6) and the lowest in community C (1.209 5).The result of diversity analysis indicates that the diversity of rodent communities has a close relationship with the complexity and stability of their surroundings .The results can be used as a reference for the protection of the plants , the prevention and control of the harmful rodents in Yanan forest region .[ Ch , 1 fig .3 tab .10 ref .]
Study on biology and utility of Aprostocetus sp .on Kermes nawai
JIA Ke-feng, HUANG Jin-biao, XU Zhi-hong, LONG Xue-jun, YAN Xiao-su, WU De-xiang
2004, 21(1): 75-78.
[Abstract](1673) [PDF](217)
Collection and observation on Aprostocetus sp .on Kermes nawai were executed in Jiande of Zhejiang 1998~ 2002 .The parasitoid occurred twice a year , the adults emerged in April to May , September to October respectively .The adults of the first generation lay eggs into the body of adults , the adults of the second generation lay eggs into the body of nymphs in second instar .The adults of Kermes nawai were collected and kept in laboratory , the adults of Aprostocetus sp .emerged were released in chestnut forest Quzhou , Zhejiang for control of Kermes nawai .The result showed that the population density of Kermes nawai decreased from 22.00 adults per 10 cm branch in April 2000 to 1.83 adults per 10 cm branch in April 2002 .The insect pests were kept under control. Chinese chestnut yield increased from 300 kg per hectare to 2 250 kg per hectare .[ Ch , 2 tab .7 ref .]
Spread mechanism and practice of bamboo industry participation in southern Zhejiang
JIN Ai-wu, HUANG Bao-long, LI Ming-hua, FU Qiu-hua, FANG Wei
2004, 21(1): 79-83.
[Abstract](1280) [PDF](185)
It has been established the forestry technology spread procedure of agricultural participation , based on the case of high efficient mason bamboo operating in Suichang County of Zhejiang .The paper analyzed the operating mechanism of participant technology spread from the aspect of technology participant design and spread , project management , technology spread organization construction , two-stage current model of technology spread and construction of assess andmotivation .And some idea is put forwards as :emphasize participating of farms during the procedure of technology spread by means of spreaders and farms ;emphasize culture character of new technology with the characteristics of relative advance , high of social-economy-culture ;produce active technology demonstration fans to slaread new forestry technology quickly in agricultural socialization , using general spread , men-spread , combined the construction of demonstrations .[ Ch , 2 fig .10 ref .]
Discussing on the operation problems of forestry policy system
LI Lan-ying, LIU De-di, CHENG Yun-hang, CAI Xi-ping, WU Hui-jun
2004, 21(1): 84-88.
[Abstract](1990) [PDF](163)
Regarding Zhejiang province as the example , the paper studies the current situation of the operation of forestry policy system, deeply analyses the problems of the forestry policy operation :incomplete policy constituting , un-ideal executing effect , un-criterion evaluating and monitoring system, ignored policy ending . Brings up feasible policies by scientific methods , and flexibly applies means to carry out the policies , attaches importance to evaluate , estimate , monitor and control the policies , end and renew the policies on time to promote the forestry policies system to operate effectively .[ Ch , 1 fig .7 ref .]
Functions and effects of serving corporation organization
JIANG Chun-qian, WU Wei-guang, XU Hui, WANG Jun-xing, CHEN Kang-ming
2004, 21(1): 89-93.
[Abstract](1608) [PDF](203)
Takes serving corporation organization (the association of bamboo shootprocessing enterprises of Linan) as the research object .Based on a brief introduction of the establishment background and overviews of the association , the paper mainly analyzed the associations three functions , which are information intercommunication , expanding market and inter-enterprises harmony , and the effects on facilitating bamboo shoots processing industry development , strength enterprise marketing capacity , improving product quality , and keeping health market competition order .Authors put forward the limitations of the association which are without perfection interior operation mechanism, shortage of effective means to restrict enterprises , serving functions relative singleness , without perfection outside operation mechanism , short of effective policy supporting and government interfering too much .At last , aim at the limitations author put forwards the perfecting solutions .[ Ch , 1 tab .5 ref .]
The economic analysis and necessity of transaction of pollution discharge license
JIA Ai-ling
2004, 21(1): 94-98.
[Abstract](1261) [PDF](187)
The transaction of pollution discharge licenses is an economic stimulating method based on market :The sellers economical return from selling the rest valid term of pollution discharge license is a kind of market compensation because it is helpful to reduce the environmental external diseconomics .While the other party (the customer)pays for the pollution discharge license because the cost of reducing pollution is too high .The cost of the licence is actually the price of external diseconomics .So , the transaction of pollution discharge license is very important to realizing the internalization of exteriority , applying environmental protection technology and promoting the industrialization of environmental protection .In order to implement the transaction system of pollution discharge license smoothly , its necessary to build supplementary mechanisms such as pollution discharge license controlling environmental capacity , pollution discharging targets with certain prices and the combined adoption of economic methods and the transaction of pollution discharge license .[ Ch , 6 ref .]
Feasibility analysis of ecotourism and its orientation of development in China
YE Xiao-ping
2004, 21(1): 99-103.
[Abstract](1576) [PDF](293)
Feasibility analysis of ecotourism and its orientation of development , is not only the world great subject , but also the key train of thought of development of China's tourist industry at the same time .This paper offers systemic analysis of feasibility of ecotourism in China combining the current situation of China's tourist industry from whole trends and the disparity existing .And on the basis of this , it puts forward train of thought and concrete countermeasure of China's development of ecotourism , thinks that it is a task of top priority of sustainable development of tour in our country at the present to develop ecology of the mass tourism.It is the effective way of realizing the ecology of mass tourism of our country to strengthen propagating and education , and give full play to the leading role of the government and plan and develop travel rationally .[ Ch , 10 ref .]
Application and prospect of WebGIS in China forest resources information management
TANG Li-hua, LU Shou-yi, WU Da-sheng, XU Ai-jun
2004, 21(1): 104-109.
[Abstract](1909) [PDF](202)
The geographic distribution of forest resources and the decentralization of forest resources information management departments at different level require that the forest resources information management should get the support of the network based spatial information system .The application of WebGIS to the forest resources management makes these decentralized resources and resources management departments integrated .The application of geographic information system to forest resources management is reviewed .The concept , basic principles , realizing ways , features , advantages and applying actuality of WebGIS , digitalization and network management of forest resources are studied .[ Ch , 4 fig .46 ref .]
Review of related genes of nitrogen-fixation about nonleguminous woody dicotyledonous plants in symbiosis with actinomycete
HE Xin-hua, , CHEN Li-geng, CHEN Yi
2004, 21(1): 110-114.
[Abstract](1715) [PDF](274)
Nitrogen fixation is one of important ecological reactions sustaining productive force on the earth , only second to CO2 fixation .The non-leguminous woody dicotyledonous plants can fix nitrogen gas in symbiosis with actinomycete Frankia , which has very significant effects on soil restoration , fuel wood , production of wood and derivatives, agro-forestry , coastal restoration , and the prevention of desertification .These plants are important nitrogen suppliers among land ecological system.Frankia has the characteristics of extensive host ranges , higher nitrogenase activity and insensitive to oxygen , so it is very likely to establish a new symbiotic nitrogen-fixing system between Frankia and crops .Highly efficient engineering Frankia strains and new symbiotic nitrogen-fixing system obtained by the approaches and technologies of biological engineering will be the most important objectives in the field of biological nitrogen fixation in the future .We will focus on the research progress about Frankia genes involved nitrogenmetabolism (including nif gene organization , gln and gln Ⅱ ), genes related to nodulation such as nod genes , hemoglobin genes and other nodule-specific cDNA clones in root nodules formed by infection of Frankia in the paper .[ Ch , 33 ref .]
Scientific notes
On growth character of young trees of Populus cathayana of different provenances
GAO Jian-she, LIU Yu-yuan, FU Yu-qin, FU Jun, WANG Jun, YANG Zi-xiang
2004, 21(1): 115-118.
[Abstract](1550) [PDF](194)
The growth characters of 22 young trees of Populus cathayana of different provenances are studied by the methods of field investigation and statistics analysis .The results show that there are significant difference among the growth characters of young trees of all provenances and clones .Young trees of P .cathayana from Lushi , Luonan , Changan and other provenances grow well , but there are obvious differences among clones .Young trees of every provenance have well grown clone , which indicates that choosing a good tree of super provenance as cross parent is meaningful when we conduct tree hybridization breeding .[ Ch , 3 tab .7 ref .]