Sex-differentiation and number of female flowers for polygamous inflorescences of Jatropha curcas in two drainage basins
摘要: 基于随机取样和跟踪观测的方法,对金沙江和红河两流域干热河谷区麻疯树Jatropha curcas前后2次开花过程中性别分化特征以及两性花序中雌花数目进行了跟踪观测和对比研究。结果表明:①两流域麻疯树单个1年生小枝分化出两性花序数均较少,且受林地环境的影响较大;②第1次开花时,两流域麻疯树两性花序数均远高于雄性花序数,而第2次开花时,两性花序数略低于雄性花序数;两性花序中雄雌花朵数比均高达15 ∶ 1以上,且第2次开花远高于第1次开花;③第1次开花时,两流域麻疯树中具有6~10朵雌花的两性花序所占比例均为最高,均在40%以上,但具有16朵及以上雌花的两性花序较少,仅占2%~3%;而第2次开花时,雌花数均较少,具有1 ~ 5朵雌花的两性花序均占80%以上;④在麻疯树两性花序、雌花朵产生量及坐果率方面,金沙江流域永胜县分布区优于红河流域双柏县分布区。林地、流域及区域气候环境可能对开花特性存在较大影响,而适当干热环境对两性花序及雌花朵的产生可能更有利。图4表2参17Abstract: Based on random samples(30 trees for each area) and tracking observations,sex-differentiation characteristics and female flower numbers of semi-wild Jatropha curcas in the hot,dry valleys of the Jinshajiang and Red River Basins during the first and second flowering periods were studied. Results showed only a few polygamous inflorescences growing on one-year-old branches in both river basins. Polygamous inflorescence differentiation in both river basins was more than the male inflorescence during the first flowering with slightly less than the male inflorescence in the second flowering. Male flowers more than female flowers in polygamous inflorescence(>15 ∶ 1). In both river basins,during the first flowering,most of the polygamous inflorescences had 6-10 female flowers,and only 2% - 3% had more than 16 female flowers;during the second flowering,the female flowers numbered fewly with more than 80% of the polygamous inflorescences having 1-5 female flowers and no polygamous inflorescences having more than 16 female flowers. Polygamous inflorescence number,female flower number,and the rate of fruiting during the first flowering periods were greater in the Jinshajiang River Basin.[Ch,4 fig. 2 tab. 17 ref.]
Key words:
- forest biology /
- hot dry valley /
- Jatropha curcas /
- sex differentiation /
- female flower

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