中国是世界竹资源第一大国,竹子栽培和竹材利用历史悠久,在品种、面积、蓄积量、竹制品产量和出口额方面均居世界第一,素有“竹子王国”美誉。中国竹产业自20世纪90年代开始发展以来,其产品广泛应用于车辆、建筑、家具、装饰等各个领域[1-3]。中国竹家具的历史悠久,风格独特,造型美观,是传统家具的一个重要分支[4-5]。原竹家具是竹家具的重要组成部分,主要使用红竹Phyllostachys iridescins作为加工材料。在实际生产加工中,由于竹材含有较高的纤维素、半纤维素、淀粉、糖类及蛋白质等有机物,原竹家具在储存、加工和使用过程中容易产生虫蛀、霉变和开裂等问题,因此原竹家具用材需进行必要的改性处理[6-7]。竹材高温热处理是借鉴木材热处理技术而提出的改善竹材性能、提高产品质量的一种改性方法[8-11]。高温热处理有利于改善竹材材料的尺寸稳定性、耐腐性、耐候性等性能,实现竹材的高效利用,增加产品种类,提高产品质量[10]。目前,国内外对于竹材热处理的研究多集中于毛竹Phyllostachys edulis[3, 6-7, 12],对于红竹热处理研究较少,红竹分布于浙江、江苏、上海、四川和安徽等地,产量丰富,是具有代表性的小径级竹材,笔者对红竹竹材进行高温热处理试验,为原竹家具原料的改性处理和小径级竹的研究提供一定的技术支持。
Physical and mechanical properties of Phyllostachys iridescins under normal pressure and heat temperature
摘要: 以红竹Phyllostachys iridescins为研究对象,研究了常压高温热处理温度(110,130,150,170℃)与处理时间(1,2,3 h)对红竹竹材物理力学性能的影响。结果表明:热处理后红竹材的物理力学性能优于未处理竹材,热处理温度是影响竹材性能的主要因素;在110,130,150,170℃热处理温度下,圆竹材顺纹抗压强度增长率为35.90%~52.01%,圆竹材顺纹抗剪强度增长率43.24%~90.99%,圆竹材抗弯强度增长率42.47%~122.58%,圆竹材径向环刚度增长率2.14%~52.55%;170℃热处理竹材的各项干缩性能较好;130℃和150℃热处理竹材的力学性能相近。综合各因素,适宜原竹家具用材红竹竹材的热处理工艺为温度130℃,时间2 h。Abstract: The effects of treatment temperature (110, 130, 150, 170℃) and time (1, 2, 3 h) on the physical and mechanical properties of Phyllostachys iridescins (including bamboo strips and round bamboo strips) were studied. The results showed that the physical and mechanical properties of Ph. iridescins after heat treatment were better than untreated bamboo, and the heat treatment temperature was the main factor affecting bamboo properties. Treated by 110, 130, 150, 170℃, compressive growth rate of round bamboo strips was 35.90%-52.01%, its shear growth rate was 43.24%-90.99%, its bending growth rate was 42.47%-122.58%, and its radial ring Stiffness growth rate was 2.14%-52.55%. The shrinkage of bamboo strip was better at 170℃. 130℃ and 150℃ heat treated bamboo's mechanical properties were similar. Considering all the factors, the heat treatment process of the bamboo material was 130℃ for 2 h.
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