竹材是重要的速生可再生材料,具有强度高、硬度大、韧性好、纹理美观、生态功能强等优良特性,但也存在易发生虫蛀和霉腐等缺陷,严重限制了其在室内外的应用。热处理作为一种绿色环保的纯物理改性处理方法,能够显著改善材料的尺寸稳定性和耐候性,在板材预处理过程中优势显著[1-4]。竹材热处理是当前竹材高值化利用的重要方向,根据传热介质差异,通常有蒸气、空气和导热油热处理等3种方式。蒸气介质热处理法以饱和水蒸气为导热介质,多在炭化罐中进行,处理后竹材的密度及相应的总体力学性能下降,吸水厚度膨胀率降低,尺寸稳定性显著提升[5-10]。空气介质热处理法以空气为导热介质,多在高温热处理箱中进行,处理后竹材的密度、总体力学性能下降,尺寸稳定性大幅改善[11-14]。油介质热处理以各类导热油为介质,相较于前两者,处理后试材密度较高,抗弯强度降低,润湿性能减弱,耐久效果提升[15]。总的来说,水蒸气热处理过程对设备及操作的要求极高,热处理周期长、能耗大、设备投资高、劳动生产率较低,热处理后竹片的强度衰减较大;空气热处理法对处理温度精度的要求较高;油介质法使木材受热更均匀,控温更准确,但沥干过程所需时间较长,热油在使用寿命终结后亦存在收集和处理问题[16]。鉴于此,本研究选取4~6年生毛竹Phyllostachys edulis材为原料,利用热压机的高温和热压特性,研究不同热处理温度(225,250,275,300,325,350和375 ℃)下,毛竹材物理力学性能的变化。旨在研发一种接触式高温快速热压处理技术,在保障热处理性能的同时,缩短热处理时间,降低生产成本,为快速热处理工艺提供理论依据和基础数据。
Physical and mechanical properties of Phyllostachys edulis with fast hot-pressing and high temperature
摘要: 选取4~6年生的毛竹Phyllostachys edulis材为原料,采用热压机对毛竹材进行高温快速热压处理,研究不同热处理温度(225,250,275,300,325,350和375℃)下竹材物理力学性能的变化。结果表明:随着热处理温度的升高,竹材平衡含水率和气干密度明显下降(P < 0.05),与未处理材相比分别降低了34.39%~53.95%和7.89%~13.04%。相同热处理温度下,弦向干缩率的变化率>体积干缩率的变化率>径向干缩率的变化率;当温度达到375℃时,弦向全干干缩率下降了86.81%,径向全干干缩率下降了83.60%,体积全干干缩率下降了83.95%,达各向的最大值。热处理温度升高,竹材顺纹抗压强度、抗弯强度和抗弯弹性模量均先增加后减少,其中,顺纹抗压强度在375℃时达最小值(63.78 MPa);抗弯强度在250℃时达最大值(151.00 MPa),在375℃条件下达最小值(61.85 MPa);抗弯弹性模量在300℃时达最大值(10 487.44 MPa),在375℃时达最小值(7 071.14 MPa)。认为竹材接触式快速热处理工艺提升了竹材尺寸稳定性和力学性能。Abstract: To improve dimensional stability and weather resistance of a material, heat treatment, with fast hot-pressing and high temperature, was used. Pieces of 4-6 year-old Phyllostachys edulis were selected. Samples were treated with different temperatures (225, 250, 275, 300, 325, 350, and 375℃). Physical and mechanical properties were tested before and after treatments. Results showed that with an increase of temperature, there was an obvious decrease in equilibrium moisture content (34.39%-53.95%) and bamboo density (7.89%-13.04%) both P < 0.05. With the same conditions, the following occurred:rate of change for tangential shrinkage rate > rate of change for volume shrinkage rate > rate of change for radial shrinkage rate. When the temperature reached 375℃, tangential oven-dry shrinkage rate decreased 86.81%; whereas, radial oven-dry shrinkage rate dropped 83.60%, and volume oven-dry shrinkage rate decreased 83.95%, reaching a maximum in all directions. Compression strength parallel to the grain, modulus of rupture (MOR), and modulus of elasticity (MOE) of the bamboo increased with temperature first and then decreased. Compression strength reached a minimum of 63.78 MPa at 375℃. MOR reached a peak at 250℃ with 151.00 MPa, and decreased to 61.85 MPa at 375℃. MOE performed best at 300℃ with 10 487.44 MPa, and worst at 375℃ with 7 071.14 MPa. Thus, this experiment proved that fast hot-pressing with high temperature can improve the dimensional stability of the bamboo, the mechanical properties also generally improved after treatments.
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