Research progress of high-water-holding molding organic cultivation substrate
摘要: 基质载培是无土栽培的主要方式,被广泛应用在苗木栽培和生产中,近年来,利用农林废弃物进行有机栽培基质的生产成为研究热点。在有机废弃物中添加一定比例的保水材料进行高持水性成型有机栽培基质的研发和生产,对促进农林废弃物的基质化利用和林地生态修复具有重要意义。本研究在分析有机基质发展及实际应用中出现问题的基础上,综述了高持水性成型有机栽培基质的应用现状、基质的水分调制、基质对土壤的改良情况,指出了其存在的问题及今后的发展趋势,为今后栽培基质的发展提供思路。参72Abstract: As a main way of soilless culture, substrate culture is widely used in seedling cultivation and production and recent years have witnessed an increasing interest in the research on the production of organic cultivation substrates using agro-forestry wastes. Therefore, the development of high-water-holding molding organic substrates by adding auxiliary materials such as binders and super absorbent polymers is of great significance to the better utilization of agro-forestry wastes as substrate and soil improvement agent. This study, with an analysis of the the development trend of organic substrate and problems existing in its practical application, is aimed to investigate the current situation of water modulation, high-water-holding molding organic substrates and the soil improvement as well as the existing problems and future development trends in order to provide insight for the development of cultivation matrix in the future. [Ch, 72 ref.]
Key words:
- agro-forestry wastes /
- organic substrate /
- trends of development /
- review
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