Heritability estimates for real resin capacity and growth traits in high-gum-yielding slash pine
摘要: 以现实产脂量而不是产脂力为研究对象,利用包括对照在内的17个湿地松Pinus elliottii高产脂半同胞家系15 ~ 16年生时2 a的单株测定结果和SAS程序包中非平衡数据分析方法(REML)对实际产脂量和生长量的家系和单株遗传力进行了估算,并利用协方差分析了产脂量和生长量的方差效应、产脂量和生长量间的相关性及产脂量的年度相关。结果表明:2007年和2008年全年产脂量的家系遗传力分别为0.674 8和0.693 0,单株遗传力分别是0.367 8和0.416 2;材积的家系遗传力和单株遗传力分别为0.881 0和0.682 6,均处于较高水平。树高和胸径的相关系数R2为0.763 8,相关极显著,且区组、家系以及单株的变差都达到了显著水平;2007年产脂量和2008年产脂量相关系数R2为0.696 9,相关极显著(Pr>F<0.001),其中家系对产脂量的影响达到极显著水平(0.005 1),而区组和单株对产脂量的影响均不显著;所有生长量指标和产脂量指标之间的回归均达到极显著水平,相关系数(R2)为0.434 1 ~ 0.543 4。Duncan多重比较显示产脂量高、生长量也相对较高的家系为212,202,201和219。在高产脂遗传材料选择时应综合考虑实际产脂量和生长量指标进行选择。表8参14Abstract: Resin is important industrial material,while real resin capacity(resin yielded by individual tree) was depended on both basic resin yield capacity and individual growth. There were few researches on the two factors. Real resin yields and growth traits (height,DBH,and volume) of 16 high-gum-yielding slash pine half-sib families introduced from America and a control (general families of slash pine improved for timber volume) were measured twice in two years of 2007 and 2008. Variance components estimated by SAS (V8.01 release) VARCOMP Procedure with the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) method for unbalanced individual data were used to estimate the heritability. Family mean heritability for resin production of 2007 and 2008 was 0.674 8 and 0.693 0,respectively;whereas single-tree heritability for resin yield was 0.367 8 and 0.416 2,respectively. Log volume had a family mean heritability of 0.881 0 and single-tree heritability of 0.682 6. There were highly significant(P<0.001) correlations between tree height and DBH(R2 = 0.763 8) and the correlation between resin yields in 2007 and 2008(R2 = 0.696 9) was highly significant(P<0.001),too. Correlations for resin yields and each growth trait (height,DBH,and volume) were significant (P<0.05). The analysis of variance revealed that family effects of growth traits and resin yields were all significant (P<0.05),which means the selection of high-gum-yielding and high-volume-harvesting family was effective,thus four families with high gum and volume were selected according to Duncans contrast. This study showed that basic resin yield capacity and amount of growth were both the important factors for selection of high-gum-yielding slash pines,and the two factors have significant correlation and high heritability.[Ch,8 tab. 14 ref.]
Key words:
- forest tree breeding /
- Pinus elliottii /
- resin capacity /
- growth /
- heritability /
- covariance

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