Regeneration potential of natural Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica in the Hulun Buir sandy land
摘要: 沙地樟子松Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica 天然分布在呼伦贝尔高原的红花尔基沙地,是中国北方干旱地区防风固沙的优良树种。探讨天然林下幼苗更新状态和扩散趋势及其对各类生态因子的响应机制,对人工引种区樟子松可持续生态效益的发挥具有重要的理论指导和技术参考。采用地统计学和数量生态学方法对沙地樟子松更新苗发生和扩散格局进行调查。结果表明:在其天然分布区,沙地樟子松的更新状况良好,更新潜力巨大。北坡的更新潜力要优于南坡,更新苗密度是南坡密度的将近4倍,从大尺度来看,沙地樟子松表现出向北扩张的趋势。从种群龄级组成上来看,幼龄林所占的比例较大,随着龄级增加,大龄级在种群中所占的比例逐渐降低,种群的年龄存活曲线呈弧状凸型,呈现出稳定中略有上升的趋势,进一步说明种群的更新状况良好,更新潜力较大。此外,沙地樟子松林分中更新苗种群呈集群分布的格局,且聚集强度和扩展强度都较大,使得样地中更新苗密度有很强的空间自相关性。图1表4参19Abstract: Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica (Mongol scotch pine),which is important for degraded ecosystem reconstruction and for establishment of green ecological barriers in northern China,adapts well to cold,droughty,and barren environments with favorable regeneration capability when wind erosion is controlled and shifting sand is fixed. This research was conducted to explore the regeneration potential of Mongol scotch pine and to promote its natural regeneration process in sandy lands. Based on the traditional community investigation and data statistical analysis,the conclusion can be drawn that the Mongol scotch pine in Hulun Buir sandy land distributed with great regeneration potential. Results showed that seedling density on the north-facing slope was four times larger than density on south-facing slope,and the Mongol scotch pine forest showed the trend of northward expansion from large-scale view. The forest seedling population age structure showed a greater percentage of young growth. Also,the seedling population age pyramid was a stable balanced type. Additionally,the seedling population had a clumped distribution pattern with high contagion and diffusion resulting in high spatial dispersion to population seedling density.[Ch,1 fig. 4 tab. 19 ref.]
Key words:
- silviculture /
- seedling /
- natural regeneration /
- Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica /
- spatial dispersion

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