Comparison of X-ray scanning and slice methods for moisture distribution measurements when drying Cunninghamia lanceolata plantation wood
摘要: 以杉木Cunninghamia lanceolata人工林木材为研究对象,分别采用X射线扫描法和切片法研究了常规干燥过程中木材内含水率分布规律,以期检验X射线扫描法的测量精度,探讨采用X射线法动态检测干燥过程中木材内含水率分布的可行性。结果表明:在各个干燥阶段,X射线扫描法测得的厚度方向各层含水率测量值与用切片法得到的含水率测量值之间无显著差异(P>0.05),且两者之间相关的决定系数在0.90以上;在整个干燥阶段,切片法测量的每层含水率值大多低于利用X射线扫描法的测量值,在含水率较高阶段(55%,46%,34%),两者之间的差值大于含水率较低阶段(26%,20%,12%,8%)。由此可见,采用X射线扫描法测量干燥过程中木材内含水率分布是切实可行的。图1表1参13Abstract: To test measurement accuracy of the X-ray scanning method and to explore its feasibility for determining moisture content distribution with Chinese fir plantation wood (Cunninghamia lanceolata),the X-ray scanning and slicing methods were compared during the conventional drying process. Results with the two methods for each drying stage showed no significant differences(P >0.05). In addition, a regression analysis revealed R2 > 0.90 for the two methods. During the entire drying process,the moisture content of each layer measured with the slice method was lower than the X-ray scanning method;however,differences were greater when moisture content was high. Thus,using X-ray scanning to measure the moisture content distribution of wood during the drying process would be practical.[Ch,1 fig. 1 tab. 13 ref.]

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