Determinants of spatial distribution of forest litter carbon densities in Zhejiang Province
摘要: 基于浙江省森林资源清查固定样地信息数据和森林监测中心2010年6-9月采集的森林凋落物碳密度数据,探讨浙江省森林凋落物碳密度空间分布的影响因素。研究表明:浙江省森林凋落物碳密度空间分布在全省大尺度范围和不同地级市的县域小尺度范围都存在差异。浙江省森林凋落物碳密度随着海拔的升高而增大,但局部地势较低地区森林凋落物碳密度很高;生物量覆盖度和地上腐殖质层厚度两者与森林凋落物碳密度无相关关系,而土壤有机碳密度和凋落物氮密度两者与凋落物碳密度具有极显著的正相关关系;优势树种对于凋落物量积累有很大影响,栎类为主的落叶乔木凋落物碳密度较高,经济林则最低。图2表4参25Abstract: Based on data of the permanent sample plots of continuous forest inventory (CFI) system, and forest litter carbon densities collected by Forest Resources Monitoring Center of Zhejiang Province from June to September,2010,determinants of spatial distribution of forest litter carbon densities in Zhejiang Province was studied. The results showed that the spatial distribution of forest litter carbon densities had differences in both large-scale scope of the whole province and small-scale scope of different counties. Forest litter carbon densities increased with the rising elevation,but some areas at lower elevation also had high densities. Forest litter carbon densities had no correlation with biomass coverage and humus layer,but had significantly positive correlation with soil organic carbon densities and forest litter nitrogen densities. Tree species had significant impacts on the accumulation of litters. The oak-based arbor had high value of litter carbon densities,while economic forest had lowest value. [Ch,2 fig. 4 tab. 25 ref.]
Key words:
- forest ecology /
- forest litter /
- carbon density /
- spatial distribution /
- determinants /
- Zhejiang Province

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