摘要: 近几年,天目山国家级自然保护区内的珍稀种群柳杉Cryptomeria fortunei严重衰退,瘿瘤病就是其衰退的原因之一。为了防止瘿瘤病的蔓延对天目山柳杉的进一步破坏,采用了多种防治措施和手段。运用物理去瘤法,即运用高压水枪喷射病瘤,以达到除瘤的目的。选取天目山景区的柳杉样本,通过测定分析5月、7月和12月供试柳杉的新梢长、瘤大小、瘤密度、叶绿素相对含量、叶绿素荧光参数等数据,并运用统计学显著性检验原理、SPSS统计软件中的独立性样本T检验和相对生长量的比较,研究物理去瘤法对瘿瘤病防治的作用。结果表明:经过物理去瘤,处理组柳杉瘿瘤平均密度为1.76个m-1,平均直径为3 cm。处理组的柳杉瘿瘤直径大小和密度明显低于对照组,说明物理去瘤法能有效的抑制瘿瘤的蔓延,但从对柳杉生长量和叶绿体荧光参数的分析中发现,处理组的光合量子产量仅为0.406,低于对照组的0.682。初步认为,物理去瘤法有效地减少瘿瘤的数量和密度,能够防治瘿瘤病在柳杉群落中的蔓延,但却不能促进反而还抑制了柳杉的生长和光合作用进行。因此,可以得出结论: 物理去瘤法对柳杉的影响利大于弊,即很好地抑制了瘿瘤的传播,保护了柳杉种群免受瘿瘤病的侵害,但它对柳杉的生理活性方面的作用却并不明显。图5参6Abstract: In recent years,tumor disease has seriously damaged and endangered Cryptomeria fortunei in National Nature Reserve of Mount Tianmu. To help eliminate C. fortunei tumors,the Tumor Removing Method which uses a high pressure water pump was devised. In this study fresh tree top length, tumor size,and some related chlorophyll fluorescence parameters of treated samples collected from Mount Tianmu in May,July,and December 2011 were measured. Then the Independent Sample T test function in SPSS statistical software was used to compare treated samples. Results showed 1.76 tumors per meter for a 3 cm sample which was lower than the control. However,growth data and chlorophyll parameters revealed yield of the control was 0.682;whereas yield of the treated sample was 0.406. Thus,the Tumor Removing Method inhibited tumor growth but also inhibited growth and photosynthesis of C. fortunei;so the search for a solution to the tumor disease on C. fortunei will continue. [Ch,5 fig. 6 ref.]

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