Efficacy of three insecticides against Phenacoccus kaxinus and Eucryptorrhynchus brandti
摘要: 以阿维菌素、竹焦油为活性成分,白蜡绵粉蚧Phenacoccus kaxinus和臭椿沟眶象Eucryptorrhynchus brandti为供试靶标害虫,选用体积分数为2%的阿维菌素乳油、50%竹焦油乳油和80%竹焦油钾盐水剂等3种杀虫剂为供试药剂,分别在白蜡Fraxinus chinensis和千头椿Ailanthus altissimaQiantou树上进行林间活性试验。试验共设5个处理,3次重复,分别于药后3,7,14 d调查防效。结果表明:3种药剂对白蜡绵粉蚧的防效均在65%以上,其中体积分数为50%的竹焦油乳油效果最佳,防效高达90.13%,与对照药剂体积分数为50%辛硫磷乳油无显著性差异;3种药剂对臭椿沟眶象的最高防效均出现在药后14 d左右,其中体积分数为2%的阿维菌素乳油和体积分数为50%竹焦油乳油最高防效分别为71.71%和77.55%,与对照药剂的73.99%无显著性差异,但体积分数为80%竹焦油水剂在P<0.01水平上与对照药剂有极显著差异。证实体积分数为50%竹焦油乳油作为杀虫、驱虫剂的开发研究有一定的前景。表2参9Abstract: Use 2%(v/v) avermectins emulsifiable concentrate(EC), 50%(v/v) bamboo tar EC, and 80%(v/v) bamboo tar K+ solubility liquid (SL) to control Phenacoccus kaxinus and Eucryptorrhynchus brandti. We chose Fraxinus chinensis plantation harmed by Phenacoccus kaxinus and Ailanthus altissima Qiantou nursery harmed by Eucryptorrhynchus brandti as sampling fields with five levels and three replications, and 50% phoxim EC as the control. We investigate the control effect after 3, 7, 14 d after spraying respectively. Field experiments showed that the control effect of the three pesticides to Phenacoccus kaxinus all above 65%, and 50% bamboo tar EC is the best pesticide(90.03%) among the three pesticides, which no significant different (P>0.05) compared with the control; The best control effect to the Eucryptorrhynchus brandti was 14 d after spraying, and the efficacy of 2% avermectins EC and 50% bamboo tar EC reached 71.71% and 77.55% respectively, which no significant different(P>0.05) with the control(73.99%). While the efficacy of 80% bamboo tar K+SL was significant lower(P<0.01) than the control. It proved that 50% bamboo tar EC has further application prospect as the pesticide.[Ch, 2 tab. 9 ref.]
Key words:
- forest protection /
- pesticide /
- Phenacoccus kaxinus /
- Eucryptorrhynchus brandti /
- chemical comtrol /
- control effect /
- garden plants

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