A management model for tangible and intangible resources in nature reserve
摘要: 通过近50 a的发展,我国的自然保护事业有了长足的发展,但由于经费不足,自然保护区普遍开展了开发活动,出现了无序、违反生态规律的掠夺式开发。这直接导致了生态环境的破坏和部分自然资源的枯竭。为妥善解决自然保护区资源保护与开发的矛盾,按照自然保护区资源的特点,提出了自然保护区资源的有形资源、无形资源分类方法,并阐述了无形资源无形性、资产性、垄断性、利用的长期性、价值的不确定性和内涵的发展性等特征。以天目山国家级自然保护区为例提出了自然保护区无形资源常见类型:名称、动植物种质资源、景观视觉欣赏、自然声音和森林精气等。根据自然保护区有形资源价值无限,无形资源价值量化的思路,提出了有形资源资源性管理和无形资源资产化管理的思路。Abstract: In the past 50 years, the work in China's nature reserves has made rapid progress. However, due to a lack of funds, exploitation for pure economic benefit, which sometimes violated the principles of ecological development, emerged in most of the nature reserves resulting in destruction of the ecological environment. To enhance development and protection of resources in nature reserves, quantifying resources was put forward. First, new classifications of intangible and tangible resources were derived from concepts of resources and nature reserve resource features. Then, intangible resource factors (such as intangibility, being an asset, being a monopoly, having long-term utilization, and value uncertainty) were described in detail. In National Nature Reserve of Mount Tianmu, the study area, common types of intangible resources from nature reserves were proposed, including object name, germplasm resources, landscape view, natural sounds and forest pneuma. Assuming that a tangible resource value from a nature reserve was infinite, the value of intangible resources in these areas was quantified. This new model of resource management suggested that tangible resources should be managed directly and intangible resources indirectly. This would help realize scientific, reasonable, and sustainable development of nature reserve resources.
Key words:
- forest engineering /
- nature reserve /
- tangible resource /
- intangible resource /
- direct management /
- indirect management
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