为了研究美洲黑杨Populus deltoides(I-69)欧美杨(P .euramericana (I-45)F1 无性系各性状的遗传变异情况, 利用美洲黑杨欧美杨F1 无性系第12 年生的数据, 对胸径、树高、材积、木材密度、湿心材比例、圆满度、利用率和弯曲度等8 个性状进行了研究。结果表明, 除弯曲度这一性状无性系之间差异不显著外, 其他所有性状在各无性系之间都呈极显著差异。通过对遗传参数的估算可知, 胸径、树高、材积、木材密度、湿心材比例、圆满度和利用率等性状的狭义遗传力分别为0.65 , 0.75 , 0.50 , 0.81 , 0.51 , 0.71 和0.63 , 表明各性状为中等至高度遗传, 各性状受遗传控制要强于环境的影响, 也表明各无性系在各性状上的差异主要是由遗传上的差异造成的, 通过选择可以获得较高的遗传增益。895 , 797 , 312 ,139 和194 等无性系是生长表现最突出的无性系, 木材密度最大的前5 个无性系是1271 ,410 , 187 , 748 和1317 , 而根据圆满度和利用率2 个指标选出的无性系为561 , 748 , 1150 ,1317 和1381 。由此可见, 生长性状、材质性状和干形性状的优良无性系各不相同, 必须根据育种目标进行多性状综合分析, 才能对各无性系做出合适的评价。表3 参13
The traits of DBH , height , volume , wood density , wet heartwood ratio , round degree , utilization ratio , and crooked degree were studied through variance analysis to learn about the genetic variation of all traits based on the 12th year' data. All traits except crooked degree were significantly different among the clones of Populus deltoides (I-69)Populus euremericana (I-45).The narrow-sense heritabilities of all these traits except crooked degree were 0.65 , 0.75 , 0.50 , 0.81 , 0.51 , 0.71 , 0.63 respectively , which indicated that all traits were genetically from medium to high. That is to say that all traits were more strongly controlled by genes than by environments and that high genetic gain could be gotten through selection.The 895 , 797 , 312 , 139 and 194 were the fastest clones of growth ;1271 , 410 , 187 , 748 and 1317 were the heaviest clones of wood density ;561 , 748 , 1150 , 1317 and 1381 were superior clones according to the round degree and utilization ratio.The traits of growth , wood quality and stem form had their own elite clones.In order to evaluate all these clones appropriately , all traits should be joint analyzed based on the breeding objective.[ Ch , 3 tab .13 ref .]