Plant community properties in a Hemsleya zhejiangensis habitat in Wuyanling Nature Reserve, Zhejiang Province
摘要: 浙江乌岩岭国家级自然保护区浙江雪胆Hemsleya zhejiangensis所处群落共有种子植物67种,隶属31科49属。其中热带类型16属,温带类型29属。按Raunkiaer生活型统计,高位芽植物占90.2%,地上芽植物占2.8%,地下芽植物占5.6%,1年生植物占1.4%。叶级以中型叶为主,占60.6%。叶型以单叶比例最大,占73.2%;叶质以草质叶为优势,占69.0%;全缘叶种类占总种数的33.8%,非全缘叶种类占66.2%。群落结构可分为乔木层、灌木层和草本层。Abstract: Hemsleya zhejiangensis (Cucurbitaceae) is an endemic climbing species to Zhejiang Province. The aim is to research the species' natural habitat for cultivation. Raunkiaer's classification was used in a Hemsleya zhejiangensis habitat of Wuyanling Nature Reserve to determine plant community properties. Altogether, 67 species of seed plants belonging to 49 genera of 31 families were found including 16 from tropical and 29 from temperate genera types. Phanerophytes accounted for 90.2%; chamaephytes, 2.8%; geophytes, 5.6%; and therophytes, 1.4%. Leaf size of the vegetation was mainly occupied by medium-sized leaves(60.6%) with leaves having the following characteristics:proportion of simple leaf, 73.2%; herbaceous leaf quality, 69.0%; entire leaf margin, 33.8%; and non-entire leaf margin, 66.2%. Thus, phytocoenosis could be structurally divided into tree layer, shrub layer, and herb layer.
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