Diurnal time-activity budgets of Grus nigricollis for the pre-laying phase in northern Tibet
摘要: 2006年4~6月,采用焦点动物取样法和所有事件记录法,对藏北黑颈鹤Grus nigricollis繁殖前期的昼间行为进行了详细观测。结果表明:①黑颈鹤昼间行为活动时间分配具有一定的节律性。各种行为所占时间百分比大小依次为:取食43.69%,警戒21.78%,保养21.69%,运动7.57%,杂项3.18%,繁殖2.09%。②各种行为活动的时间分配在雌雄个体间具有一定的差异。雄鹤的警戒和运动行为比雌鹤高,且警戒行为具有极显著差异(P<0.01),其他4种行为雌性较高。③黑颈鹤的各种行为表现出一定的节律性。11:00以前,各种行为活动相对稳定,11:00之后依次出现了3个取食高峰和1个保养高峰,且呈上升趋势;其他4种行为无明显峰值,并呈下降趋势。④雌雄鹤的取食、警戒和保养行为在不同时段上表现出同步性和异步性。雄鹤取食高峰集中在中午(12:00~14:00),雌鹤的取食高峰分散在一天中的早(8:00),中(12:00,14:00)和晚(17:00)3个时期。讨论了繁殖前期黑颈鹤性别间的行为差异,并与黑颈鹤东部种群以及其他鹤类的行为进行了对比。Abstract: The diurnal activity budgets of Grus nigricollis (wild black-necked crane) were observed in northern Tibet from April to June 2006 using focal animal sampling and all occurrences recording. Results showed that (1) for the diurnal time-activity budgets, activities during the pre-laying phase and their percentage time included five major behaviors:foraging, 43.69%; vigilance, 21.78%; maintenance, 21.69%; locomotion, 7.57%; and breeding, 2.09%; and a miscellaneous group, 3.18%. Additionally, (2) time budgets of vigilance for males was significantly greater (P< 0.01) than females, while there were no significant differences for locomotion. However, the time budgets of three other behaviors and miscellaneous group for females were higher than males. Also, (3) the four behaviors and miscellaneous group were relatively stable before 11:00 am., and then three foraging peaks and one maintenance peak appeared. There were no major peaks for the other behaviors which had a descending trend. Finally, (4) the foraging, vigilance, and maintenance behaviors between males and females were asynchronous from 11:00 to 14:00 and synchronous during other times. With foraging, a peak for males appeared between 12:00-14:00; whereas, for females there were three peaks, namely at 8:00, 12:00-14:00, and 17:00.Behavioral differences of this species, due to gender and location, as well as differences from other cranes were discussed.
Key words:
- zoology /
- Grus nigricollis /
- time budget /
- activity rhythm /
- pre-laying phase /
- northern Tibet
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