Habitat suitability evaluation for Amur tigers in northeast China based on GIS and RS
摘要: 以中国东北地区(含东北三省和内蒙古东北部)为研究区域,依据稳定性、独立性、主导性和综合性原则,从植被、地理环境、人为干扰等3个层面选取植被类型、植被覆盖度、海拔、坡度、坡向、水源、居民点、主要道路等为评价因子,对中国东北虎Panthera tigris altaica生境进行适宜性评价。在地理信息系统(GIS)和遥感(RS)技术的支持下,获取各评价因子的定量信息。采用层次分析法(AHP)确定各评价因子的权重,并运用模糊数学模型对各单因子加权叠加,得到东北虎生境适宜性综合评价分级图并计算各分区面积。结果表明:①人为干扰和植被因素是影响东北虎分布的主要因素;②将研究区域划分为东北虎最适宜分布区、次适宜分布区、一般适宜分布区和不适宜分布区,分别占研究区域总面积的21.97%,16.83%,22.02%,39.18%。最适宜区和次适宜区面积总和达到48.80%,说明东北地区适宜东北虎生存的潜在生境面积总量较为可观。这为东北虎自然保护区的建立和人工饲养东北虎的放归计划提供决策依据。图3表3参25Abstract: This article researched the habitat suitability evaluation for Amur tigers in northeast China, which found the potential distribute area and provided decision-making for the establishment of Amur tiger nature reserve and the plan of getting back to nature of artificial breeding Amur tigers. The study area in northeast China included the three provinces of northeast China and the northeast region of Inner Mongolia. According to the principles of stability, independence, dominance, and comprehensiveness, the habitat suitability of Amur tigers in northeast China was assessed using the three aspects of vegetation, geographical environment, and human disturbance with vegetation type, vegetation coverage, elevation, gradient, slope direction, water source, residential areas, and main roads selected as evaluation variables. Data for each variable was collected quantitatively using geographic information systems (GIS) and remote sensing (RS). Then the Amur tiger habitat suitability evaluation classification figure was obtained using the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to determine the weight of each evaluation factor, and using the fuzzy mathematical model for the single factor weighted superposition. Afterward, the partitioning of areas was conducted. Results showed that human disturbance and vegetation were the main factors affecting the Amur tiger distribution. The study area was classified as most appropriate (21.97%), second suitable (16.83%), generally appropriate (22.02%), and inappropriate distribution areas (39.18%). Thus, the living space that could be appropriated for Amur tigers compared to the total potential habitat area in the Northeast China was considerable approximately 48.8%. [Ch, 3 fig. 3 tab. 25 ref.]

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