摘要: 选择中国亚热带分布较广的树种马尾松Pinus massoniana,青冈Cyclobalanopsis glauca,香榧Torreya grandis Merrillii和山核桃Carya cathayensis,采用分解袋法对其凋落叶分解进行研究。结果表明:马尾松凋落叶分解最慢,年分解系数为0.49,香榧分解最快,年分解系数为1.70,分解速率从大到小依次为香榧、山核桃、青冈和马尾松。4种凋落叶的分解速率与初始全氮质量分数呈极显著正相关(P<0.01),与初始全磷质量分数呈显著正相关(P<0.05),凋落叶的初始氮、磷质量分数可以作为预测这4个树种在亚热带分解快慢的良好指标。分解过程中马尾松、青冈和山核桃凋落叶的氮和磷均有不同程度的富集现象。青冈和香榧的钾质量分数在前2个月就分别从6.22 和11.16 gkg-1下降到1.96 和2.05 gkg-1,之后趋于稳定,马尾松则表现为先下降后升高。图1表6参23Abstract: In order to know its material cycling in the forest ecosystem for better sustainable management, leaf litter of four tree species(Pinus massoniana,Cyclobalanopsis glauca,Torreya grandis,and Carya cathayensis) from subtropical China was studied in a decomposition experiment with nylon bag using a correlation analysis. Leaf litter were collected in Chunan County of Zhejiang Province,in March of 2006, drying at 80 ℃ to constant weight,packed with 144 nylon bags,then replaced to evergreen broad-leaf forests ground surface. Twelve bags were withdrawn once a month. Then determine weight loss rate,and N,P,K,C and lignin contents variation. Results showed that the decomposition rate of T. grandis was fastest,annual decomposition coefficient(k) is 1.70,whereas the slowest was P. massoniana,k = 0.49. The correlation analysis was significant for litter decomposition rate and both initial N concentration(r = 0.99,P<0.01) and initial P concentration(r = 0.97,P<0.05). During litter decomposition,N and P concentrations in leaf litter of Carya cathayensis,P. massoniana,and Cyclobalanopsis glauca increased. Also,rapid decreases were found in the first two months with K concentrations of Cyclobalanopsis glauca (6.22 - 1.96 gkg-1) and T. grandis(11.16 - 2.05 gkg-1);then they decrease slowly. However,P. massoniana decreased (0.88 - 0.54 gkg-1) in the beginning then increased (0.54 - 1.90 gkg-1). Thus,initial N and P leaf litter concentrations were sensitive indicators for decomposition rates in subtropical China.[Ch,1 fig. 6 tab. 23 ref.]
Key words:
- forest ecology /
- subtropical /
- leaf litter /
- decomposition /
- nutrient cycle /
- carbon cycle

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