Variation of microfibril angle in developmental Phyllostachys pubescens culms by two forestation methods
摘要: 应用X-射线衍射法对实生苗和埋鞭2种造林方式的毛竹Phyllostachys pubescens各3个竹龄的竹材微纤丝角进行了测定分析,所选竹材各个竹龄细胞次生壁微纤丝角的径向变异规律都呈现下降或波动趋势,从竹青到竹黄存在显著差异。埋鞭和实生苗造林的竹材微纤丝角最大值分别为12.05和10.97,最小值分别为7.67和8.24,变化幅度均小于5;其微纤丝角平均值分别为9.41和9.71,相差不大。2种方式的竹材微纤丝角随竹龄增加未呈现一致的规律性变化,竹龄对微纤丝角的影响显著。纵向微纤丝角从下到上没有明显规律,埋鞭的竹材下、中和上部的平均微纤丝角分别为9.64,9.25和9.34,小于实生苗的分别为9.73,9.82和9.58,存在显著差异。探讨了不同造林方式获得的毛竹竹材的微纤丝角的时空变异规律,为合理有效地开发竹资源提供科学依据。图4表3参22Abstract: To provide a scientific basis for reasonable exploitation of bamboo resources,temporal and spatial variation patterns of the microfibril angle(MFA) in Phyllostachys pubescens(moso bamboo) were studied. Buried rhizomes (R) and seedlings (S) aged 30,54,and 78 months were measured and analyzed by X-ray diffraction estimation. Results showed that when the distance ranged from bark to pith for all bamboo,MFA radial variation of secondary cell walls for the three ages decreased or had no pattern. The maximum MFA(R) was 12.05 and MFA(S) was 10.97 with the minimum of 7.67 [MFA (R)] and 8.24 [MFA (S)] for a difference of less than 5. There was a significant difference between age and MFA(P<0.05) but no regular pattern. No pattern for longitudinal variations of MFA with bamboo height were found with bamboo rhizomes having a base of 9.64,a middle of 9.25,and a top of 9.34,significantly(P<0.05) more than bamboo seedlings of 9.73 for the base,9.82 for the middle,and 9.58 for the top. [Ch,4 fig. 3 tab. 22 ref.]

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