Soil respiration during the growing season with intensive management of Phyllostachys pubescens
摘要: 以粗放经营毛竹Phyllostachys pubescens林和常绿阔叶林作为对照,利用静态箱-气相色谱法研究集约经营对毛竹林土壤呼吸速率的影响。结果显示:整个生长季(4 - 10月),集约经营毛竹林、粗放经营毛竹林和常绿阔叶林之间土壤平均呼吸速率存在差异显著(P<0.05),3种林分土壤平均呼吸速率分别为1.01,0.79和0.72 gm-2h-1。3种林分土壤呼吸速率动态变化规律基本一致,4 - 5月土壤呼吸速率相对较小,6月开始迅速升高,7月达到最大值,6 - 9月维持在较高值,10月开始大幅度下降。土壤呼吸与地下5 cm土壤温度呈显著的指数相关(P<0.05),3种林分地下5 cm深处土壤温度分别可以解释土壤呼吸变化的63%,63%和59%。根据集约经营毛竹林、粗放经营毛竹林和常绿阔叶林土壤呼吸与地下5 cm土壤温度拟合的指数方程,计算出生长季土壤呼吸的温度系数Q10值分别为2.46,4.81和2.05。图2表1参40Abstract: To examine the effects of intensive management practices on soil respiration,the soil respiration rate for three stand types:1) intensively managed (IM) Phyllostachys pubescens,2) traditional practices (TP) with P. pubescens,and 3) an evergreen broadleaved (EB) forest,was measured during the growing season with a closed chamber and gas chromatography. Results showed that the average soil respiration rate in the three stand types had significant differences(P<0.05) with IM 1.01,TP 0.79,and EB 0.72 gm-2h-1. Soil respiration of the three stand types showed a similar pattern;namely,being low in April and May,rising rapidly in June,reaching a maximum in July,remaining high from June to September,and dropping dramatically in October. Significant exponential relationships(P<0.05) between the soil respiration rate and soil temperature were found at the 5 cm depth. Also,soil respiration was IM = 63%,TP = 63%,and EB = 59% with temperature coefficient (Q10) values of IM 2.46,TP 4.81,and EB 2.05.[Ch,2 fig. 1 tab.40 ref.]

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