摘要: 山核桃Carya cathayensis种仁含油量较高,油质多为不饱和脂肪酸。在差异显示反转录-聚合酶链式反应(DDRT-PCR)方法研究山核桃果实成熟时期基因差异表达的基础上,采用SMART(switching mechanism at 5end of RNA transcript)技术构建了山核桃脂肪代谢时期的互补脱氧核糖核酸(cDNA)文库。未扩增文库的滴度为5.0 105个噬菌斑形成单位(pfu)mL-1,插入片段大小为0.7 ~ 2.5 kb,70.0%的片段超过1.0 kb;扩增文库的滴度为5.0 109 pfumL-1,cDNA片段大小均在500 bp以上,重组率达94.5%,66.0%的片段超过1.0 kb。文库的构建为研究山核桃脂肪代谢机制、调控网络及相关基因的发现提供了条件。图7参19Abstract: Carya cathayensis is a species with a high oil content in its nuts. In addition,its oil is mostly unsaturated fatty acids. Based on differential display of genes during fruit maturity studied by DDRT-PCR,a fat metabolism-related cDNA library was constructed by SMART. Titering the unamplified library showed a titer of 5.0 105 pfumL-1,an insert size between 0.7 and 2.5 kb and 70.0% of inserts larger than 1.0 kb;and the amplified library had a titer of 5.0 109 pfumL-1,all of the inserts larger than 500 bp,and a recombination rate of 94.5% with 66.0% of the inserts longer than 1 000 bp. This work has laid a foundation for studies of fat-metabolizing mechanism and regulatory network as well as discovery of relevant genes.[Ch,7 fig. 19 ref.]
Key words:
- cash forestry /
- Carya cathayensis /
- cDNA library /
- fat metabolism

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