Remote sensing based estimation and spatial distribution of tree species diversity for Zijin Mountain
摘要: 生物多样性的监测是国际生物多样性科学项目的一个核心研究内容。景观尺度上生物多样性遥感估测可以克服传统地面调查劳动强度大、效率低的缺点。以南京紫金山国家森林公园为研究对象,以 2011年90个野外样地调查数据、2011年先进对地观测卫星(ALOS)遥感数据为主要信息源,构建了风景林乔木树种Gleason指数、Shannon-Wiener指数遥感估测模型,并在此基础上了进行了生物多样性趋势面分析和热点探测。研究表明:①地形因子(坡度、海拔),人为干扰因子(距道路和居民点的距离),植被生长状况(Gleason指数、Shannon-Wiener指数)等是影响紫金山乔木树种多样性的主要环境因子;②紫金山乔木树种 Gleason 指数在空间分布上呈现由西南向东北依次递减的带状分布格局,而Shannon-Wiener指数在空间分布上则呈现出一种圆心偏东的同心圆状格局;③紫金山乔木树种Gleason指数较高的林分主要分布在海拔较低、坡度较为平缓、距离道路和居民点较近的地段,而Shannon-Wiener指数较高的林分主要分布在海拔较高、坡度较陡、距离道路与居民点较远的地段。因此,可以通过增加绿化树种以及划分自然保护小区的方式来保护紫金山乔木树种的生物多样性。图7表1参14Abstract: Monitoring biological diversity is a core scientific research project in the field of international biological diversity. To overcome drawbacks with traditional ground surveys, such as intensive labor and low efficiency, this study used remote sensing based estimation of biological diversity at the landscape scale. Zijin (Purple) Mountain National Forest Park in Nanjing was the research area where survey data from 90 field plots were collected in 2011, and Advanced Land Observing Satellite (ALOS) remote sensing imaging in the same year was gathered to build remote sensing based models for the Gleason Index and Shannon-Wiener Index. Then a trend surface analysis was conducted with hot spot detection for biodiversity indexes. Results showed that: 1) terrain factors (Gradient and elevation), human disturbance (the distance of road and residential areas), and vegetation growth conditions (the indexes of Gleason and Shannon-Wiener) were the primary environmental factors contributing to tree species diversity. 2) The Gleason Index for Zijin Mountain presented a ring pattern descending from southwest to northeast, and the Shannon-Wiener Index revealed a spatial pattern of a concentric circle with an eastward center. 3) Forest stands with a higher Gleason Index in Zijin Mountain were mainly located in places at lower elevations, with gentler slopes, and near roads and settlements; whereas, stands with a higher Shannon-Wiener Index were mainly concentrated in places at higher elevations, with steeper slopes, and far from road and residential lots. Therefore, we can protect tree species biodiversity for Zijin Mountain by the two means of increasing tree species and establishing conservation area.[Ch, 7 fig. 1 tab 14 ref.]
Key words:
- forest mensuration /
- biodiversity /
- scenic forest /
- Zijin (Purple) Mountain /
- remote sensing

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