竹子属于禾本科Poaceae竹亚科Bambusoideae,热带和亚热带为其主要分布区。竹亚科又包括了木本的竹类和草本的竹类[1]。世界上的竹子约有88属1 400余种[2],其中草本竹类有28属,180余种。绝大多数草本竹类分布在拉丁美洲,非洲有5属,亚洲和大洋洲共有3属,中国仅台湾有1种草本竹即Leptaspis formosana,其他地区尚未见报道[3]。竹子的开花是一个复杂的生理现象,其开花类型多样,开花周期较长且难以预测。不同竹种的开花周期不同,即使同一竹种,不同地方的开花周期也不是固定不变的。另外,大多数竹种为一生一次性开花植物,随着开花结实,植株衰老死亡[4-7]。竹子的开花特性不仅给竹种分类鉴定、杂交育种等工作带来困难,竹林的大面积开花衰老还导致严重的经济损失和生态环境的破坏[8]。所以竹子的开花现象一直是生物学研究的热点和难点。迄今为止,关于竹子开花现象的描述也有很多,但大多数都是针对木本竹类, 对于草本竹开花现象的研究却未见报道。藓竺属Mniochloa为禾本科竹亚科莪利竹族Olyreae草本竹类,多分布在巴西、古巴等地。因与提灯藓属Mnium很相似,1908年,CHASE将它命名为Mniochloa,并归入黍族Paniceae。近年来,研究者把Mniochloa和Ekmanochloa归入竹亚科莪利竹族[9-10]。本课题组将原产于巴西的草本竹Mniochloa abersend引种至浙江临安,对其形态特征与开花生物学特性进行系统观察与研究,以期为全面了解竹子的开花生物学特性,并可为后续开展竹子杂交育种等研究工作提供参考。
Floral biology of Mniochloa abersend
摘要: 草本竹的开花现象鲜有报道。为了全面了解竹子的开花特性,以引种至浙江省临安市的原产于巴西的Mniochloa abersend为研究对象,首先对其形态特征和引种适应性进行了分析,之后采用定时定株的方法,对其开花预兆、开花次序、开花周期及持续时间、花序结构以及结实情况等开花生物学特性进行系统的观察与研究。结果表明:M. abersend为多年生丛生草本竹,植株矮小,不适宜在0 ℃以下环境下生长。开花前出现变型小叶,花期较长;花序属于穗形总状花序,为真花序;基本单位是孪生小穗,结实情况良好。M. abersend具有每年开花结实的特性。这将为竹子的杂交育种等研究提供参考。
图 2 参22 -
- 植物学 /
- Mniochloa abersend /
- 开花生物学特性 /
- 花序 /
- 孪生小穗
Abstract: There is few research on the flowering phenomena of herbaceous bamboo. To fully understand the characteristics of bamboo flowering, the herbaceous bamboo Mniochloa abersend which was native to Brazil and introduced to Lin'an, Zhejiang was studied. The research examined the morphological characteristics and adaptability of Mniochloa abersend, and observed the selected plants at the stated hours to study their flowering biological characteristics including flowering omens, blooming sequence of florets, flowering period and duration, inflorescence structure as well as seed setting. The results demonstrated that M. abersend was perennial and tufted herbaceous bamboo, which grew not so well under 0 ℃ environment. Deform leaves would appear before flowering. Besides, M. abersend had long florescence, good seed production and spike-shaped raceme, belonging to the genuine inflorescence, whose basic units were twin spikes. In conclusion, M. abersend blossomed and set seeds annually, which could be a reference for crossing breeding and other research on bamboos.[Ch,2 fig. 22 ref. ]-
Key words:
- botany /
- Mniochloa abersend /
- flowering biological characteristics /
- inflorescence /
- twin spikes
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