葫芦科Cucurbitaceae植物多为1年生爬藤植物,全球广泛分布,以热带和亚热带地区居多;葫芦科共有90属800余种,中国有26属130余种,以西南地区各省最为丰富[1]。葫芦科植物在农业生产中具有重要地位,其重要性仅次于禾本科Gramineae、豆科Leguminosae和茄科Solanaceae。葫芦科园艺作物为人类日常生活所需蔬菜和水果的重要来源,如黄瓜Cucumis sativus、南瓜Cucurbita moschata、丝瓜 Luffa cylindrica等重要蔬菜[2],西瓜Citrullus lanatus、甜瓜Cucumis melo等重要水果[3];此外,葫芦Lagenaria siceraria还与中国特殊文化息息相关。卷须是葫芦科植物重要的形态学特征,赋予其攀爬和附着能力,来获取更好的生存条件(如空间、光照等),但是,卷须与植物生长发育之间并没有直接的关联性。生产中,多为爬地或人工绑蔓栽培,卷须则成为消耗养分的多余器官。因此,卷须需人工摘除,一来减少养分消耗,防止卷须和果实之间的养分需求竞争;二来便于人工控制植物空间分布,防止因卷须造成的无序攀爬生长。卷须的摘除不仅增加劳动力成本,摘除后留下的伤口也为病菌滋生提供机会,因此,无卷须育种是满足设施园艺栽培需求的重要育种方向。卷须为植物特殊的触觉器官,适当的刺激即可导致渗透驱动的可逆缠绕,卷须缠绕可敏感地响应外界环境(光、温度)和内源信号(生长素、茉莉酸、钙离子)刺激,因此,卷须是研究特定条件刺激和植物快速应答的良好模型[4]。葫芦科植物卷须最近被确定为茎(侧枝)变态来源,且受关键基因TCP1调控[5],为植物卷须发生调控的标志性研究成果。伴随着葫芦科植物遗传转化体系和基因编辑技术的日趋成熟[6],实现无卷须精准编辑育种将成为可能。基于此,本研究对葫芦科园艺作物卷须变态来源、关键调控基因、卷须特异(或高量)表达基因、环境条件和内源激素调控卷须等方面的研究结果进行综述。
Research progress on tendril formation in Cucurbitaceae horticultural crops
摘要: 葫芦科Cucurbitaceae植物多为1年生爬藤植物,是农业生产的重要植物科之一。卷须是葫芦科植物关键形态学标记。本研究总结分析了葫芦科植物关于卷须方面的主要研究成果,并对未来的研究提出展望。目前,关于葫芦科园艺作物卷须的研究主要集中于:① 卷须的变态来源;② 调控卷须发生的关键基因;③ 卷须组织中特异或高量表达基因;④ 内源激素调控卷须发育;⑤ 外界环境对卷须发生的影响。主要结论为:葫芦科园艺作物卷须被确定为侧分枝的变态器官,调控卷须发生的关键基因为TCP1。卷须组织特异或高量表达基因主要参与植物形态建成、趋向性、生长素极性运输、钙离子转运、谷氨酸代谢、木质素代谢等,而这些与卷须发生、发育、卷曲缠绕密切相关。激素(生长素、赤霉素)和外界环境(光、温、水分)均被报道可影响葫芦科园艺作物卷须发育,但具体分子机制均未知。未来葫芦科园艺作物卷须的研究应集中于关键基因TCP1
的上下游基因网络解析,完善激素和外界环境对卷须的调控作用。结合日趋成熟的基因编辑技术,探究葫芦科园艺作物卷须的分子调控网络以及开展无卷须育种设计。图2参32 Abstract: Cucurbitaceae is one of the important plant families in agricultural production, most of which are annual vines. The key morphological marker of Cucurbitaceae plants is tendril. This paper summarizes and analyzes the main research results on tendrils of Cucurbitaceae plants, and puts forward a prospect for future research. The present researches on tendrils of Cucurbitaceae horticultural crops mainly focus on the following aspects: (1) the origin of tendril; (2) the key gene regulating tendril development; (3) the genes specifically or highly expressed in tendrils; (4) the endogenous hormones regulating tendril development; (5) the influence of external environment on tendril development. The main conclusions are as follows: tendrils of Cucurbitaceae horticultural crops are identified as abnormal organs of lateral branches, and the key gene regulating tendril is TCP1. Tendril tissue-specific or high-level genes are mainly involved in morphological development, tropism, auxin polar transport, calcium ion transport, glutamate metabolism, lignin metabolism, which are closely related to tendril generation, development and coiling. Hormone (auxin, gibberellin) and environment factors (light, temperature and water) have been reported to affect tendril development, but the specific molecular mechanism remains unknown. Future research on tendrils of Cucurbitaceae horticultural crops should focus on the analysis of the upstream and downstream gene network of TCP1to improve the regulatory effect of hormones and external environment on tendrils. Based on the mature gene editing technology, it will be beneficial to explore the molecular regulatory network of tendrils of Cucurbitaceae horticultural crops and develop tendril-less breeding design. [Ch, 2 fig. 32 ref.] -
Key words:
- botany /
- Cucurbitaceae /
- tendril /
- formation /
- tendril-less breeding
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