Canonical correlation and principal components analysis of different production areas of Dendrocalamopsis oldhami with quality indicators of bamboo shoots and its soil nutrients
摘要: 应用主成分、典型相关分析方法研究了福建和浙江的12个产地绿竹Dendrocalamopsis oldhami的鲜笋质量指标与土壤养分之间的相关性。结果表明:依据笋品质性状的前3个主成分累积方差贡献率达到84.658%,可选取前3个主成分作为笋品质的综合指标。鲜笋的还原糖、水溶性总糖质量分数最能反映笋营养状况,其次为水分,第三为蛋白质与总灰分。笋品质性状与土壤养分指标有着显著典型相关关系,尤其是第1典型变量之间相关系数为0.999 99,其相关信息接近占2组性状总信息的100%。来自土壤养分指标的第1典型变量中pH值、全氮和有机质质量分数对绿竹品质具有较好的预测能力,而鲜笋的还原糖、水溶性总糖、水分可被对方变量的第1典型变量所预测。表3参15Abstract: The analysis of principal components and canonical correlation was applied to study the correlation among quality indicators of bamboo shoots of Dendrocalamopsis oldhami and soil nutrients in 12 production areas in both Fujian Province and Zhejiang Province. The results showed that the cumulative variance rate of the first three principal components was 84.658 per cent in the principal component analysis. Therefore,the three principal components could be used as composite indicators which reflected the main quality characters of bamboo shoots. The first three principal components included the contents of reducing sugar and water-soluble total sugar,the second was water,and the third were protein and total ash. The quality characters of bamboo shoots were significantly correlated with soil nutrients,the first canonical correlation coefficient was 0.999 99 with the canonical information accounted for nearly 100 per cent of the total canonical information. The soil affected the quality characters of shoot mainly through its pH value,total nitrogen,and organic matter. The contents of reducing sugar,water-soluble total sugar and water in the shoots were predicated by the first canonical variables.[Ch,3 tab. 15 ref.]

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