2003 Vol. 20, No. 3

A study on production technology of sliced bamboo veneer
LIU Zhi-kun, LI Yan-jun, DU Chun-gui, WEN Gui-feng, LIN Yong
2003, 20(3): 227-231.
[Abstract](1449) [PDF](218)
In order to advance the scientific and technological content and additional value of bamboo production , and raise the utilization rates of bamboo resourecs , the technology of sliced bamboo veneer is introduced .Bamboo is processed via cross cutting , rip saw , primary slicing , steaming , drying and so on processing into rectangle side bamboo strips .The strips are turned to bamboo plate plywood via smoothing slice , sanding , glue spreading , edge jointing .Then the plywood is veneered into bamboo block after being injected intenerate and wet gluing , and increase its temperature to intenerate it .After the block is processed to the even-thickness (about 0.20 ~ 1.50mm)sliced bamboo veneer .Those can take place of the precious overlaying material and be used as the overlaying and the decoration of the furnitures face .The technology makes a new path of the industrial utilization of bamboo resourecs for its fine process and high efficiency utilization .[ Ch , 2 tab .6 ref .]
Effects of assembly time and cement/wood ratio on properties of
JIN Yong-ming, , BAO Bing-fu, CHEN Qing-hu, YU Xue-jun, YU You-ming, YE Liang-ming
2003, 20(3): 232-235.
[Abstract](1554) [PDF](197)
The effects of cement-wood ratio , additives , assembly time on the properties of quick-curing cement particle board made of planer shavings and ordinary Portland cement are studied with the method of hot pressing . The results are as follows :(1)Assembly time has a distinct effect on the properties of cement particle board with sodium silicate as addivive ;MOE decreases by 13 %, MOR decreases by 29 %, IB decreases by 34 %with prolonging assembly time from 0.5 h to 3.5 h ;(2)Cement-wood ratio has a distinct effect on the properties of cement particle board and the optimum cement-wood ratio is 3.0∶1 .[ Ch , 6 tab .5 ref .]
Effects of wood shaving shapes on the properties of quick-curing cement particle board
JIN Yong-ming, YU You-ming, YE Liang-ming
2003, 20(3): 236-239.
[Abstract](1180) [PDF](274)
The effects of 6 different wood shaving shapes on the properties of fast-curing cement particle board(CPB)are studied with the method of hot pressing .The constant technical conditions for the study are as follows :cement-wood ratio is 2.6 ;water-cement ratio is 0.6 ;the content of Na2SiO3 is 10 % of cement weight ;the designed density of the board is 1 250 kgm-3 ;hot pressing temperature is 90 ℃ for 15 min ;pressure is 3.0MPa .The results are as follows :(1)E-shaped shaving is the best of the six shavings .(2)When the CPB iscured fast with the hot pressing method , the optimum size of shaving is (20 ~ 40)mm (2 ~ 4)mm (0.2 ~0.4)mm .[ Ch , 1 tab .7 ref .]
Comparative morphology study of the skeletons of three species of egrets
ZHU Xi, WANG Mei-rong, HAN Hong
2003, 20(3): 240-244.
[Abstract](1351) [PDF](210)
With the skeleton specimens made of fully grown Nycticorax nycicorax , Egretta garztta and Areeola bacchus , the morphological structures of these three species of egrets from three genera are studied and compared . The results show that the bones on the head heal up well , but palatal plates are incomplete .The jawbones are a pair of thin bone pieces extending flatly to the front and the rear ;the maxilla and the left and right maxillas dont consolidate in the central section .The vomers in the middle split into desmognathism .Besides , the investigation shows that therere oval concave openings may attribute to the different development degrees of different individuals .[ Ch , 3 fig .1tab .19 ref .]
Nursery term testing of clones of Populus kangdingensis
YU Shu-quan, FU Da-rong, LI Cui-huan, LIU Jun, LIU Da-jian
2003, 20(3): 245-248.
[Abstract](1390) [PDF](187)
In the three-year nursery testing , 8 of 41 clones are selected and ranked randomly .Their nursery terms are tested .The results are as follows :①The broad-sense heritabilities of height , diameter and volume of cloned seedings are 0.897 8 , 0.831 4 and 0.808 1 respectively ;genetic variation coefficients are 15.82 %, 14.02 % and 41.12 %.It is possible to select excellent clones .②The correlation coefficients among heredity , appearance and environment of height , diameter and volume are high .These three properties can be excellent selected properties .The analysis of correlated heritability and correlated genetic variation contribution rate shows that the selection of height is superior to those of diameter and volume .③4 clones including No.7 , No.11 , No.27 and No.28 are selected from 8 clones .The genotypic gains of height , diameter and volume are 36.99 %, 35.51 % and 139.93 % respecitvely .[ Ch , 6 tab .7 ref .]
Comparison of cuttage characters of Liriondendron chinense ×L . tulipifera in different seasons
ZHANG Xiao-ping, FANG Yan-ming
2003, 20(3): 249-253.
[Abstract](1506) [PDF](198)
Through the cuttage experiments of Liriodendron chinense L .tulipifera conducted in spring and summer , characteristics such as the time of adventitious root formation , the effect of terminal bud and the state of callus are studied in detail .The results show that the cutting in different seasons have different biological characters of root formation .The time of adventitious rooting formation is longer in spring (60 ~ 80 d) than in summer (20 ~ 30 d);the effect of termindal bud in summer is stronger than that in spring .When cuttage is conducted in spring , there are serious phenomena of pseudo-growth , the number of adventitious roots is 3 ~ 4 and smaller than that in summer ;when cuttage is conducted in summer , the cutting are likely to rot .When cuttage is conducted in spring , the number of adventitious roots is 3 ~ 4 ;when cuttage is conducted in summer , the number is over 10 . When cuttage is conducted in spring , the cuttings have few calluses ;when cuttage is conducted in summer , some cuttings have only calluses but no roots .Therefore , different measures of cuttage shall be taken in different seasons to improve rooting rate .[ Ch , 2 fig .1 tab .14 ref .]
An analysis of high-benefit management techniques and popularization effects of shoot-bamboo stand
JIN Ai-wu, FU Qiu-hua, FANG Wei, QIU Yong-hua, WENG Yi-ming, CHEN Ming
2003, 20(3): 254-258.
[Abstract](1607) [PDF](216)
The demonstration experiment of fertilizer formulas for shoot-bamboo stand is conducted in Shuichang County , and a comprehensive mangement technique package in line with the local social and economic conditions is established .Techniques are popularized through participant mode and establishment of demonstration base for highbenefit management of bamboo .The results show that the operating benefits of bamboo industry have improved a lot after 3 years practice and the goal of high-benefit operating demonstration has achieved .The high-benefit management techniques of bamboo have been applied by 84.6 % bamboo cultivators in 2002 .The popularization of the techniques has achieved good effects , distinct economic and social benefits .[ Ch , 8 tab .8 ref .]
Quantitative relation of the intraspecific and interspecific competition in Shima superba
JIN Ze-xin, ZHOU Rong-man
2003, 20(3): 259-263.
[Abstract](1608) [PDF](228)
With Hegyi single-tree competiton index model , the intraspecific and interspecific competition intensity in Shima superba , one of the common species in evergreen broadleaved forest in Tiantai Mountains of Zhejiang Province is quantitatively analyzed .The findings show that the intraspecific competition intensity in Shima superba decreases gradually with the increase in tree diameter .The intraspecific competition in Shima superba is weaker than that in Castanipsis eyrei .The degressive order of the intraspecific and interspecific competition in Shima superba is as follows :Castanopsis eyrei , Schima superba intraspecies , Piuns massoniana , Quercus galndulifera var .brevipetiolata , Daphniphyllum oldhamii , Ilex wilsonii and Castanea henryi .The relationship of the competition intensity between the competitive tree and the objective tree conforms to powrer function rule .The intraspecific and interspecific competition intensity in Schima superba can be simulated and forecasted .Known from the forecasted results , the competition intensity becomes small and the range is not large when the diameter at breast height of Shima superba reaches 20 cm , There is significant negative correlation between the competition intensity and the diameter at breast height of objective tree .[ Ch , 5 tab .14 ref .]
Caloric value and ash content in the leaves at the different development stages of five Ficus species
TAN Zhong-qi, LIN Yi-ming, XIANG Ping, DING Yin-long, PENG Zai-qing
2003, 20(3): 264-267.
[Abstract](1563) [PDF](200)
Caloric values and ash contents in the leaves at the different growth stages of five Ficus species (Ficus religiosa , F .elastica ,F .laco , F .microcarpa cv .Golden-leaves , F .microcarpa)are studied .The results are as follows :(1)ash contents increase with the growth of leaves ;the relatively high ash contents of old leaves are not the lowest , which indicates that the leaves have a mechanism to maintain the balance of nutritious elements ; (2)young leaves have relatively higher gross caloric value than mature and old leaves , gross caloric value in the leaves at the different development stages vary with species ;(3)gross caloric values in the leaves at the different development stages have distinct linear correlation with ash contents (P 0.05);(4)ash-free caloric values in the leaves at the different development stages also vary with species .[ Ch , 4 tab .16 ref .]
Stomatal transpiration and cuticular transpiration of Sabina vulgaris under drought stress
WEN Guo-sheng, ZHANG Guo-sheng, ZHANG Ming-ru, WANG Lin-he, YOSHIKAWA Ken
2003, 20(3): 268-272.
[Abstract](1333) [PDF](209)
To discuss the drought resistance mechanism of Sabina vulgaris , stomatal transipiration and cuticular transpiration of Sabina vulgaris are measured with the transpiration method of cut branch , greenhouse experiments and field survey being combined .In Okayama University of Japan , long-term simulation experiment in greenhouse are conducted with three different treatments :control , light stress , strong stress in water culture systems , in which concentrations of solutions are 0MPa , -0.1 MPa and -0.3 MPa respectively .Field survey is conducted with the samples from upper and lower parts of dune with different soil water contents at Mowusu Sandy Land in China .The results show that stomatal transpiration is the major form of water consumption of Sabina vulgaris . Under drought stress , stomas close sensitively and quickly to decrease the transpiration rate and the loss of water . [ Ch , 6 fig .15 ref .]
Establishment of gene transformation acceptor system of embryogenic callus in lily
TANG Dong-qin, QIAN Hong-mei, HUANG Dan-feng, TANG Ke-xuan
2003, 20(3): 273-276.
[Abstract](3024) [PDF](200)
To establish stable and efficient gene transformation acceptor systems of embryogenic callus in lily (Lilium longiflorum), experiments of the embryogenic callus induction , plant regeneration and the sensibility of embryogenic callus to several antibiotic are conducted with the flower filaments as explants .The optimum medium for induction and proliferation of embryogenic callus of lily is MS plus BA 0.5 mgL-1 and NAA 1.0mgL-1 , and the optimum medium for bud differentiation is MS plus KT 1.0 mgL-1 and NAA 0.2 mgL-1 .The findings of experiment of the sensitivity of antibiotic for embryogenic callus show that the selection concentrations of kannamycin , hygromycin and cefotasimine are 75 mgL-1 , 20 mgL-1 and 250 mgL-1 respectively .[ Ch , 4 tab .10 ref .]
Exploitation and utilization of wild vegetable resources in the tropical and subtropical areas of Yunnan
ZHOU Yun, MENG Meng, LI Lian-fang, FENG Xian, CHEN Hong-wei, LI Jiang, LIU Yong-gang
2003, 20(3): 277-280.
[Abstract](1545) [PDF](225)
The tropical and subtropical areas of Yunnan are rich in wild vegetable resources .There are about 300 species.Most wild vegetables feature high nutrients , distinct interspecies variations and long collecting periods . Yunnan has a long history of exploiting wild vegetables .But the exploitation is on a small scale and facing some problems, for example , resources are not effectively protected and reasonably utilized .Therefore , the traditional concepts shall be conformed and the researches on the wild vegetables cultivation , exploitation and utilization shall be strengthened to protect and exploit wild vegetable resources reasonably , turning resource advantage into economic one and creating sustainable and good economic profits .[ Ch , 1 tab .13 ref .]
Leaf characteristics-based computer-aided plant identification model
QI Heng-nian, SHOU Tao, JIN Shui-hu
2003, 20(3): 281-284.
[Abstract](1386) [PDF](305)
Plant quantitative classification is conducted on the basis of the visible characteristics of plants .The result is usually come from the clustering analysis of many characteristic data .Traditionally , the data are collected manually and inefficiently .Since the characteristics can be obtained in the forms of numerical images , the efficiency of clustering analysis can be improved with computer-aided image analyzing techniques .The key solution is to obtain and analyze the characteristics automatically .The article illustrates the methods of obtaining the size ,shape and edge characteristics of leaves and modifies the definition of circular parameter .The concept of comptueraided plant identification is put forward and its prospect is discussed .[ Ch , 3 fig .8 ref .]
Study on model about forest fire forecast and prediction based on GIS
XU Ai-jun, LI Qing-quan, FANG Lu-ming, WU Da-sheng
2003, 20(3): 285-288.
[Abstract](2089) [PDF](416)
This paper analyses the study status of forest fire forcast , and points out the problem and insufficient existing on technology and method about it at present .On the basis of this , this paper puts forward a new kind of forest fire forecast and spreading model based on GIS technology , the remote sensing technology , mathematics modeling .The model forecasts forest fire by builing base database of forest fire , analyzing factors leading to forest fire , building the models about forest fire and prediction .This model can promote develop and perfect theory and technology of forest fire forecast .[ Ch , 8 ref .]
An analysis of the actualities of the road landscaping in Hangzhou and improvement measures
XU Wen-hui, FAN Yi-rong, ZHU Jian-ping, FENG Hong
2003, 20(3): 289-292.
[Abstract](2541) [PDF](288)
The efficiencies in the road landscaping in Hangzhou such as few plant species , improper proportion of evergreen trees to deciduous ones and lack of key trees can be found out after analyzing the landscaping history and actualities in Hangzhou .According to the general orientation of the overall city planning of Hangzhou and the new requirements for the urban road landscaping in the 21st century , the paper holds that the road landscaping shall meet the requirements for diversitfication , characterization and gradation .On the basis of the investigation and analysis of road landscaping in Hangzhou , the paper puts forward some inprovement measures such as enriching the plant species , making local features distinctive and improving the level of gardening , etc .[ Ch , 3 Tab , 5 ref]
Preparation of ultrafine powder of nickel hydroxide with homogeneous sedimentation method
2003, 20(3): 293-296.
[Abstract](1149) [PDF](245)
To prepare Ni (OH)2 of high electrochemical activity and bulk density , with urea and nickel nitrate as the raw materials , the ultrafine particles of nickel hydroxide is prepared with homogeneous sendimentation method . The optimum processing conditions are found through desinged orthogonal experiments .Microstructure and morphology of nickel hydroxide are investigated by means of IR, XRD and SEM.The results indicate that highyield and fine granular nickel hydroxide can be achieved when the temperature is above 95 ℃ and the mol rate of urea and nickel nitrate is 3∶1 .Nickel hydroxide power in the diameter of 0.4 ~ 0.5 m is available by controlling reaction conditions .[ Ch , 6 fig .5 ref .]
Hazards and prevention of indoor environment contamination
LIU Xiao-hong, ZHOU Ding-guo
2003, 20(3): 297-301.
[Abstract](1409) [PDF](284)
The actuality of problems of indoor environment contamination is introduced and the indoor environment pollution's harms to physical health and social productivity .The main indoor contaminations and their sources are concluded .The monitoring standards and concentration restrictions in the newly issued Indoor Air Quality Standards provide the foundation for evaluating indoor ari quality .The prevention and improvement of indoor environment contaminations shall begin with the control of their sources .Environment-friendly building materials shall be developed and used to construct healthy building , basically prevent indoor environment contamination and create a healthy and comfortable living environment .[ Ch , 2 tab .13 ref .]
On environmental pollution related liabilities insurance system
CHEN Li-qin
2003, 20(3): 302-306.
[Abstract](1793) [PDF](221)
The liabilities insurance system of the environmental pollution can disperse the risk .The environmental indemnity duty of enterprise will be shared with the society to prevent the enterprise from bankrupting due to a huge sum of compensation .The victim relief can be given quickly and effectively .The causes of the development of the liabilities insurance system , its function and characteristices , and the main models in western countries are analyzed .In accordance with the current situation in our country , the following measures have been put forward : (1)to establish a compulsory liabilities insurance system ;(2) to enlarge the scope of liabilities insurance ;(3) to reasonably determine the insurance cost ; (4)to reinforce the construction of an environmental legal system. [ Ch , 7 ref .]
Control strategies and methods of wood drying process
SHAO Qian-jun, XU Qun-fang, WANG Wei-long
2003, 20(3): 307-310.
[Abstract](1490) [PDF](204)
In the PC controlled wood drying process , the reasonable control strategies and methods shall be selected .According to the characters of wood drying , the application of control techniques such as PID control , adaptive control and artificial intelligent control to the wood drying is analyzed .In the contrastive research , the merits and limitations of each method are analyzed .PID and its transformation controller is the mainstream method of wood drying control , while intelligent control is its important developing trend .[ Ch , 4 fig .12 ref .]
Progress in spatial heterogeneity research in landscape ecology
JIANG Wen-wei, LIU Tong, DING Li-xia, WEN Guo-sheng, ZHANG Wan-rong, ZHONG Tai-lin
2003, 20(3): 311-314.
[Abstract](1692) [PDF](422)
Spatial heterogeneity is a core issue of burgeoning landscape ecology research , and is now becoming a focus of landscape ecology research in China and abroad .The development of the research on the spatial heterogeneity is summarized through its concept , relationship between spatial structure feature and scale , and the practice of landscape planning .The influences and feedback between landscape spatial structure and ecological process shall focus on the developing direction of inner ecological flow .The developing target of applying heterogeneity theory to landscape ecological planning is put forward .[ Ch , 41 ref .]
Review and expectation of the development and ideas of China city greening
2003, 20(3): 315-320.
[Abstract](1545) [PDF](340)
The level of city greening associates with the configuration and developed degree of the city tightly .City greening has obvious ages'characteristics .The main models of city developing were summed up .Based on this , the city greening ideas such as eco-garden , earth-gardening and main achievements was analyzed .The new greening idea , building urban forest , in the 21century was put forward .Green corridor network will be recognized by layout , forest and city water will be linked more tightly , the value of water improving city eco-environment will be extruded properly , the function of greening for citizen healthy will be emphasized .[ Ch , 34 ref .]
Scientific notes
Study of the methods of seed vigor test of Phoebe bournei
LI Tie-hua, ZHU Xiang-yun
2003, 20(3): 321-324.
[Abstract](1404) [PDF](208)
Germination rate of Phoebe bournei seed in the field is an index to evaluate seed vigor .The seeds artificially aged (38 ℃, 100 %RH, 72 h)and seeds not artificially aged are used as different materials for vigor testing to find some reliable methods to determine the seed vigor of Phoebe bournei simply and quickly for production .Electric conductivity method , tetrazolium method and germination physiological method are adopted in the research .The results show that the non-aged seed has a higher vigor than the aged seed was low .The results corresponded to the germination rate in the field .Therefore , these methods can be used to determine the seed vigor of Phoebe bournei .Electric conductivity method and tetrazolium method are simple and quick and their results are reliable ;while germination physiological method takes a long time , but its result is intuitional and accurate .[ Ch , 4 tab .5 ref .]
Cutivating seedling raised from seed of Ficus concinna var .subsessilis
LIN Xia, TAO Zheng-ming, ZHANG Qing-liang, HUANG Jian
2003, 20(3): 325-327.
[Abstract](1485) [PDF](180)
Ficus concinna var .subsessilis , evergreen arbor , is distributed in the northernmost subtropical .There are more than 760 plants over 100 years old in Wenzhou City of Zhejiang Province .The results of cultivating seedlings indicated that the seedlings could be made well on the decomposed wood scraps mixed with nitrogenous fertilizer , with 35 000 ~ 53 000 lx intensity of illumination , and overwintering in plastic house .Growing seedlings by use of Ficus concinna var .subsessilis seeds is a main way for nuresery stock .[ Ch , 4 tab .6 ref .]
The preliminary research on Pucciniastrum castaneae of Castanea mollissima
YE Yu-zhu, WANG Lin-wei, WANG Shu-yuan, ZHAO Pei-zhong
2003, 20(3): 328-330.
[Abstract](1571) [PDF](170)
Pucciniastrum castaneae is main leave disease of Castanea mollissima in Jingning , the incidence of the disease being 95 % and the index of disease being 82.5 .Pucciniastrum castaneae seriously affects the seedlings , young trees and grown-up trees .The disease-effected Castanea mollissima trees slow down growth and reduce output .The diseased leaves fall ahead of time .Pathogeny of the disease is Pucciniastrum castaneae .In August , applying 15 % 500-fold wettable powder of triadimefon , once a week for two times , the possibility of curing is 92.4 %.[ Ch , 3 tab .3 ref .]