2003 Vol. 20, No. 2

Changes in nutrients and heavy metal contents in soils under Phyllostachys praecox stands with different cultivation histories
YANG Fang, XU Qiu-fang
2003, 20(2): 111-114.
[Abstract](1221) [PDF](179)
Soils underPhyllostachys praecox stands with different cultivation histories are selected to study their content changes in chemical proprties and heavy metal elements .The findings show that with the prolonging history of Phyllostachys praecox cultivation , the properties of soil have changed greatly .①The content of organic matter and the ratio of C/N in soil increase , and phosphor is accumulated greatly ;②The activities of hydrogen preoxidase and phosphatase in soil decline sharply ;③The contents of heavy metal elements such as Zn , Cu and Pb in soil tend to increase and they become more active .[ Ch , 3 tab .11 ref .]
Relationship between bamboo-shoot nutrition and soil nutrients
XU Qiu-fang, YIE Zheng-qian, JIANG Pei-kun, YU Yi-wu
2003, 20(2): 115-118.
[Abstract](1515) [PDF](201)
Intensive management of Phyllostachys praecox stands is very popular parctice in Linan .To check the effect of this practice on bamboo-shoot nutrition , shoots and soils from both traditional and intensive management ,Phyllostachys praecox stands are collected for analysis shoot nutrition and soil nutrients .It is found that nutrition content of bamboo-shoot , such as total N , P , K , Ca , Mg , Fe and Mn are respective (4.30 0.40)gkg-1 , (0.70 0.10)gkg-1 , (2.98 0.66)gkg-1 , (28.76 25.71)mgkg-1 , (99.14 37.79)mgkg-1 , (5.10 2.80)mgkg-1 , (4.6 2.11)mgkg-1 under intensive management stands .Nutrition amount of total N , P and K in bamboo shoot under traditional management stands are significantly higher (P 0.05)than those under intensive management stands , they are respective 1.32 , 1.77 and 1.50 times .Nutrition content of Ca and Mg are closely related to soil exchangeable Ca andMg under intensive management stands .Nutrition content of Ca and Fe are negatively related to soil avaiable P (correlation coefficients are -0.559 2* and -0.485 3*).[ Ch , 6 tab .11 ref .]
Correlation between dissolved organic carbon and soil factors of the forest soil in southern of China
LI Shu-fen, YU Yuan-chun, HE Sheng
2003, 20(2): 119-123.
[Abstract](1328) [PDF](244)
The dissolved organic carbon (DOC)of forest soil in Fujian Province was tested with TOC-5000A Organic Carbon Instrument .The relationship between soil DOC and soil factors were analyzed .The findings show that there is a very significant positive correlation between the concentration of DOC and the concentrations of organic carbon , total nitrogen , total phosphourus , available nitrogen , available phosphorus and available potassium .So DOC can be used as an index of soil fertility .A very significant positive or a positive correlation is found between the DOC concentration of soil and the concentration of organic-iron , organic-aluminum and active aluminum , which means that soil DOC is one of the important factors controlling the migration of aluminum and iron in soil. A very significant negative correlation is found between the concentrations of DOC and soil pH value .In the acid forest soil of south China , the absorption , maintenance and release of aluminum and iron are strongly controlled by DOC .There is no significant correlation between soil DOC and exchangeable aluminum . [ Ch , 2 tab .14 ref .]
PolyacryIamide made slow-release fertilizer’s effects on Zea ways
LIU Xing-quan, MIN Fan-guo, YANG Jin-min, LI Jie, CHEN Xiao-jia
2003, 20(2): 124-127.
[Abstract](1490) [PDF](201)
The new slow-release fertilizer protects environment , conserves soil and water , improves soil quality and increase effciency and economic benefits .The results of experiments show the yield can be increased by 0.76 %~ 12.82 %and economic benefit can be increased by 179.5 ~ 579.0 yuan (RMB)per hectare by using the slow-release fertilizer made from polyacrylamide (PAM).The fertilizer can also improve the characters of corn during its medium and later period of growth .It is a very promising new slow-release fertilizer .[ Ch , 3 tab .7 ref .]
Fruit characteristics of Castanopsis fargesii in different habitats
2003, 20(2): 128-133.
[Abstract](1455) [PDF](161)
The seed size and its varation not only involve reproductive pattern of plant but also is an imortant trait of adaptation during plant life history .The fruit characteristics of evergreen broad-leaved species-Castanopsis fargessi Franch .in Tiantong National Forest Park (TNFP) are studied and analyzed with four indexes including fruit weight , height , width and ratio of fruit height to width were studied .The results show that there are significant differences among the fruit weight from the different habitats (P 0.01).The heaviest fruit is collected from Schima superba-Castanopsis fargesii community [ (0.725 0.19)g] .The fruit is also the highest and widest and its height and width are (0.999 0.12)cm and (1.16 0.11)cm respectively .The fruit weight (m) is significantly related to its height (h)and width (b).m =-1.480 +0.748b +1.294 h (P 0.05), but fruit characteristics have no correlation with the height and diameter of the tree (P 0.05).The results also show there is a significant difference (P 0.01)among the fruit characteristics in the two consecutive years .The variation of characteristics of C .fargesii fruit may have correlation with the regeneration strategies adopted in different habitats .[ Ch , 3 fig .4 tab .30 ref .]
Investigation on resource of ancient Torreya grandis trees in Zhuji City , China
MENG Hong-fei, JIN Guo-long, WENG Zhong-yuan
2003, 20(2): 134-136.
[Abstract](1500) [PDF](209)
There are 40 754 ancient Torreya grandis trees and 188 ancient Torreya grandis woods in Zhuji City , among them 398 are scattered trees .The ancient trees refer to those who are at least 100 years old .Ancient Torreya grandis woods refer to those consisting of at least 10 ancient Torreya grandis trees .By the investigation , we found the oldest (1 000 years old)and tallest ancient Torreya grandis trees and the ones with the largest tree crowns .[ Ch , 5 ref .]
Top grafting experiment of Eriobotrya japonica in mountainous region
HU Bo-zhi, WU Li-ming, MAO Xuan-ping, ZHANG Jian-ping
2003, 20(2): 137-140.
[Abstract](1433) [PDF](219)
In the high grafting ofEriobotrya japonica , three experiments are conducted in the conditions of different grafting time , different scion development degrees and different treatment after the grafting .The results show that different treatments and different conditions have significant effects on the grafting survival rate and length of new treetops .The survival rate is the highest when the diameter of semi-lignified scion is about 0.81 ~ 1.30 cm and grafted in early March , and grafting points are covered with bags and shaded with straw .The highest survival rate is 86.67 %.In these conditions , the longest new treetop is 39.73 cm .[ Ch , 4 tab .9 ref .]
Optimization of RAPD conditions of Sargentodoxa cuneata
JIN Ze-xin, LI Jun-min, ZHONG Zhang-cheng
2003, 20(2): 141-145.
[Abstract](1534) [PDF](174)
The optimized system used in RAPD reaction of Sargentodoxa cuneata must be established before analyzing the genetic diversity of Sargentodoxa cuneata .It is necessary to explore the reaction conditions .The genomic DNA of Sargentodoxa cuneata is extracted with improved SDS method and RAPD amplification is carried out .The effect of content of Mg , Dutp , DNA templates , primers and DNA polymerase on experimental results is tested and the optimal reaction system of RAPD for Sargentodoxa cuneata is determined as follows :1 Taq polymerase corresponding buffer (10 mmolL-1Tris HCl pH 9.0 , 50 mmolL-1KCl , 0.1 % Triton X-100 , 1.5 mmolL-1MgCl2), 25.01 10-9mols-1Taq DNA polymerase , 10 ng template DNA , 15 pmol primer , 2.00 gL-1BSA .0.15 mmolL-1dATP , dCTP , dGTP , dTTP for each in total 15 L reaction volume .[ Ch , 4 fig .2 tab .8 ref .]
A study of effect of carbon source on properties of cellulose system during liquid fermentation process from Trichoderma reesei
WU Shi-jin, LUO Xi-ping, XIA Yi-feng
2003, 20(2): 146-150.
[Abstract](2001) [PDF](186)
In the condition of liquid fermentation , we have studied the effects of different factors on highest enzyme activity (ahe), enzyme activity ratio (rea), formation time of highest enzyme activity (FTH)and secretory rule of components in cellulase system inTrichoderma reesei with cellulase , wheat bran and a mixture of two as different carbon sources and additions of CaCO3 and yeast extract paste .The results show that there are great differences among ahe , rea and FTH of different compositions when cellulase and wheat bran are used as carbon sources .The mixed carbon source (1.0 % cellulase +2.0 %wheat bran)results in peak ahe (C1 , Cx and BG reach 76.18 10-5 , 313.25 10-5 , 135.60 10-5mols-1 and rhe (C1 , Cx and BG reach 72.18 10-5 , 331.57 10-5 , 124.29 10-5mols-1).The addition of CaCO3 can increase the ahe (C1 and Cx reach 196.21 10-5 , 254.90 10-5mols-1)and rea of C1 (100.17 10-5)and Cx (215.61 10-5mols-1) and reduce the rea of BG (57.61 10-5 mols-1), formation time of ahe of C1 and Cx distinctly .The addition of yeast extract paste can increase ahe of BG (260.61 10-5 mols-1)and reduce the rea of BG (38.9 10-5 mols-1), secretory rule dramatically .The equilibrium of all components are very different and their effects on BG are lagged behind .[ Ch , 3 fig .3 tab .12 ref .]
Preliminary study of the mixture and insecticidal effect of Bacillus thuringiensis and pesticide
MA Liang-jin, , ZHANG Li-bin, CUI Yong-san, FENG Yan-long
2003, 20(2): 151-154.
[Abstract](1571) [PDF](193)
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is cultured in the PPDA culture medium treated with five pesticides of different concentrations .The findings show that ther is no effect on the growth of Bt when the pesticide is diluted by 5 000 times .The insecticidal effects of Bt and five pesticides mixed in proportion to 1∶3 and 1∶1 show that the mixtures of Bt (1012 thallus L-1) and 0.36 % matrine WS (dilution concentration : 1∶5 000) or 1.8 % avermectin EC (dilution concentration : 1∶5 000)have the best insecticidal effects .[ Ch , 2 tab .5 ref .]
Intelligent management of examination and approval of importing forest reproductive materials and ornamental plants quarantine
SHEN Jie, LOU Bing-gan, GAO Qi-kang, JIANG Ping
2003, 20(2): 155-157.
[Abstract](2366) [PDF](161)
In order to improve efficiency of examination and approval of importing forest reproductive materials and ornamental plants quarantine , Forest Pest Control and Quarantine Station of Zhejiang Province and Zhejiang University have established an intelligent management system with Delphi language .The system effectively provides the standardization and maintenance of data , inquiry of quarantine information and ect. With reasonable structure , easy operation and expansion , the system realizes the intelligent management of plants examination and approval and release of quarantine certificates .[ Ch , 1 fig .7 ref .]
Tissue isolation and mycelium growth characteristics of Lactarius delicious
ZHOU Gou-ying, LIU Jun-ang, LI Qian-ru
2003, 20(2): 158-161.
[Abstract](1675) [PDF](209)
The tissues on different positions of 6 basidiocarps of different sources are isolated with 5 kinds of culture media .The best medium for tissue isolation of L .delicious is PDA culture medium and 8 well-developed mycelia are singled out .The research of growth characteristics of mycelium A1 indicates that the mycelia can absorb all the carbon sucrose tested .The sucrose is the best utilized carbon nutrition , the glucose is the better and the fructose is the worst .As for the utilization of nitrogen source , of organic nitrogen , single nitrogen is better than compound nitrogen ;and urea cant be utilized .Of inorganic nitrogen , ammonium nitrogen is better than nitrate nitrogen , ammonium sulfate has the best effect and nitrite cant be utilized .Mycelia have strong adaptability to salt concentration and can grow when the salt concentration is 14 gL-1 .The optimum salt concentration for mycelia growth ranges from 0 to 6 gL-1 .The range of temperature for growth is 7 ~ 37 ℃.The optimum temperature for mycelia growth ranges from 15 to 30 ℃.The optimum temperature for growth is 27 ℃.The mycelia prefer neutral and acid environment .The pH values suitable for growth is 5 ~ 7 and the optimum one is 6.5 .[ Ch , 2 fig .4 tab .7 ref .]
Research on evaluating index system of the status and role of forestry
JI Ya-lan, ZHENG Si-wei, CAI Xi-ping
2003, 20(2): 162-167.
[Abstract](1396) [PDF](143)
To completely and scientifically measure the status and role of forestry industry in national economy and social life , forestry value evaluation model is established on the precondition that forestry and forest resources are distinguished clearly .The model divided the forestry value into three parts :value of economic flow produced by forestry resources , value of non-economic flow and value of self-renewal .On the basis of forestry value evaluation model, all parts of forestry value are discounted and modified with some indexes and discount rates , hence evaluation model of forest resource value is established .A set of indexes measuring the status and role of forestry are put forward .There are 35 indexes , 28 of them are used for determine forestry value and 7 for forest resource value on the basis of forestry value .[ Ch , 2 tab .8 ref .]
Application of option pricing approach in forest assets evaluation
ZHOU Xiu-hua
2003, 20(2): 168-172.
[Abstract](1237) [PDF](153)
The option theory and the option pricing approach are applied to evaluating the forest assets .It is found that the sensitivity of the evaluation value to the price fluctuation parameter is about 0.5 .With the increases in value , forest age , forest invest efficiency (input-output ratio), the evaluation value will increase , vice versa . Compared to net present value method of harvesting , the evaluation for 2 426.29 hm2 mason pine (from 15 to 31 years aged region)by the option pricing approach is in consistence with the result by net present value method of harvesting as the rotation age is equal to the quantitative maturity .But for forest at other ages , the evaluation is defferent by both methods .[ Ch , 2 tab .7 ref .]
Conceptual innovation on participant development of bamboo industry in the mountain area of southern Zhejiang
JIN Ai-wu, , FU Qiu-hua, WU Hong, CHENG Ming, QIU Yong-hua, WEN Yi-ming
2003, 20(2): 173-176.
[Abstract](1594) [PDF](242)
The bamboo industry development concepts innovation in Lishui , southern Zhejiang , has been studied with participant developing theories and methods .The results show that centering on the increasing benefits in bamboo industry and incomes of bamboo cultivators , concepts in Lishui bamboo industry has been innovated and governmental functions have been transformed from guidance to induction , from command to service .The manoriected and overall concept that bamboo cultivators , leading enterprises and social service organizations are management subjects in the bamboo industry has been established .The structure of industrialized bamboo management becomes distinct and bamboo industry development makes great progress on the basis of concept innovation and through construction of mechanism and system .[ Ch , 5 ref .]
A study of landscaping of college and university campuses
ZHANG Wan-rong, FANG Hong, FENG Wei-wei
2003, 20(2): 177-181.
[Abstract](1346) [PDF](219)
Due to the specific structure and function of colleges and universities , campus landscaping is an important part of their environment construction .Based on the analysis of the structure model of colleges and universities and the sccessful examples of campus landscaping , the paper advances the guiding concept that campus landscaping shall meet teachersand students needs in study , activity , communication and entertainment , embody the characteristics of modern colleges and universities and create fine campus culture , and form a vigorous campus envieronment .The design principle for campus landscaping of colleges and universities are as follows :creating human-oriented , warm and pleasant environment ;embodying the characteristics of the environment and inhabiting the meaning into education ;laying stress on the important parts as well as giving consideration to the general parts ; taking tree planting as the dominant factor and focusing on creating landscape ;planting appropriate trees at the appropriate places according to the local condition .The paper also presents the design thoughts of campus landscaping in different sections of colleges and universities .[ Ch , 2 fig .5 ref .]
Analysis of sci-tech papers published in Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College during 1993-2002
ZHANG Xiao-guang, WU Wei-gen, FANG Xing
2003, 20(2): 182-186.
[Abstract](1352) [PDF](185)
Analysis of sci-tech papers published inJournal of Zhejiang Forestry College during 1993 ~ 2002 is made with the method of scientometrics .The findings are as follow :the number and capacity of paper published in Journal of Zhejiang Forestry College increase and the coefficient of journal capacity decreases ;the delay in publication of articles is 246 days ;the average number of authors of each paper is 3.22 ;80.2 % papers are written by over two authors , which conforms to the rule of joint composition fo sci-tech papers in the whole country ;the age structure of authors is reasonable ;the papers are mainly on forestry basis , forestry cultivation and breeding , forestry management and protection , etc , which features distince forestry discipline .[ Ch , 7 tab .5 ref .]
Analysis of documents on termite in China
XU Yi-zhong, SHI Bi-qing, WANG Jing-er, LU Feng-zhu, LU Shang-qiong
2003, 20(2): 187-193.
[Abstract](1549) [PDF](273)
The documents on termite from Database of China Scientific and Technological periodicals are analyzed in 5 aspects including year distribution , region distribution , active authors , periodical destribution and topic type distribution .The results show that the documents on terminte control account for 47.5 %, morphology and systematics 8.7 %, biological and ecological 8.7 %, plant quarantine 7.8 %, resources utilization , summarization and translation , physiology and biochemistry , investigation and others , 5.9 %, 5.1 %, 4.4 % and 11.8 %respectively .New pesticides for termite control are included in every type of pesticides .Zhejiang Province and Guangdong Province have made outstanding achievements in the research of termite .[ Ch , 6 tab .65 ref .]
Discussion on forestry accounting reform
SHI Dao-jin, FENG Ying-chun, YANG Li-xia, WU Hui-jun
2003, 20(2): 194-198.
[Abstract](1689) [PDF](171)
There are system and business accounting limitations in Chinas forestry accounting .There is no united accounting system .The accounting limitations are as follows :①The objective of accounting and that of enterprise management are not consistent .②The scope of accounting is too limited .③The capital of forestry units cant be maintained .④Accounting information is not fully released .Based on the analysis of Chinas forestry accounting system, afforestation fund system, accounting audit procedures and methods , accounting information release and measurement manners , this paper proposes some thoughts on forestry accounting reform .[ Ch , 6 ref .]
Practice and thoughts on discipline structure adjustment at Zhejiang Forestry College
HUA Gen-qiu, MEI Ya-ming
2003, 20(2): 199-204.
[Abstract](1926) [PDF](143)
Discipline is a basic operating unit at a university .The construction of discipline is a fundamental one concerning the overall development of a university .Optimization of discipline structure and improvement of integral level are facilitated and many conditions are created for the development of the university by active expanding disciplinary scope , strengthening the construction of advantageous disciplines , promoting the development of crossdiscipline and integration of disciplines and constructing a new management system of university-school-discipline . In this paper , the existed problems and construction thoughts on discipline adjustment are discussed in detail. [ Ch , 1 tab .4 ref .]
The transition and connection of college English learning at different stages
JIANG Jian-yun, ZHANG Jian-min
2003, 20(2): 205-208.
[Abstract](1594) [PDF](181)
Chinese students have problems with the transition and connection of English learning at different stages . From analyzing questionnaires done by English major freshmen , and by comparing the English syllabus at different stages , the results show that a big proportion of new college students majoring in English usually cannot adapt to English learning very well .Therefore , they do not find English major courses very pleasing .Considering the problems mentioned above , the present writer feels that specialized courses relating to such broad subjects should be set up for college English majors .The courses should be more useful and aim towards :(a)seeking effective ways to develop students practical abilities in applying their language skills , (b)developing their creative spirit and mindset , and , (c)intensifying a practical but dynamic teaching approach .While adopting high-tech auxiliary teaching methods , it is important to know the relationship between teachers and their application of modern teaching methods .[ Ch , 5 ref .]
Progress in research and application of forest tree biotechnology
ZENG Yan-ru, FANG Wei
2003, 20(2): 209-214.
[Abstract](1517) [PDF](191)
Great progress has been made in biotechnology of forest trees with the development of life science .In fundamental research , the genetic maps of many tree species have been constructed with a variety of molecular markers , which has laid a foundation for the identification of quantitative trait loci .In gene engineering , biotechnology of forest trees has played a role in resistance breeding adn variety improvement .In cytological engineering , research results have been obtained in somatic embryogenesis , artificial seed , protoplast culture and photoautotrophic micropropagstion .some of which have been used in large-scale production .Although research in biotechnology of forest tress is relatively weak as compared wiht that of agricultural crops , greater progress will be surely made in this field with more national investment and inters penetration of mulitiple disciplines, which will deppen studies of forestry .[ Ch , 39 ref .]
Scientific notes
Properties of charcoal made from sawdust composite
ZHANG Wen-biao, WANG Wei-long, ZHAO Li-hua, ZHANG Hon, WEN Yi-ming, LI Jian-chun
2003, 20(2): 215-218.
[Abstract](1408) [PDF](213)
The physico-chemical properties of sawdust composite charcoal carbonized with special method are tested and compared with properties of bamboo charcoal .The microstructures and the surface chemical structures of sawdust composite charcoal and bamboo charcoa are analyzed with scanning electron microscopy (SEM)and X-ray diffratometer .The findings show that the physico-chemical properties such as purified degree , fixed carbon and heat value of the sawdust composite charcoal and bomboo charcola are different .Under SEM , it is observed that the microsturcture of the sawdust composite charcoal is totally different from that of solid wood charcoal and bamboo charcoal .Seen from X-ray diffraction diagram, the sawdust composite charcoal , the bamboo charcoal and the wood charcoal have no distinct graphitization structure .[ Ch , 2 fig .1 tab .7 ref .]
A study of node selection of stem curves of Cunninghamia lanceolata in northern Fujian fitted with cubic spline functions
LIU jian, GUO Jian-hong, GUO Jin-hui, SHENG Shu-juan
2003, 20(2): 219-223.
[Abstract](1187) [PDF](192)
On the basis of statistic knowledge and computer technology and with correlative coefficients fo samples as main evaluating indexes , the data from stem analysis of Cunninghamin lanceolata in the north of Fujian Province are used to fit the stem curves with cubic spline functions .From the base of the tree , the nodes are expressed by percentage of the tree height .The nodes selected in this paper are as follows :0 , 10 %, 15 %~ 20 %, 50 %~ 60 %, 80 %~ 85 %and 100 %.Compared with other methods , the fitting effects of selected nodes are better than those of traditional nodes .The tested sample shows that the nodes selected in this paper can precisely fit the stem curves and embody the integrated shape of Cunninghamia lanceolata .[ Ch , 4 tab .8 ref .]
Struthiopteris Scopoli :a new recorded fern genera in Zhejiang
JIN Shui-hu, WANG Zu-liang, DING Bing-yang
2003, 20(2): 224-225.
[Abstract](1986) [PDF](195)
Based on the investigation , specimen collection and identification , Chunan Shilin is the natural range ofStruthiopteris eburnea .Struthiopteris is a new recorded fern genera in Zhejiang .[ Ch , 7 ref .]