Potential ecological habitat of Muntiacus crinifrons within National Nature Reserve of Mount Tianmu,Zhejiang Province
摘要: 选择黑麂Muntiacus crinifrons为目标物种,对它们在天目山国家级自然保护区的潜在栖息地进行适宜性评价分析,以期对黑麂生境保护提供指导意义。在总结黑麂生活习性的基础上,分析对黑麂栖息地生态适宜性有重要影响的4种因素:植被因子、地形因素、水源距离和人为干扰。对不同因素在一年四季的影响权重综合赋值,结合保护区的自然环境条件,确定黑麂潜在栖息地适宜性评价准则与分析方法。结果表明:由于毛竹Phyllostachys edulis林和针叶林的不合理分布和800~1 000 m海拔处较为强烈的人为干扰,研究区域内黑麂潜在适宜栖息地、次适宜栖息地和不适宜栖息地面积分别为3.212 2,3.022 2,和2.992 2 km2,占地比例分别为34.8%,32.7%和32.5%。天目山国家级自然保护区黑麂潜在生境的保护,需要加强对上坡位人为干扰的控制,同时通过建立生态绿道,强化潜在适宜栖息地之间的联系,促进次适宜栖息地向适宜栖息地转化。图2表5参26
- 动物学 /
- 天目山国家级自然保护区 /
- 黑麂 /
- 栖息地利用 /
- 适宜性评价
Abstract: To provide guidance for the ecological habitat protection of Muntiacus crinifrons(black muntjac), habitat suitability was evaluated in the 9.23 km2 study area in National Nature Reserve of Mount Tianmu. Lifestyle habits of black muntjac and analysis of four important living conditions:vegetation,terrain,distance to water sources,and human disturbance,were conducted. Natural environmental conditions of Mount Tianmu during the four seasons were used to determine evaluation criteria and analytical methods for suitability in an ideal habitat. Results showed that,due an unreasonable distribution of mao bamboo and the coniferous forest,as well as intense human disturbances in the 800-1 000 m altitude range,the potential suitable habitat of black muntjac was 3.212 km2 (34.8%) of the study area,less suitable habitat was 3.022 2 km2(32.7%),and unsuitable habitat was 2.992 2 km2 (32.5%). Thus,within National Nature Reserve of Mount Tianmm,control of human interference on upper slopes needed strengthening with a stronger link to potential suitable habitats for black muntjac through ecological greenway development as well as conversion of less suitable to suitable habitat.[Ch,2 fig. 5 tab. 26 ref.] -

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