竹子是多年生的禾本科Gramineae植物。中国约有竹子39属500余种。红哺鸡竹 Phyllostachys iridescens 广泛分布在浙江、江苏、湖北等省,是非常重要的经济和观赏竹。竹子丛枝病(witches’-broom of bamboo)又名扫帚病,鸟巢病,能导致竹子生长衰退,严重影响竹子质量以及出笋率,降低其观赏性,甚至竹子大面积枯死。虽然国内已有一些有关竹子病原菌的研究报道[1-2],但有关竹子丛枝病病原的研究报道相对较少。竹子丛枝病病原复杂,涉及多个病原物如竹针孢座囊菌 Aciculosporium take,竹暗球腔菌Phaeosphaeria bambusae,异香柱菌属Heteroepichloe以及植原体(phytoplasma)等,也有多种病原物混合侵染的报道[3]。竹香柱型丛枝病在中国报道的较少,其病原菌包括箣竹香柱菌Epichloë bambusae和箬竹香柱菌Epichloë sasae等2种。朱熙樵[4]曾在浙江省境内的短穗竹Brachystachyum densiflorum,淡竹Phyllostachys glauce,白哺鸡竹Phyllostachys dulcis及毛竹Phyllostachys edulis上收集到箣竹香柱菌的标本;王华清等[5]也从毛竹上采集到箣竹香柱菌的样品。2002年,日本学者TANAKA等[6]根据形态学结合分子检测的结果,将这2种菌更名为箣竹异香柱菌Heteroepichloë bambusae 和箬竹异香柱菌H. sasae。目前,国内明确的报道是H. sasae能引起箬竹丛枝病[1, 7-8]及短穗竹丛枝病[9]。对于植原体与真菌复合侵染引起丛枝病的情况,有研究发现,水竹Phyllostachys heteroclada丛枝病病枝的电镜观察中同时存在类细菌、植原体和瘤座菌菌丝,并且类细菌的培养液接种健株后能诱发水竹丛枝病[10];朱熙樵等[11]从竹瘤座菌Balansia take引起的竹丛枝病病枝中发现有植原体的存在。本研究应用形态学特征观察结合聚合酶链式反应检测手段,对浙江桐乡市红哺鸡竹丛枝病枝进行了病原物的分离与分子鉴定。
Morphological and molecular identification of Heteroepichloë sasae isolated from Phyllostachys iridescens
摘要: 竹丛枝病是普遍发生并导致竹林退化的最具破坏性的病害之一。研究该病害的病原对于该病的防治有重大的意义。异香柱菌属Heteroepichloë箬竹异香柱菌Heteroepichloë sasae是引起竹子丛枝病的病原之一。利用形态学结合系统发育分析的方法,对采自浙江桐乡的红哺鸡竹Phyllostachys iridescens丛枝病病原进行了分离鉴定。结果表明:根据该分离物的形态特征、平板纯培养物的培养特征以及基于内源转录间隔区-核糖体DNA(ITS-rDNA)序列的系统发育分析,最终确定为箬竹异香柱菌。该分离物与红哺鸡竹丛枝病的关系还需进一步研究。图5参14Abstract: Witches'-broom, one of the most common diseases of bamboo, induces extremely destructive deterioration of bamboo stands. This study on the pathogens of witches'-broom was conducted to help control the disease. Branches of Phyllostachys iridescens were collected from Tongxiang City in Zhejiang Province, which suffered from witches'-broom, and its pathogen, Heteroepichloë sasae, was studied by morphologic and phylogenetic methods. Results showed that according to morphological, cultural, and phylogenetic characteristics Heteroepichloë sasae was isolated from infected Phyllostachys iridescens branches. However, the relationship between this isolate and witches'-broom disease needs further study.[Ch, 5 fig. 14 ref.]
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