山核桃Carya cathayensis是中国特有的木本粮油树种,主要分布于浙皖交界天目山区的浙江省杭州市临安区和安徽省宁国市,其果实具有良好的营养保健作用和重要的经济价值,在主产区,山核桃产业的收入占林农收入的60%~70%[1-2]。由于在经营过程中长期过度施肥,且为清除林下植被采收方便而大量施用除草剂,山核桃人工林出现土壤酸化、养分供应水平失衡、水土流失严重等环境问题。土壤肥力水平高低对山核桃林分的抗病能力和果实营养价值具有重要影响。山核桃林地土壤肥力衰退使得山核桃树势减弱,干腐病、根腐病病害严重,果实品质下降。本研究总结了山核桃人工林土壤肥力研究现状,并提出今后需改进的经营措施,为山核桃林地管理与山核桃安全生产提供参考。
Soil fertility in Carya cathayensis plantation: a review
摘要: 山核桃Carya cathayensis作为中国特有的木本粮油树种,是主产区农民收入的主要来源。土壤肥力是林木生长的基础,山核桃土壤肥力已成为该领域研究的热点之一。山核桃林地土壤肥力主要受海拔、母岩及人为经营的影响,其中高强度人为经营对土壤肥力影响尤为显著。集约经营后山核桃林地土壤肥力衰退严重:土壤普遍酸化,有机碳、速效养分含量大幅下降;清除林下植被造成水土流失严重,致使养分大量流失;林地土壤微生物群落结构发生改变、多样性下降;林地土壤质量的恶化导致果实质量与品质明显下降。采用生草栽培、施加有机物料等措施后,林地土壤酸化缓解,有机碳及速效养分含量上升,土壤肥力水平得到有效改善。当前研究重点主要集中在土壤肥力的时空变化,未来可聚焦于测土配方施肥、自然落果张网采收等经营措施对林地土壤肥力的影响,深入研究林地水土流失的形成机制及控制技术,为山核桃林地可持续发展提供基础和技术支撑。参71Abstract: Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis) is a unique woody nut and oil tree species in China. Chinese hickory industry brings high income for local farmers in its main production region. Soil fertility such as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium in soils determines the healthy growth of Chinese hickory. Therefore, research related to soil fertility are attracting more attention in China. The soil fertility of Chinese hickory plantation was mainly influenced by elevation, parent materials and antropogenic management, among which the intensive management plays an important role in soil fertility variation. Intensive management could lead to the heavy decrease of soil fertility such as soil acidification, the decrease of soil organic carbon and available nutrient contents. The removement of understory resulted in the severe soil erosion as well as obvious nutrient loss. The composition of soil microbial community changed and its diversity declined. What’s more, due to the deterioration of soil quality, the yield and quality of hickory nut dropped. The application of organic materials and sod cultivation increased soil pH, as well as the contents of soil organic carbon and available nutrients, and further effectively improved soil fertility. Current researches mainly focus on the spatio-temporal changes of soil fertility. Reasonable fertilizer application and the effect of net harvesting of hickory nut on soil fertility need further study. The formation mechanism along with the control techniques of soil erosion in Chinese hickory plantation also need deeply explored, which can provide basic information and technique support. [Ch, 71 ref.]
Key words:
- Chinese hickory /
- plantation /
- soil fertility /
- intensive management /
- review
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