供试土壤采自江西省红壤研究所的长期定位试验地。该地区属于中亚热带湿润季风气候区,平均海拔高度为26.0 m,月平均最高气温与最低气温分别为29.9 ℃和5.5 ℃,年平均气温17.6 ℃,年均降水量1 400.0 mm,无霜期269.0 d。土壤母质为第四纪红黏土。试验前水田、旱地土壤的基本性质见表 1。
表 1 试验前水田、旱地土壤的理化性状
Table 1. Physical and chemical traits of paddy soil and upland soil before experiment
试验地 pH值
(mg·kg-1)水田 6.58 16.30 1.49 0.44 10.39 144.00 9.52 81.22 旱地 6.41 9.39 0.98 1.42 15.83 60.31 12.91 102.00 水田、旱地肥料试验分别开始于1981年和1986年,耕作制度分别为早稻-晚稻-休闲、早玉米-晚玉米-休闲制。水田、旱地分布于整个试验场地的不同区域,不同施肥处理各小区随机区组排列,旱地面积22.5 m2(长6.4 m,宽3.5 m),水田面积44.6 m2(长8.1 m,宽5.5 m),重复3次。施肥处理及肥料用量见表2,施肥处理中对照(ck)指不施肥,N为单施氮肥,K为单施钾肥,NK为氮钾肥配施,NPK为氮磷钾肥配施,2NPK指施用的氮磷钾肥量是NPK处理的2倍,OM为单施有机肥,NPKM为氮磷钾肥配施有机肥处理。
2011年6月采集0~20 cm的耕层土壤,各小区按梅花形5点法用土钻采样并混匀,采集土样1.0 kg·处理-1。将土壤样品中的根系、石块等挑出,自然风干后,过0.25 mm筛,测定土壤有机碳和黑碳。
表 2 施肥处理
Table 2. Fertilization treatments
施肥 肥料施用量(kg·hm-2·a-1) ck N K NK NPK 2NPK OM NPKM 氮肥(以尿素N计) - 90 - 90 90 180 - 90 磷肥(以P2O5计) - - - - 45 90 - 45 钾肥(以K2O计) - - 75 75 75 150 - 75 有机肥 - - - - - - 22 500 22 500 说明: -表示不施肥。有机肥:早玉米,早稻施紫云英Astragalus sinicus;晚稻,晚玉米施猪粪。 采用重铬酸钾-硫酸消化法[14]测定土壤中的有机碳,消化温度控制在170~180℃。有机碳的值记为M。黑碳的测定采用刘兆云等[15]介绍的方法。基本过程:称取0.5 g过0.149 mm筛的土样于50 mL离心管中;向加有土样的离心管中加入25 mL重铬酸钾-硫酸混合液(浓度分别为0.02和2.00 mol·L-1);盖上管盖,放入水浴锅中55 ℃下加热60 h(在超声波分散器中分散30 min后放入水浴锅中(55±1)℃反应12 h,再置于超声分散器中分散30 min,继续放入水浴锅中反应12 h,整个过程重复5次,氧化时间共60 h),用标准硫酸亚铁滴定法测定残余的重铬酸钾量;计算出被氧化的有机碳量,该有机碳量记为N;则黑碳质量分数就是M-N的差值。
数据采用Excel 2003和最小显著差法(Fisher’s LSD)进行统计分析。
Organic carbon and black carbon with fertilization in paddy and upland soils
摘要: 在30多年的长期肥料试验区, 研究了水田、旱地等2种利用方式下, 有机肥、化肥, 及有机肥和化肥混合施用对耕层土壤有机碳和黑碳质量分数的影响。结果表明:经过30多年稻Oryza sativa-稻-休闲耕作(水田), 早玉米Zea mays-晚玉米-冬闲制耕作(旱地)后, 无论水田、旱地氮磷钾化肥配施有机肥处理, 耕作层(0~20 cm)有机碳质量分数均高于单施化肥、不同化学肥料配施、单施有机肥以及不施肥, 说明相对于其他施肥处理, 有机无机肥配施为最佳施肥措施。黑碳质量分数红壤旱地集中在2.72~5.33 g·kg-1, 水田集中在9.01~10.60 g·kg-1, 旱地单施钾肥与单施有机肥处理, 氮与氮磷钾处理无显著差异, 其他各处理间黑碳质量分数差异显著(P < 0.05), 水田各处理黑碳质量分数差异不显著。旱地有机碳与黑碳显著相关(P < 0.05), 而水田有机碳黑碳相关不显著, 说明除施肥措施外, 土壤黑碳质量分数还可能受到土地利用方式、种植作物的影响。相同施肥措施下, 水田有机碳和黑碳质量分数均高于旱地, 说明水田更有利于有机碳、黑碳的累积。Abstract: Soil organic carbon is a vital soil component that affects the physical, chemical and biological properties of soils. The soil organic carbon pool is mainly composed of two components, that is, the inert or recalcitrant component and the labile or active fraction. Black carbon (BC), the main form of the inert or recalcitrant component of soil organic carbon pool. Maintenance of their contents in the soil has been the important measure for improving productivity and stabilizing ecosystems. In this paper, the impact of fertilization on organic carbon and black carbon was studied in subtropical China by sampling in field. Soils were collected from sites where a long-term fertility experiment had been carried out for over 30 years in Jinxian County, Jiangxi Province. A fully randomized plot design was used in the experiment with eight treatments. They were designed and laid out:(Tr1) no fertilizer (ck); (Tr2) N fertilizer alone (N); (Tr3) K fertilizer alone (K); (Tr4) NK; (Tr5) NPK; (Tr6) 2(NPK) (twice treatment); (Tr7) organic manure (OM); and (Tr8) NPK+OM. Each treatment was carried out in three plots. Except for the 2NPK and ck treatments, the same amounts of NPK chemical fertilizer were applied in each treatment:N, 90 kg urea-N·hm-2·a-1; P, 45 kg triple superphosphate-P·hm-2·a-1; K, 75 kg potassium chloride-K·hm-2·a-1; or pig manure at 22 500·kg·hm-2·a-1.The results showed that organic carbon of Tr8 was significantly greater (P=0.05) in the 0-20 cm topsoil of both upland and paddy soils than Tr1, Tr2, Tr3, Tr4, Tr5, Tr6, and Tr7. Black carbon ranged from 2.72 to 5.33 g·kg-1 in upland soil and from 9.01 to 10.60 g·kg-1 in paddy soil. In the upland soil Tr3 and Tr7 as well as Tr2 and Tr5 were not significantly different (P=0.05); whereas in paddy soil no treatments were significantly different (P=0.05). A significant correlation (P=0.05, r=0.72) in upland soil existed for organic carbon and black carbon, but in not paddy soil. Thus, co-application of organic and inorganic fertilizer was best for organic carbon in upland and paddy soils, and accumulation of organic carbon and black carbon was more favorable in paddy soil than upland soil.
Key words:
- soil science /
- paddy soil /
- upland soil /
- fertilization /
- organic carbon /
- black carbon
表 1 试验前水田、旱地土壤的理化性状
Table 1. Physical and chemical traits of paddy soil and upland soil before experiment
试验地 pH值
(mg·kg-1)水田 6.58 16.30 1.49 0.44 10.39 144.00 9.52 81.22 旱地 6.41 9.39 0.98 1.42 15.83 60.31 12.91 102.00 表 2 施肥处理
Table 2. Fertilization treatments
施肥 肥料施用量(kg·hm-2·a-1) ck N K NK NPK 2NPK OM NPKM 氮肥(以尿素N计) - 90 - 90 90 180 - 90 磷肥(以P2O5计) - - - - 45 90 - 45 钾肥(以K2O计) - - 75 75 75 150 - 75 有机肥 - - - - - - 22 500 22 500 说明: -表示不施肥。有机肥:早玉米,早稻施紫云英Astragalus sinicus;晚稻,晚玉米施猪粪。 -
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