为了解实施早产高效栽培措施雷竹Phyllostachys praecox 林土壤养分现状, 探明栽培过程中养分的演变规律, 分析了栽培历史分别为4 , 6 , 8 , 10 a 的雷竹林土壤, 布置了不同肥料类型和不同施肥量的施肥试验。研究结果表明:随着雷竹栽种历史的延长, 土壤有机质、全磷和有效磷质量分数显著增加, 碳氮比(C/N )明显升高。1 a 的肥料定位试验表明, 有机肥和化肥混合处理动态过程中, 土壤有机质均显著高于无机肥处理, 但无论是有机肥和化肥混合处理还是纯化肥处理, 经过1 a 试验后, 土壤有机质质量分数都有明显增加, 5 个施肥处理1 a 后, 土壤有机质质量分数平均增加了10.42 %。3 个有机肥和化肥混合处理间比较,随着施肥数量增加, 土壤全氮、全磷、水解氮和有效磷均显著增加;2 个纯化肥处理相比,施肥量大的处理, 土壤全磷和有效磷质量分数显著高于施肥量少的处理, 而土壤全氮和水解氮在2 个处理间无显著差异。1 a 肥料试验中, 当年8 月至12 月, 土壤全氮、水解氮、全磷和有效磷质量分数处于较低水平, 翌年2 月开始上升, 翌年4 月份又有下降趋势, 到试验结束(翌年6 月), 所有施肥处理土壤全磷和有效磷均明显上升, 1 a 中5 个施肥处理土壤全磷平均增加了10.19 %, 有效磷平均增加了15.31 %, 而氮素只有3 个有机肥和化肥混合处理明显增加, 全氮和水解氮分别平均增加了3.03 %和2.84 %, 2 个纯化肥处理全氮和水解氮反而下降, 比试验开始时, 分别平均下降了15.94 %和73.47 %。表3 参9
土壤学 /
雷竹 /
早产高效 /
The purpose is to investigate the status and evolution of soil nutrients when traditional practice shifted to intensive one in Phyllostachys praecox plantation .Soil samples under 4 , 6 , 8 and 10-years intensive management respectively were collected .A fertilizer trial including different types and rates of fertilizer was conducted from August 2003 to June 2004, six treatments were respectively controled , including three mixture treatments of different amount of manure and mineral fertilizer and two pure treatments of single mineral fertilizer but different in rates , soils were sampled every two months .The results showd that the contents of soil total organic carbon (TOC), total phosphorous (TP), available phosphorous (AP) and ratio of TOC to TN (C N)were increasing with prolong of intensive practice (from 4 to 10 years).TOC were elevated under all the treatments after one-year trial with an average of 10.42 %, especially in three mixture treatments .In comparison of three mixture treatments , soil TN , TP , AP and hydrolysable nitrogen (HN)apparently augmented with the increasing of fertilizer amount .As for the two pure treatments of single mineral fertilizer , significant differences in TP and AP between lower and higher amount of mineral fertilizer were observed , but not in TN and HN .The seasonal dynamic of soil nutrients appeared in wave curve , soil nutrients were at relative lower level from August to December , increased from December to February of next year , and then declined again until the end of experiment in June .Soil TP and AP were elevated by an average of 10.19% and 15.31 %respectively for all the treatments after one-year's trial , however , soil TN and HN increased only in the three mixture treatment (to 3.03 % and 2.84 % respectively), declined (to 15.94 % and 73.47 % respectively)in the two pure treatments .[ Ch , 3 tab .9 ref .]