Carbon-fixing oriented management patterns of Phyllostachys pubescens and their benefits
摘要: 以浙江省临安市毛竹Phyllostachys pubescens碳汇林基地为研究点,根据对毛竹碳汇林经营专家的访谈和对毛竹碳汇林经营者的调查,结合二手资料,运用比较分析法和投资回收期法分析了毛竹碳汇造林经营模式的特点及其效益。结果表明:毛竹碳汇造林经营模式和现行竹林经营模式特点的不同主要体现在经营目标和日常管护措施等方面。前者以竹林生态系统,特别是乔木层的固碳最大化为目标,经营措施要求一方面能够增加现有林分的固碳量,另一方面由竹林经营带来的碳泄漏和碳排放最低;成本收益方面,前者在人工除草、有机肥施用、日常管护、碳汇计量方面的成本较高,但化肥成本低。单位面积的竹材、竹笋等林产品产值也比后者高;毛竹碳汇造林经营模式的投资回收期对碳汇价格有较高的敏感性,当碳汇价格从0增加到当前国际碳交易价格25.20美元t-1时,投资回收期从18.4 a缩短到13.2 a;毛竹碳汇造林模式还具有控制水土流失,防止立地退化,增加当地林农就业机会,有效宣传竹林碳汇知识等生态和社会效益。表5参11Abstract: Based on data collected in interviews from related specialists and forest company manager,together with secondhand information,such as the costs-benefits and current management measures,characteristics and benefits of carbon-fixing oriented management pattern versus current management pattern for Phyllostachys pubescens (moso bamboo) were analyzed using a comparative analysis and the payback period method. Results showed that differences between carbon-fixing oriented and current management patterns were mainly reflected in management goals and common management measures. Carbon-fixing oriented management pattern was aimed at maximizing fixed carbon in the ecological system,especially in the tree layer,the management measures required both an increase in fixed carbon in the stand and a decrease in carbon leakage and carbon discharge due to utilization;whereas the current management pattern aimed at the maximizing the output of bamboo poles and shoots,no regarding the carbon issues. The costs of manual control,organic fertilizer,daily management,and carbon measurement were relatively high for the carbon-fixing oriented management pattern,but chemical fertilizer cost was relatively low with output value of stand products,such as bamboo poles and shoots,being high. For the carbon-fixing oriented management pattern,the payback period was sensitive to a carbon price being reduced from 18.4 years with a zero cost to 13.2 years when the price was US$25.20t-1 (the current international carbon trade price on 2008). Ecological and social benefits,such as conserving soil and water,preventing site degradation,increasing job opportunities for local farmers,and disseminating carbon knowledge were also benefits of the carbon-fixing oriented P. pubescens management pattern. [Ch,5 tab. 11 ref.]

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