Screening and identification of inhibiting strains for Carya cathayensis canker disease
摘要: 为了从土壤中筛选具有抑制山核桃Carya cathayensis干腐病菌的微生物,运用平皿对峙法从土壤中初筛得到对山核桃干腐病菌葡萄座腔菌Botryosphaeria dothidea具有拮抗作用的菌株5株,对峙培养发现菌株QZ2和QZ8抑菌效果显著,对峙试验显示QZ2,QZ8与病原菌之间有明显的抑菌圈,且QZ2孢子能完全覆盖在病原菌上生长而病原菌生长停止。通过形态特征观察及ITS 序列分析,菌株QZ2被鉴定为棘孢木霉Trichoderma asperellum,主要通过重寄生以达到控病的效果;菌株QZ8为草酸青霉Penicillium oxalicum,主要通过代谢产生的抗菌素起作用。QZ2 和QZ8是山核桃干腐病的潜在生防菌。图7参13Abstract: The objective of this paper was to get a few of available inhibiting strains against Carya cathayensis canker disease. Inhibition assay was used to preliminarily screen strains from soils that inhibited Botryosphaeria dothidea,the pathogen of Carya cathayensis canker disease. Then,phenotypic characteristics and analysis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) fragments were used to identify the strains. Results of the preliminary screening revealed five strains. After being cultured against pathogen,two of five strains,QZ2 and QZ8,exhibited inhibiting capability with apparent inhibition zones between the pathogen and strains QZ2 and QZ8 being observed. Spores of strain QZ2 finally covered the pathogen completely with pathogen growth ceasing. QZ2,which controlled the canker disease by parasitizing the disease strain,was identified as Trichoderma asperellum. Strain QZ8,which inhibited disease pathogen growth by creating antibiotics,was identified as Penicillium oxalicum. It can be concluded that QZ2 and QZ8 are potential strains for development of bio-controller against Carya cathayensis canker disease. [Ch,7 fig. 13 ref.]

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