摘要: 为了更好地利用烟 Nicotiana tabacum秆资源,提高其应用价值,采用光学显微镜和广角X-衍射仪对其纤维的形态、微纤丝角和相对结晶度在纵向上的变异特性进行了研究,并与工业大麻Cannabis sativa秆和蓖麻Ricinus communis秆纤维的物理特性进行了对比。结果表明:烟秆纤维是一种长度中等、形态优良的优质纤维;其纤维形态在纵向上的变异规律和工业大麻秆、蓖麻秆纤维形态的变异规律具有明显差异。微纤丝角从下部到上部呈先减小后增大的变化趋势,而相对结晶度呈减小趋势;并且烟秆的微纤丝角要高于工业大麻秆,蓖麻秆和思茅松Pinus kesiya,而相对结晶度要小于工业大麻秆、蓖麻秆和思茅松。总之,烟秆纤维是一种长度中等,物理性能优良的纤维原料,其纤维细胞壁的力学性能将在今后进一步进行研究。表2参9Abstract: To use tobacco stalks more economically and to improve their value, variation in fiber size,micro fiber angle (MFA),and the relative degree of crystallinity for fiber cells in tobacco stalk fibers along the height of the stem were studied. These were compared to industrial hemp stalks and castor stalks using an optical microscope and wide-angle X-ray diffraction. Results showed that the tobacco fiber cell had a favorable mid-length and good fiber size (The fiber length is 0.76 mm and the cell wall thickness to lumen diameter is 0.50). Also,there was a marked difference between the variation in fiber size for the tobacco stalk and the industrial hemp and castor stalks along the height of the stem, for example, the fiber length at bottom part of tobacco is longest wihile the fiber length at midoint of castor stalk and industrial hemp stalk is shortest. MFA of the fiber cell wall at its midpoint was samller compared to the bottom and top parts(P= 0.000 1), and the relative degree of fiber crystallinity decreased (P= 0.000 1) with the height of the tobacco stalk stem. In addition, compared to industrial hemp stalks,castor stalks,and Pinus kesiya,MFA was greater,the relative degree of crystallinity was also smaller,thus,tobacco fiber qualities were excellent and would be conducive to further study in the future.[Ch,2 tab. 9 ref.]

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