摘要: 蓝莓Vaccinium spp.是一种经济价值极高、发展潜力巨大的果树。综述了高丛蓝莓Vaccinium corymbosum,矮丛蓝莓Vaccinium chAmeraebuxus和兔眼蓝莓Vaccinium ashei等三大类主栽品种,蓝莓形态特征以及生长、开花和结实习性等生物学特性。报道了近年来有关蓝莓抗性生理、光合生理、花色苷功能及特性等生理生化特性方面和蓝莓营养物质代谢相关基因以及蓝莓抗寒基因等分子生物学特性方面的最新研究进展。最后,指出了蓝莓的土壤pH值适应范围为何如此狭窄的生理生化方面问题以及蓝莓同一枝条上的果实不同时期成熟的分子生物学方面问题将成为今后研究的重点,展望了蓝莓研究的发展前景和趋势。参54Abstract: blueberry (Vaccinium spp.) is a kind of fruit with high economic values and huge development potentials. The paper reviewed the biological characteristics including morphological features, growth, blossom and fruit bearing of three major varieties of blueberry,namely,Vaccinium corymbosum,Vaccinium angustifdium and Vaccinium ashei. This paper also reported the recent research progress on physiological and biochemical characteristics including stress resistance,photosynthesis and anthocyanins,and molecular biological characteristics including function genes related with nutrition and cold resistance. The paper indicated that the future research in this field would focus on the physiological and biochemical mechanism of the narrow pH range adaptation of Vaccinium spp. and the molecular biological mechanism of the different mature periods of fruit in the same branch of Vaccinium spp.,and predicted the prospects and development trends on the Vaccinium spp. research. [Ch,54 ref.]
Key words:
- fruit science /
- blueberry /
- biological characteristics /
- plant physiology and biochemistry /
- molecular biology /
- review

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