Selection behavior of Leptocybe invasa with different Eucalyptus cultivars and colors
摘要: 在室内条件下,研究桉树枝瘿姬小蜂Leptocybe invasa雌成虫对不同桉树品种(系)气味及颜色的行为趋性,并在室外条件下研究了该虫对各桉树品个(系)产卵选择情况。结果表明:①桉树枝瘿姬小蜂对13个桉树品种(系)挥发性气味的趋性存在明显的差异,其中对10个品种(系)有不同程度的正趋性,尤其是对尾赤桉Eucalyptus urophyllaE. camaldulensis DH201-2的趋性最强,而对韦赤桉E. wetarensisE. camaldulensis GL3和大花序桉E. cloeziana则表现出负趋性或不选择性;②不同色卡对桉树枝瘿姬小蜂的引诱效果差异明显,其中纯白色(RAL9010)和信号黄(RAL1003)引诱效果较好,选择系数分别为0.29和0.28;③不同桉树品种(系)上的桉树枝瘿姬小蜂产卵刻痕数明显不同,每叶平均产卵刻痕数由大到小依次为尾赤桉DH201-2,巨桉E. grandis QG3,尾巨桉E. urophyllaE. grandis DH32-29,尾叶桉E. urophylla U6,巨尾桉E. grandisE. urophylla GL9,尾巨桉DH32-26,邓恩桉E. dunnii,尾巨桉DH32-28,尾细桉E. urophyllaE. tereticornis M1,柳桉E. saligna,巨桉JG1。其中尾赤桉DH201-2上的产卵刻痕数明显大于其他品种(系),而韦赤桉GL3和大花序桉2个品种上没有发现产卵刻痕。图1表2参18Abstract: In order to assess the oviposition preference of Leptocybe invasa to Eucalyptus cultivars,the smell of 13 different cultivars and colors on host preference with Leptocybe invasa Fisher et La Salle (Eucalyptus gall wasp) were studied in the laboratory, and the selection behavior for oviposition of this pest was studied in the field. Results revealed (1) strong differences in host preference of female adults presented in 13 different Eucalyptus cultivars. The Eucalyptus gall wasp preferred the smell from 10 Eucalyptus cultivars with Eucalyptus urophylla Eucalyptus camaldulensis clone DH201-2 the most preferred. However, the pest had negative taxis or no selection for Eucalyptus wetarensis E. camaldulensis clone GL3 and Eucalyptus cloeziana. (2) Color tests using color cards showed obvious differences in pest-attraction with pure white (RAL9010) and signal yellow (RAL1003) having a strong attracting effect (selection coefficients,respectively,0.29 and 0.28). (3) Oviposition scars per leaf with E. urophylla E. camaldulensis clone DH201-2 were greater than all other cultivars and none were found on E. wetarensis E. camaldulensis and E. cloeziana. It indicated that the smell and color of host Eucalyptus significantly affected L. invasa oviposition preference. [Ch,1 fig. 2 tab. 18 ref.]
Key words:
- forest protection /
- Leptocybe invasa /
- host preference /
- volatile organic compounds /
- color

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