摘要: 研究水力负荷对生态槽深度处理农村生活污水效果的影响。结果表明:出水溶解氧随水力负荷增大而降低,当水力负荷为52.90 Ld-1m-2和90.20 Ld-1m-2时,出水溶解氧在3.00 mgL-1以上;当水力负荷增至129.40 Ld-1m-2,溶解氧降至0.60 mgL-1以下。水力负荷增大不利于化学需氧量的去除,当水力负荷由52.90 Ld-1m-2增至90.20 Ld-1m-2,化学需氧量平均去除率降低16.70%。随水力负荷增大,出水氨氮、总氮和总磷均呈上升趋势,水力负荷达129.40 Ld-1m-2时,出水氨氮和总磷分别升至1.34 mgL-1和0.11 mgL-1,仍分别可达GB 3838-2002《地表水环境质量标准》Ⅳ类和Ⅲ类水体标准。但总氮尚难以达到GB 3838-2002之Ⅴ类水标准。图6表3参18Abstract: To evaluate the effect of a hydraulic loading rate on an advanced treatment of rural domestic sewage, an eco-tank consisting of three rectangular tanks(2.0 m 0.5 m 0.5 m) was sequentially connected with a floating aquatic plant of either Pistia stratiotes,Hydrocotyle leucocephala,or Myriophyllum aquaticum planted in each. Water samples were collected daily and analyzed for water quality properties including dissolved oxygen,chemical oxygen demand (COD),ammonium nitrogen (N),nitrate-N,nitrite-N,total-N,and total phosphorus(P). Results showed that effluent dissolved oxygen concentration declined with an increase in hydraulic loading rate. When hydraulic loading rates were 52.90 Ld-1m-2 and 90.20 Ld-1m-2, effluent dissolved oxygen concentration was more than 3.00 mgL-1. However, as the hydraulic loading rate increased to 129.40 Ld-1m-2,dissolved oxygen dropped below 0.60 mgL-1. The increase in hydraulic loading rate did not promote COD removal. When the average hydraulic loading rate increased from 52.90 Ld-1m-2 to 90.20 Ld-1m-2,the average COD removal efficiency dropped 16.70%. Also,effluent concentrations of ammonium-N,total-N,and total P increased with an increase in the hydraulic loading rate. When the hydraulic loading rate was 129.40 Ld-1m-2,effluent concentrations of ammonium-N increased to 1.34 mgL-1 meeting the fourth class national environmental quality standard for surface water,and total P increased to 0.11 mgL-1 meeting the third class standard. However,total-N concentration did not reach the fifth class surface water standard. Thus, the Eco-tank was efficient in removing aqueous pollutants as the hydraulic loading rates varying from 52.90 Ld-1m-2 to 129.40 Ld-1m-2. [Ch,6 fig. 3 tab. 18 ref.]
Key words:
- environmental biology /
- eco-tank /
- domestic sewage /
- hydraulic loading rate /
- advanced treatment /
- removal efficiency

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