摘要: 蝗虫作为重要的昆虫,研究其边缘效应,有助于更详细和准确地把握其分布格局,从而为蝗虫的边缘效应及其强度的分析和其防治提供理论基础。根据延安北洛河流域的生态特点,选取农田-草地、农田-灌草丛、农田-道路和草地-道路4种边缘类型进行调查与分析。结果表明:草地-道路边缘利于蝗虫孳生,其物种数(25种)和多样性指数H(2.574 5)都高于其他3种边缘;边缘效应强度除农田-灌草丛(0.916 0<1)边缘外,其余类型均呈边缘正效应(>1)。说明在进行蝗虫防治工作时,应将边缘效应作为一种重要影响因子考虑在内,同时结合不同种类蝗虫在边缘反应类型上的差异,采取有针对性的防治措施与手段,才能达到理想的防治效果。图1表2参20Abstract: With the advance of biodiversity and landscape research,the studies on edge effect has enter a new phase since the concept of edge effect came into being,and the study on the response of creature to edge effect has become a hot research topic too. Grasshopper as one group of the important insects,the study on the edge effect would help us to grasp their distribution patterns precisely and hence offer some of basic theory on the analysis on grasshoppersedge response and its intensity . Four types of edge zones:farmland-grassland,farmland-shrub,farmland-road,and grassland-road,were selected and analyzed based on ecological characteristics of the North-Luo River Valley of Yanan using the Shannon-Wiener biodiversity index(H),Pielou index(J),Simpson index(C)and species quantity. Results showed that both species quantity(25 species) and H of 2.574 5 for the grassland-road treatment were highest. Edge effects with four edges for the farmland-shrub treatment was below 1 (0.916 0);whereas the other three treatments had positive effects(> 1). Thus,for effective grasshopper prevention and control,edge effects should be considered as an important factor so as to combine different types of grasshoppers to different edge types.[Ch,1 fig. 2 tab. 20 ref.]
Key words:
- insect ecology /
- grasshopper communities /
- edge effect /
- North-Luo River Valley /
- Yan’an
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